ACES shines a light on socially conscious research

August 20, 2018
Sam Findlay

At ACES, we’re proud to support interdisciplinary research to understand and evaluate ethical, policy and community concerns that arise from emerging technology to guide our activities.



ACES Chief Investigators Prof Linda Hancock and A/Prof Patrick Howlett and ACES researcher Dr Natalie Ralph from our Deakin University node have highlighted the importance of this integrated approach to investigation and discovery in a new video prepared for the Deakin University Science and Society Network.


Linda said it is important as innovators in materials science that we make sure our advances are not having negative impacts in other spaces.


“It’s about the whole ethical, social, and human rights perspective being brought to science, and science having that as an integral part of how it does its daily work,” Linda said.


Natalie said ethics and public policy are essential in educating researchers in the world of renewable technologies and biomedical breakthroughs to consider the full implications of their daily operations.


“It’s good to go green, however it’s not sufficient to go green without ethically going green,” Natalie said.


Check out the full video here.


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