Book Chapters
Crook, J. M., Cell Processing for 3d Bioprinting: Quality Requirements for Quality Assurance in Fundamental Research and Translation. In Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020; Vol. 2140, pp 19-26.
Crook, J. M., Preface. In Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020; Vol. 2140, p v.
Edited book: Jeremy Crook, CI UOW. “Methods in Molecular Biology 2020 Springer Protocols”(Springer Nature)
Duchi, S.; Onofrillo, C.; O’Connell, C.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P.; Di Bella, C., Bioprinting Stem Cells in Hydrogel for in Situ Surgical Application: A Case for Articular Cartilage. In Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020; Vol. 2140, pp 145-157.
Goddard, E.; Dodds, S., Ethics and Policy for Bioprinting. In Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020; Vol. 2140, pp 43-64.
Hancock, L., Commercialization and Corporatization: Academic Freedom and Autonomy under Constraints in Australian Universities. In Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2020; Vol. 54, pp 219-246.
Ngan, C.; Quigley, A.; O’Connell, C.; Kita, M.; Bourke, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P.; Kapsa, R. M. I., 3d Bioprinting and Differentiation of Primary Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells. In Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020; Vol. 2140, pp 229-242.
Book Chapter: “Three-dimensional printed drug delivery systems, in book: Engineering Drug Delivery Systems”. Authors: Lilith Mabel Caballero-Aguilar, Saimon M. Silva, Simon Moulton Published: January 2020, DOI: 10.1016 /B978-0-08-102548-2.00006-
Book chapter: Tomaskovic-Crook E, Crook JM, UOW, “3D Bioprinting Electrically Conductive Bioink with Human Neural Stem Cells for Human Neural Tissues In Crook JM (Ed) 3D Bioprinting: Principles & Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology Series (2020) Vol. 2140 (17) 2140:159-170, Springer New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0520-2_10.
Book chapter” Crook JM, Tomaskovic-Crook E., UOW, “Bioprinting 3D Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Constructs for Multilineage Tissue Engineering and Modelling” In Crook JM (Ed) 3D Bioprinting: Principles & Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology Series (2020 Vol. 2140 (10), 251-258 Humana Press (Springer), New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0520-2_17.
Book Chapter: Mark Howard and Robert Sparrow, Monash, “Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink: Sex Robots as social influencers. In Cherry, Mark and Ruiping Fan (eds.) Sex Robots: Their Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations. Springer Academic Publishers (provisionally accepted)
Book Chapter: Faezeh Makhlooghi, Cristina Pozo-Gonzalo, Patrik Johansson, Maria Forsyth, Deakin, “Electrolytes for sodium batteries” in Na-ion technology for the electricity storage (2020), Elsevier and Wiley.
Eliza Goddard and Susan Dodds, La Trobe University, ‘Ethics and Policy’, in Ed, 3D Bioprinting: Principles and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Springer Nature. Pp 43-64 ISBN 9781071605202
Cherian, Mathew, PhD Deakin, Published a book on “Ageing and Poverty in India which also covers disasters and Pandemics” June 2020.
Book Chapter: C. Paviolo, S. Gietman, D. Duc, S. E. Moulton, and P. R. Stoddart, “Applications of Nanoparticles for Optical Modulation of Neuronal Behavior,” in Handbook of Neurophotonics, 1st ed., F. S. . Pavone and S. Shoham, Eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2020, p. 448.
Book chapter submitted: Lee, Chong-Yong, RF UOW, Earth Abundant Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Energy Conversions, July 2020.
Book Chapter: Tomaskovic-Crook E, Higginbottom SL, James EC, Rathbone SJC, Crook JM. Electroceuticals for Neural Regenerative Nanomedicine In Razavi M (Ed) Neural Regenerative Nanomedicine, Elselvier Science (Academic Press), San Diego, USA. ISBN: 978-0-12-820223-4.
Book Chapter published: Frédéric Gilbert and Susan Dodds, La Trobe University, “Is there anything wrong with using invasive and predictive brain devices to prevent convicted offenders from reoffending?” Nicole Vincent (ed) Neuro-Interventions and The Law: Regulating Human Mental Capacity. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190651145
Susan Dodds (in press) La Trobe “Feminist Biomedical Technology Ethics”, in Kim Q. Hall and Ásta Sveinsdóttir (eds) Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy. New York Oxford University Press.
Book chapter in refereed edited volume: Hancock, L. CI Deakin, The Neo Liberal University in Australia and Academic Freedom, Zhidong Hao and Peter Zabielskis (2018) eds. “Academic Freedom Under Siege: Higher Education in East Asia, the US, and Australia”. Springer: Education in the Asia-Pacific Region – Issues, Concerns, Prospects, September 2020.Journal Articles
Journal Articles
The publications are listed in order of impact factor, captured by SCOPUS database with ACES in the address line (6.01.2021). This list contains the articles that were used to calculate the statistics in Table 1 in conjunction with the published conference articles listed below.
Rakov, D. A.; Chen, F.; Ferdousi, S. A.; Li, H.; Pathirana, T.; Simonov, A. N.; Howlett, P. C.; Atkin, R.; Forsyth, M., Engineering High-Energy-Density Sodium Battery Anodes for Improved Cycling with Superconcentrated Ionic-Liquid Electrolytes. Nature Materials 2020, 19, 1096-1101. IF=38.663
Talebian, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Schroeder, A.; Stellacci, F.; Conde, J., Nanotechnology-Based Disinfectants and Sensors for Sars-Cov-2. Nature Nanotechnology 2020, 15, 618-621. IF=31.538
MacFarlane, D. R.; Cherepanov, P. V.; Choi, J.; Suryanto, B. H. R.; Hodgetts, R. Y.; Bakker, J. M.; Ferrero Vallana, F. M.; Simonov, A. N., A Roadmap to the Ammonia Economy. Joule 2020, 4, 1186-1205. IF=29.155
McPherson, I.; Zhang, J., Can Electrification of Ammonia Synthesis Decrease Its Carbon Footprint? Joule 2020, 4, 12-14. IF=29.155
Jang, Y.; Kim, S. M.; Spinks, G. M.; Kim, S. J., Carbon Nanotube Yarn for Fiber-Shaped Electrical Sensors, Actuators, and Energy Storage for Smart Systems. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
Li, M.; Wang, H.; Luo, W.; Sherrell, P. C.; Chen, J.; Yang, J., Heterogeneous Single-Atom Catalysts for Electrochemical Co2 Reduction Reaction. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
MacFarlane, D. R.; Choi, J.; Suryanto, B. H. R.; Jalili, R.; Chatti, M.; Azofra, L. M.; Simonov, A. N., Liquefied Sunshine: Transforming Renewables into Fertilizers and Energy Carriers with Electromaterials. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
Wang, G.; Yu, C.; MacFarlane, D.; Zhao, H., Materials Science in Australia. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
Wang, X., et al., Edge-Rich Fe−N-4 Active Sites in Defective Carbon for Oxygen Reduction Catalysis. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
Wang, X.; Kerr, R.; Chen, F.; Goujon, N.; Pringle, J. M.; Mecerreyes, D.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C., Toward High-Energy-Density Lithium Metal Batteries: Opportunities and Challenges for Solid Organic Electrolytes. Advanced Materials 2020, 32. IF=27.398
Zhang, W., et al., Wearable Corneal Biosensors Fabricated from Pedot Functionalized Sulfur-Doped Graphene for Use in the Early Detection of Myopia. Advanced Materials Technologies 2020, 5. IF=27.398
Lin, L.; Chen, J.; Liu, D.; Li, X.; Wallace, G. G.; Zhang, S., Engineering 2d Materials: A Viable Pathway for Improved Electrochemical Energy Storage. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10. IF=25.245
Lin, L.; Sherrell, P.; Liu, Y.; Lei, W.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, H.; Wallace, G. G.; Chen, J., Engineered 2d Transition Metal Dichalcogenides—a Vision of Viable Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Catalysis. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10. IF=25.245
Liu, Y., et al., Advanced Wearable Thermocells for Body Heat Harvesting. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10. IF=25.245
Yang, F.; Hao, J.; Long, J.; Liu, S.; Zheng, T.; Lie, W.; Chen, J.; Guo, Z., Achieving High-Performance Metal Phosphide Anode for Potassium Ion Batteries Via Concentrated Electrolyte Chemistry. Advanced Energy Materials 2020. IF=25.245
Yang, F., et al., Ultrathin Few-Layer Gep Nanosheets Via Lithiation-Assisted Chemical Exfoliation and Their Application in Sodium Storage. Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10. IF=25.245
Wang, X., et al., A Directional Synthesis for Topological Defect in Carbon. Chem 2020, 6, 2009-2023. IF=19.735
Choi, J., et al., Electroreduction of Nitrates, Nitrites, and Gaseous Nitrogen Oxides: A Potential Source of Ammonia in Dinitrogen Reduction Studies. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 2095-2097. IF=19.003
Hodgetts, R. Y.; Kiryutin, A. S.; Nichols, P.; Du, H. L.; Bakker, J. M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Simonov, A. N., Refining Universal Procedures for Ammonium Quantification Via Rapid 1h Nmr Analysis for Dinitrogen Reduction Studies. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 736-741. IF=19.003
Kunzel, M.; Panhuis, M. I. H., Strain Sensors Based on Conducting Poly(Acrylamide) Hydrogels. MRS Advances 2020, 5, 917-925. IF=19.003
Keller, A.; Warren, H.; Panhuis, M. I. H., Development of a Facile One-Pot Synthesis Method for an Ingestible Ph Sensitive Actuator. MRS Advances 2020, 5, 881-889. IF=19.003
Ortiz-Vitoriano, N.; Monterrubio, I.; Garcia-Quintana, L.; López Del Amo, J. M.; Chen, F.; Rojo, T.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C., Highly Homogeneous Sodium Superoxide Growth in Na-O-2 Batteries Enabled by a Hybrid Electrolyte. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 903-909. IF=19.003
Kumar, A., et al., Free-Radical Catalysis and Enhancement of the Redox Kinetics for Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries. ACS Energy Letters 2020, 5, 2112-2121. IF=19.003
Zhang, Y.; Guo, S. X.; Zhang, X.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Mechanistic Understanding of the Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Reaction – New Developments Based on Advanced Instrumental Techniques. Nano Today 2020, 31. IF=16.907
Fretz, S. J.; Pal, U.; Girard, G. M. A.; Howlett, P. C.; Palmqvist, A. E. C., Lithium Sulfonate Functionalization of Carbon Cathodes as a Substitute for Lithium Nitrate in the Electrolyte of Lithium–Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30. IF=16.836
Ghosh, A.; Kumar, A.; Das, T.; Ghosh, A.; Chakraborty, S.; Kar, M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mitra, S., Lewis Acid–Base Interactions between Polysulfides and Boehmite Enables Stable Room-Temperature Sodium–Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30. IF=16.836
Hao, J.; Li, X.; Zhang, S.; Yang, F.; Zeng, X.; Zhang, S.; Bo, G.; Wang, C.; Guo, Z., Designing Dendrite-Free Zinc Anodes for Advanced Aqueous Zinc Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30. IF=16.836
Kim, J., et al., Encapsulation of Human Natural and Induced Regulatory T-Cells in Il-2 and Ccl1 Supplemented Alginate-Gelma Hydrogel for 3d Bioprinting. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30. IF=16.836
Fan, L., et al., Controllable S-Vacancies of Monolayered Mo–S Nanocrystals for Highly Harvesting Lithium Storage. Nano Energy 2020, 78. IF=16.602
Xie, C.; Chen, W.; Du, S.; Yan, D.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, J.; Liu, B.; Wang, S., In-Situ Phase Transition of WO3 Boosting Electron and Hydrogen Transfer for Enhancing Hydrogen Evolution on Pt. Nano Energy 2020, 71. IF=16.602
Blyth, M. T.; Noble, B. B.; Russell, I. C.; Coote, M. L., Oriented Internal Electrostatic Fields Cooperatively Promote Ground- and Excited-State Reactivity: A Case Study in Photochemical Co2 Capture. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 606-613. IF=14.612
200. Xu, L.; Izgorodina, E. I.; Coote, M. L., Ordered Solvents and Ionic Liquids Can Be Harnessed for Electrostatic Catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 12826-12833. IF=14.612
Castilho, M.; de Ruijter, M.; Beirne, S.; Villette, C. C.; Ito, K.; Wallace, G. G.; Malda, J., Multitechnology Biofabrication: A New Approach for the Manufacturing of Functional Tissue Structures? Trends in Biotechnology 2020, 38, 1316-1328. IF=14.343
Nothling, M. D., et al., A Multifunctional Surfactant Catalyst Inspired by Hydrolases. Science Advances 2020, 6. IF=13.117
Aziz, S.; Spinks, G. M., Torsional Artificial Muscles. Materials Horizons 2020, 7, 667-693. IF=12.319
Choi, J.; Suryanto, B. H. R.; Wang, D.; Du, H. L.; Hodgetts, R. Y.; Ferrero Vallana, F. M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Simonov, A. N., Identification and Elimination of False Positives in Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Studies. Nature Communications 2020, 11. IF=12.121
184. Vogel, Y. B., et al., The Corona of a Surface Bubble Promotes Electrochemical Reactions. Nature Communications 2020, 11. IF=12.121
Pham, S. T.; Tieu, K. A.; Wan, S.; Hao, J.; Nguyen, H. H.; Mitchell, D. R. G.; Sencadas, V., Intrinsic Effect of Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Rupture of Doubled-Shell Colloidal Capsule Via in Situ Tem Mechanical Testing and Stem Interfacial Analysis. Small 2020, 16. IF=11.459
Zou, J.; Iqbal, M.; Vijayakumar, A.; Wang, C.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Yamauchi, Y.; Lee, C. Y.; Wallace, G. G., Hierarchical Architectures of Mesoporous Pd on Highly Ordered TiO2 Nanotube Arrays for Electrochemical Co2 Reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 8041-8048. IF=11.301
Choi, J.; Kim, J.; Wagner, P.; Na, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Officer, D. L.; Yamauchi, Y., Highly Ordered Mesoporous Carbon/Iron Porphyrin Nanoreactor for the Electrochemical Reduction of Co2. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 14966-14974. IF=11.301
Zhou, Y., et al., Supercritical CO2-Constructed Intralayer [Bi2O2](2+) Structural Distortion for Enhanced CO(2)Electroreduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 13320-13327. IF=11.301
Zhu, H.; Xu, T.; Chen, L.; Forsyth, M., Proton Transport in Crystalline, Porous Covalent Organic Frameworks: A Nmr Study. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 20939-20945. IF=11.301
Zhao, C.; Jia, X.; Shu, K.; Yu, C.; Wallace, G. G.; Wang, C., Conducting Polymer Composites for Unconventional Solid-State Supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 4677-4699. IF=11.301
Pal, U.; Chen, F.; Gyabang, D.; Pathirana, T.; Roy, B.; Kerr, R.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Armand, M.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M., Enhanced Ion Transport in an Ether Aided Super Concentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolyte for Long-Life Practical Lithium Metal Battery Applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 18826-18839. IF=11.301
Periyapperuma, K.; Arca, E.; Harvey, S.; Ban, C.; Burrell, A.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C., Towards High Rate Li Metal Anodes: Enhanced Performance at High Current Density in a Superconcentrated Ionic Liquid. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 3574-3579. IF=11.301
Chen, Y.; Cai, J.; Li, P.; Zhao, G.; Wang, G.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, J.; Dou, S. X.; Pan, H.; Sun, W., Hexagonal Boron Nitride as a Multifunctional Support for Engineering Efficient Electrocatalysts toward the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Nano Letters 2020, 20, 6807-6814. IF=11.238
Liao, J.; Ni, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Layer-Structured Niobium Oxides and Their Analogues for Advanced Hybrid Capacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 391. IF=10.652
Hejazi, M. A., et al., Hybrid Diamond/ Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes Enable Multimodal Electrical/Chemical Neural Interfacing. Biomaterials 2020, 230. IF=10.317
Singh, M., et al., Synergistic Voltaglue Adhesive Mechanisms with Alternating Electric Fields. Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32, 2440-2449. IF=9.567
Bathellier, C.; Yu, L. J.; Farquhar, G. D.; Coote, M. L.; Lorimer, G. H.; Tcherkez, G., Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Activates O-2 by Electron Transfer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117, 24234-24242. IF=9.412
Hu, M., et al., Solvent Engineering of a Dopant-Free Spiro-Ometad Hole-Transport Layer for Centimeter-Scale Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Thermal Stability. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 8260-8270. IF=8.758
Khan, J. U.; Sayyar, S.; Paull, B.; Innis, P. C., Novel Approach toward Electrofluidic Substrates Utilizing Textile-Based Braided Structure. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 45618-45628. IF=8.758
Kalsoom, U., Waheed, S., Paull, B., Fabrication of Humidity Sensor Using 3D Printable Polymer Composite Containing Boron-Doped Diamonds and LiCl, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 4962-4969, IF=8.758
Li, F., et al., Uniform Polypyrrole Layer-Coated Sulfur/Graphene Aerogel Via the Vapor-Phase Deposition Technique as the Cathode Material for Li-S Batteries. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 5958-5967. IF=8.758
Periyapperuma, K.; Arca, E.; Harvey, S.; Pathirana, T.; Ban, C.; Burrell, A.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Howlett, P. C., High Current Cycling in a Superconcentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolyte to Promote Uniform Li Morphology and a Uniform Lif-Rich Solid Electrolyte Interphase. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 42236-42247. IF=8.758
Shao, L., et al., Highly Sensitive Strain Sensor Based on a Stretchable and Conductive Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)/Phytic Acid/Nh2-POSS Hydrogel with a 3d Microporous Structure. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 26496-26508. IF=8.758
Ribeiro, S.; Puckert, C.; Ribeiro, C.; Gomes, A. C.; Higgins, M. J.; Lanceros-Méndez, S., Surface Charge-Mediated Cell-Surface Interaction on Piezoelectric Materials. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12, 191-199. IF=8.758
Lee, D. W., et al., Bidirectional Core Sandwich Structure of Reduced Graphene Oxide and Spinnable Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness. ACS applied materials and interfaces 2020, 12, 46883-46891. IF=8.758
Qin, C.; Yue, Z.; Chao, Y.; Forster, R. J.; Maolmhuaidh, F. Ó.; Huang, X. F.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Chen, J., Bipolar Electroactive Conducting Polymers for Wireless Cell Stimulation. Applied Materials Today 2020, 21. IF=8.352
Aldalur, I., et al., Nanofiber-Reinforced Polymer Electrolytes toward Rom Temperature Solid-State Lithium Batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2020, 448. IF=8.247
Oveissi, F.; Spinks, G. M.; Naficy, S., Bond Reformation, Self-Recovery, and Toughness in Hydrogen- Bonded Hydrogels. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2020. IF= 8.097
Vijayakumar, A.; Zhao, Y.; Zou, J.; Wang, K.; Lee, C. Y.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Wang, C.; Wallace, G. G., A Self-Assembled Co(2) Reduction Electrocatalyst: Posy-Bouquet-Shaped Gold-Polyaniline Core-Shell Nanocomposite. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 5023-5030. IF=7.962
Wang, Z. L., et al., Optimizing Electron Densities of Ni-N-C Complexes by Hybrid Coordination for Efficient Electrocatalytic CO2Reduction. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 929-937. IF=7.962
Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Guo, S. X.; Zhang, X.; Li, F.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Two-Dimensional Electrocatalysts for Efficient Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 59-77. IF=7.962
Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Zhu, Y.; Qian, B.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., The Origin of the Electrocatalytic Activity for CO2 Reduction Associated with Metal-Organic Frameworks. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 2552-2556. IF=7.962
Shao, L.; Xu, R.; Wang, J.; Ma, Z.; Ji, Z.; Zhang, W.; Wei, H.; Zhu, C.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Recyclable and Reprocessable Crosslinked Rubber Enabled by Constructing Ionic Crosslinked Networks. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2020, 8, 12999-13006. IF=7.632
Wade, S. J.; Sahin, Z.; Piper, A. K.; Talebian, S.; Aghmesheh, M.; Foroughi, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Moulton, S. E.; Vine, K. L., Dual Delivery of Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel by Wet-Spun Coaxial Fibers Induces Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cell Death, Reduces Tumor Volume, and Sensitizes Cells to Radiation. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 9. IF=7.367
Zhou, Y.; Yue, Z.; Chen, Z.; Wallace, G., 3d Coaxial Printing Tough and Elastic Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Using a Catechol Functionalized Ink System. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 9. IF=7.367
Chen, Z.; Liu, X.; You, J.; Song, Y.; Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Sutton, G.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., Biomimetic Corneal Stroma Using Electro-Compacted Collagen. Acta Biomaterialia 2020, 113, 360-371. IF=7.242
Puckert, C.; Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Gambhir, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Crook, J. M.; Higgins, M. J., Molecular Interactions and Forces of Adhesion between Single Human Neural Stem Cells and Gelatin Methacrylate Hydrogels of Varying Stiffness. Acta Biomaterialia 2020, 106, 156-169. IF=7.242
Wu, D.; Wang, C.; Wu, M.; Chao, Y.; He, P.; Ma, J., Porous Bowl-Shaped VS2 Nanosheets/ Graphene Composite for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Storage. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2020, 43, 24-32. IF=7.216
Li, S.; Zhao, L.; Lei, S.; Liu, A.; Chen, J.; Li, C.; Wu, H.; Lin, L., Improved Charge Injection of Edge Aligned MoS2/MoO2 Hybrid Nanosheets for Highly Robust and Efficient Electrocatalysis of H-2 Production. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 5003-5013. IF=6.895
Zheng, T.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G.; Du, Y.; Higgins, M. J., Nanoscale Piezoelectric Effect of Biodegradable Pla-Based Composite Fibers by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy. Nanotechnology 2020, 31. IF=6.895
Lee, C. Y.; Sayyar, S.; Molino, P. J.; Wallace, G. G., A Robust 3d Printed Multilayer Conductive Graphene/Polycaprolactone Composite Electrode. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2020, 4, 1664-1670. IF=6.788
Hemida, M.; Coates, L. J.; Lam, S.; Gupta, V.; Macka, M.; Wirth, H. J.; Gooley, A. A.; Haddad, P. R.; Paull, B., Miniature Multiwavelength Deep Uv-Led-Based Absorption Detection System for Capillary Lc. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 13688-13693. IF=6.785
Zhu, H.; Forsyth, M., Ion Vacancies and Transport in 1-Methylimidazolium Triflate Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11, 510-515. IF=6.710
Harris, A. R.; McGivern, P.; Ooi, L., Modeling Emergent Properties in the Brain Using Tissue Models to Investigate Neurodegenerative Disease. Neuroscientist 2020, 26, 224-230. IF=6.500
Biernacka, K.; Al-Masri, D.; Yunis, R.; Zhu, H.; Hollenkamp, A. F.; Pringle, J. M., Development of New Solid-State Electrolytes Based on a Hexamethylguanidinium Plastic Crystal and Lithium Salts. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 357. IF=6.215
Dong, S.; Cabral, D. M.; Pringle, J. M.; Macfarlane, D. R., Exploring the Electrochemical Properties of Mixed Ligand Fe(Ii) Complexes as Redox Couples. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 362. IF=6.215
Jin, D.; Bae, H. S.; Hong, J.; Kim, S.; Oh, J.; Kim, K.; Jo, T.; Lee, Y. M.; Lee, Y. G.; Ryou, M. H., Scaffold-Structured Polymer Binders for Long-Term Cycle Performance of Stabilized Lithium-Powder Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 364. IF-6.215
Rao, J.; Wang, X.; Yunis, R.; Ranganathan, V.; Howlett, P. C.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Zhu, H., A Novel Proton Conducting Ionogel Electrolyte Based on Poly(Ionic Liquids) and Protic Ionic Liquid. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 346. IF=6.215
Laba, K.; Lapkowski, M.; Officer, D. L.; Wagner, P.; Data, P., Electrochemical and Optical Aspects of Cobalt Meso-Carbazole Substituted Porphyrin Complexes. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 330. IF=6.215
Russo, M. J.; Han, M.; Quigley, A. F.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Doeven, E.; Guijt, R.; Silva, S. M.; Greene, G. W., Lubricin (Prg4) Reduces Fouling Susceptibility and Improves Sensitivity of Carbon-Based Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 333. IF=6.215
219. Zhao, C.; Jia, X.; Shu, K.; Yu, C.; Min, Y.; Wang, C., Stretchability Enhancement of Buckled Polypyrrole Electrodes for Stretchable Supercapacitors Via Engineering Substrate Surface Roughness. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 343. IF=6.215
Jahanshahi, M., et al., An Innovative and Eco-Friendly Modality for Synthesis of Highly Fluorinated Graphene by an Acidic Ionic Liquid: Making of an Efficacious Vehicle for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery. Applied Surface Science 2020, 515. IF=6.182
Cecil, F.; Guijt, R. M.; Henderson, A. D.; Macka, M.; Breadmore, M. C., One Step Multi-Material 3d Printing for the Fabrication of a Photometric Detector Flow Cell. Analytica Chimica Acta 2020, 1097, 127-134. IF=5.977
Fornells, E.; Murray, E.; Waheed, S.; Morrin, A.; Diamond, D.; Paull, B.; Breadmore, M., Integrated 3d Printed Heaters for Microfluidic Applications: Ammonium Analysis within Environmental Water. Analytica Chimica Acta 2020, 1098, 94-101. IF=5.977
Abreu, C. M. R.; Rezende, T. C.; Fonseca, A. C.; Guliashvili, T.; Bergerbit, C.; D’Agosto, F.; Yu, L. J.; Serra, A. C.; Coote, M. L.; Coelho, J. F. J., Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride at Ambient Temperature Using Macromolecular Design Via the Interchange of Xanthate: Kinetic and Computational Studies. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 190-202. IF=5.918
Hill, N. S.; Fule, M. J.; Morris, J.; Clément, J. L.; Guillaneuf, Y.; Gigmes, D.; Coote, M. L., Mesolytic Versus Homolytic Cleavage in Photochemical Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 1567-1572. IF=5.918
Olmedo-Martínez, J. L.; Porcarelli, L.; Porcarelli, L.; Alegría, Á.; Alegría, Á.; Mecerreyes, D.; Müller, A. J., High Lithium Conductivity of Miscible Poly(Ethylene Oxide)/Methacrylic Sulfonamide Anionic Polyelectrolyte Polymer Blends. Macromolecules 2020, 53, 4442-4453. IF=5.918
Li, J.; Liu, X.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., Electrical Stimulation-Induced Osteogenesis of Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells Using a Conductive Graphene-Cellulose Scaffold. Materials Science and Engineering C 2020, 107. IF=5.88
Alshahrani, A. A.; Algamdi, M. S.; Alsohaimi, I. H.; Nghiem, L. D.; Tu, K. L.; Al-Rawajfeh, A. E.; in het Panhuis, M., The Rejection of Mono- and Di-Valent Ions from Aquatic Environment by Mwnt/Chitosan Buckypaper Composite Membranes: Influences of Chitosan Concentrations. Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 234. IF=5.774
Shu, K.; Wang, C.; Li, W.; Bussell, T.; Ding, J., Electrolytes with Reversible Switch between Liquid and Solid Phases. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2020, 21, 297-302. IF=5.579
Mendes, T. C.; Nguyen, C.; Barlow, A. J.; Cherepanov, P. V.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C.; MacFarlane, D. R., A Safe Li-Se Battery in an Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolyte Operating at 25-70 °C by Using a N,S,O Tri-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Host Material. Sustainable Energy and Fuels 2020, 4, 2322-2332. IF=5.503
Sun, B.; Ariawan, A. D.; Warren, H.; Goodchild, S. C.; In Het Panhuis, M.; Ittner, L. M.; Martin, A. D., Programmable Enzymatic Oxidation of Tyrosine-Lysine Tetrapeptides. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020, 8, 3104-3112. IF=5.344
Pirovano, P.; Dorrian, M.; Shinde, A.; Donohoe, A.; Brady, A. J.; Moyna, N. M.; Wallace, G.; Diamond, D.; McCaul, M., A Wearable Sensor for the Detection of Sodium and Potassium in Human Sweat During Exercise. Talanta 2020, 219. IF=5.339
Jia, X.; Wang, C.; Lee, C. Y.; Yu, C.; Wallace, G. G., Energy Materials for Transient Power Sources. MRS Bulletin 2020, 45, 121-128. IF=5.177
Gyabeng, D.; Qiao, L.; Zhang, H.; Oteo, U.; Armand, M.; Forsyth, M.; Chen, F.; O’Dell, L. A., Anion-Cation Interactions in Novel Ionic Liquids Based on an Asymmetric Sulfonimide Anion Observed by Nmr and Md Simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020. IF=5.065
Hilder, M.; Pointu, T.; Zhu, H.; Armand, M.; Howlett, P.; Forsyth, M., Ion Interactions and Dynamics in Pseudohalide Based Ionic Liquid Electrolytes Containing Sodium Solutes. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 303. IF=5.065
Alsultan, M.; Choi, J.; Jalili, R.; Wagner, P.; Swiegers, G. F., Synergistic Amplification of (Photo)Catalytic Oxygen and Hydrogen Generation from Water by Thin-Film Polypyrrole Composites. Molecular Catalysis 2020, 490. IF=5.008
Wang, X.; Yang, G.; Chai, G.; Nasir, M. S.; Wang, S.; Zheng, X.; Wang, C.; Yan, W., Fabrication of Heterostructured UIO-66-NH2/CNTs with Enhanced Activity and Selectivity over Photocatalytic Co2 Reduction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, 45, 30634-30646. IF=4.939
Shao, L.; Xu, J.; Ma, J.; Zhai, B.; Li, Y.; Xu, R.; Ma, Z.; Zhang, G.; Wang, C.; Qiu, J., Mxene/Rgo Composite Aerogels with Light and High-Strength for Supercapacitor Electrode Materials. Composites Communications 2020, 19, 108-113. IF=4.915
Bruen, D.; Delaney, C.; Chung, J.; Ruberu, K.; Wallace, G. G.; Diamond, D.; Florea, L., 3d Printed Sugar-Sensing Hydrogels. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2020, 41. IF=4.886
Zhang, J.; Lalevée, J.; Hill, N. S.; Kiehl, J.; Zhu, D.; Cox, N.; Langley, J.; Stenzel, M. H.; Coote, M. L.; Xiao, P., Substituent Effects on Photoinitiation Ability of Monoaminoanthraquinone-Based Photoinitiating Systems for Free Radical Photopolymerization under Leds. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2020, 41. IF=4.886
Alsultan, M.; Choi, J.; Wagner, P.; Swiegers, G. F., Synergistic Amplification of Oxygen Generation in (Photo)Catalytic Water Splitting by a Pedot/Nano-Co3O4/MWCNT Thin Film Composite. ChemCatChem 2020, 12, 1580-1584. IF=4.853
Gietman, S. W.; Silva, S. M.; del Rosal, B.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Stoddart, P. R.; Moulton, S. E., Tuning Drug Dosing through Matching Optically Active Polymer Composition and Nir Stimulation Parameters. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2020, 575. IF=4.845
Konishi, T.; Kodani, K.; Hasegawa, T.; Ogo, S.; Guo, S. X.; Boas, J. F.; Zhang, J.; Bond, A. M.; Ueda, T., Impact of the Lithium Cation on the Voltammetry and Spectroscopy of [XVM11O40](n-) (X = P, as (n = 4), S (n = 3); M = Mo, W): Influence of Charge and Addenda and Hetero Atoms. Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 59, 10522-10531. IF=4.825
Feng, L.; Watanabe, H.; Molino, P.; Wallace, G. G.; Phung, S. L.; Uchihashi, T.; Higgins, M. J., Corrigendum to “Dynamics of Inter-Molecular Interactions between Single A beta (42) Oligomeric and Aggregate Species by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy” (Journal of Molecular Biology (2019) 431(15) (2687–2699), (S0022283619302529), (10.1016/J.Jmb.2019.04.044)). Journal of Molecular Biology 2020, 432, 633. IF=4.760
Lang, X.; Hu, Z.; Wang, C., Bifunctional Air Electrodes for Flexible Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries. Chinese Chemical Letters 2020. IF=4.632
Zhao, L.; Li, Y.; Zhou, G.; Lei, S.; Tan, J.; Lin, L.; Wang, J., First-Principles Calculations of Stability of Graphene-Like BC3 Monolayer and Its High-Performance Potassium Storage. Chinese Chemical Letters 2020. IF=4.632
Liu, G.; Karuturi, S. K.; Chen, H.; Wang, D.; Ager, J. W.; Simonov, A. N.; Tricoli, A., Enhancement of the Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Perovskite BiFeO3 Via Interfacial Engineering. Solar Energy 2020, 202, 198-203. IF=4.608
Yang, J. W.; Yu, Z. Y.; Cheng, S. J.; Chung, J. H. Y.; Liu, X.; Wu, C. Y.; Lin, S. F.; Chen, G. Y., Graphene Oxide–Based Nanomaterials: An Insight into Retinal Prosthesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020, 21. IF=4.556
Ghosh, A.; Kumar, A.; Roy, A.; Nguyen, C.; Ahuja, A.; Adil, M.; Chatti, M.; Kar, M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mitra, S., Ultrathin Lithium Aluminate Nanoflake-Inlaid Sulfur as a Cathode Material for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with High Areal Capacity. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3, 5637-5645. IF=4.473
Ahmed, A.; Hassan, I.; Helal, A. S.; Sencadas, V.; Radhi, A.; Jeong, C. K.; El-Kady, M. F., Triboelectric Nanogenerator Versus Piezoelectric Generator at Low Frequency (≪4 Hz): A Quantitative Comparison. iScience 2020, 23. IF=4.447
Yun, J. H.; Mozer, A. J.; Wagner, P.; Offier, D. L.; Amal, R.; Ng, Y. H., Light Soaking Effect Driven in Porphyrin Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using 1D TiO2 Nanotube Photoanodes. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2020, 24. IF=4.375
Doan, V.; Noble, B. B.; Coote, M. L., Electrostatic Activation of Tetrazoles. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020, 85, 10091-10097. IF=4.335
Nikahd, M.; Mikusek, J.; Yu, L. J.; Coote, M. L.; Banwell, M. G.; Ma, C.; Gardiner, M. G., Exploiting Chitin as a Source of Biologically Fixed Nitrogen: Formation and Full Characterization of Small-Molecule Hetero- and Carbocyclic Pyrolysis Products. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020, 85, 4583-4593. IF=4.335
Noble, B. B.; Nesvadba, P.; Coote, M. L., Mechanistic Insights into N-Acyloxyamine-Initiated Controlled Degradation of Polypropylene: The Unexpected Role of Keto-Enol Tautomerization in Carboxylate Radical Chemistry. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020, 85, 2338-2346. IF=4.335
Stewart, S. G.; Harfoot, G. J.; McRae, K. J.; Teng, Y.; Yu, L. J.; Chen, B.; Cammi, R.; Coote, M. L.; Banwell, M. G.; Willis, A. C., High-Pressure-Promoted and Facially Selective Diels-Alder Reactions of Enzymatically Derived Cis-1,2-Dihydrocatechols and Their Acetonide Derivatives: Enantiodivergent Routes to Homochiral and Polyfunctionalized Bicyclo[2.2.2]Octenes. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020, 85, 13080-13095. IF=4.335
Cui, D.; Xu, K.; Dong, X.; Lv, D.; Dong, F.; Hao, W.; Du, Y.; Chen, J., Controlled Hydrogenation into Defective Interlayer Bismuth Oxychloride Via Vacancy Engineering. Communications Chemistry 2020, 3. IF=4.253
Cho, I.; Zhao, L.; Mapley, J. I.; Shahshahan, S.; Wagner, P.; Gordon, K. C.; Innis, P. C.; Kimura, M.; Mori, S.; Mozer, A. J., Significant Effect of Electronic Coupling on Electron Transfer between Surface-Bound Porphyrins and Co2+/3+ Complex Electrolytes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 9178-9190. IF=4.189
Kavungathodi, M. F. M.; Cho, I.; Wagner, P.; Mozer, A. J., Synergistic Effect of Alkyl Chain Barriers on Heteroleptic Ruthenium Dyes and Co3+/2+Complex Mediators for Reduced Charge Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 23013-23026. IF=4.189
Moia, D.; Abe, M.; Wagner, P.; Saguchi, H.; Koumura, N.; Nelson, J.; Barnes, P. R. F.; Mori, S., The Effect of the Dielectric Environment on Electron Transfer Reactions at the Interfaces of Molecular Sensitized Semiconductors in Electrolytes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 6979-6992. IF=4.189
Popov, I.; Biernacka, K.; Zhu, H.; Nti, F.; Porcarelli, L.; Wang, X.; Khamzin, A.; Gainaru, C.; Forsyth, M.; Sokolov, A. P., Strongly Correlated Ion Dynamics in Plastic Ionic Crystals and Polymerized Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 17889-17896. IF=4.189
Sharma, A.; Li, J.; Guo, S. X.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Modeling the Influence of Low Concentrations of Water on the Thermodynamics, Electron Transfer Kinetics, and Diffusivity of the [Ru(CN)(6)](4-/3-) Process in Propylene Carbonate. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 13726-13738. IF=4.189
Dawkins, M. J. C.; Simonov, A. N.; Jones, C., 2,6-Diiminopyridine Complexes of Group 2 Metals: Synthesis, Characterisation and Redox Behaviour. Dalton Transactions 2020, 49, 6627-6634. IF=4.174
Russo, M. J.; Quigley, A. F.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Guijt, R.; Silva, S. M.; Greene, G. W., A Simple Electrochemical Swab Assay for the Rapid Quantification of Clonazepam in Unprocessed Saliva Enabled by Lubricin Antifouling Coatings. ChemElectroChem 2020, 7, 2851-2858. IF=4.154
Wagner, M., et al., Polyterthiophenes Cross-Linked with Terpyridyl Metal Complexes for Molecular Architecture of Optically and Electrochemically Tunable Materials. ChemElectroChem 2020, 7, 4453-4459. IF=4.154
Zou, R.; Shan, S.; Huang, L.; Chen, Z.; Lawson, T.; Lin, M.; Yan, L.; Liu, Y., High-Performance Intraocular Biosensors from Chitosan-Functionalized Nitrogen-Containing Graphene for the Detection of Glucose. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2020, 6, 673-679. IF=4.152
Robinson, T. M.; Talebian, S.; Foroughi, J.; Yue, Z.; Fay, C. D.; Wallace, G. G., Fabrication of Aligned Biomimetic Gellan Gum-Chitosan Microstructures through 3d Printed Microfluidic Channels and Multiple in Situ Cross-Linking Mechanisms. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2020, 6, 3638-3648. IF=4.152
Yuan, Q.; Yu, Y.; Sherrell, P. C.; Chen, J.; Bi, X., Fe/Co-Based Bimetallic MOF-Derived Co3Fe7@NCNTFs Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for High-Efficiency Overall Water Splitting. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2020, 15, 1728-1735. IF=4.056
Lam, S. C.; Coates, L. J.; Gupta, V.; Wirth, H. J.; Gooley, A. A.; Haddad, P. R.; Paull, B., Ultraviolet Absorbance Detector Based on a High Output Power 235 Nm Surface Mounted Device-Type Light-Emitting Diode. Journal of Chromatography A 2020, 1631. IF=4.049
Cabot, J. M.; Daikuara, L. Y.; Yue, Z.; Hayes, P.; Liu, X.; Wallace, G. G.; Paull, B., Electrofluidic Control of Bioactive Molecule Delivery into Soft Tissue Models Based on Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels Using Threads and Surgical Sutures. Scientific Reports 2020, 10. IF=3.998
Ha, T. A.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Nairn, K.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C., An Investigation of Commercial Carbon Air Cathode Structure in Ionic Liquid Based Sodium Oxygen Batteries. Scientific Reports 2020, 10. IF=3.998
Chen, L.; Cabot, J. M.; Sanz Rodriguez, E.; Ghiasvand, A.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B., Thread-Based Isoelectric Focusing Coupled with Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Analyst 2020, 145, 6928-6936. IF=3.978
Du, L.; Cao, S.; Zheng, X.; Jiang, L.; Ren, Z.; Chen, J.; Xu, Q., Superfast Self-Healing and Photothermal Active Hydrogel with Nondefective Graphene as Effective Additive. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2020, 305. IF=3.853
Du, H. L.; Hodgetts, R. Y.; Chatti, M.; Nguyen, C. K.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Simonov, A. N., Is Molybdenum Disulfide Modified with Molybdenum Metal Catalytically Active for the Nitrogen Reduction Reaction? Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2020, 167. IF=3.721
Guyomard, D.; Di Noto, V.; Forsyth, M.; Poizot, P.; Rojo, T.; Zaghib, K.; Lucht, B.; Aurbach, D., Preface – Jes Focus Issue on Challenges in Novel Electrolytes, Organic Materials, and Innovative Chemistries for Batteries in Honor of Michel Armand. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2020, 167. IF=3.721
Mendes, T. C.; Goujon, N.; Malic, N.; Postma, A.; Chiefari, J.; Zhu, H.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M., Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymer Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2020, 167. IF=3.721
Mayer, R. M.; Garcia-Rosas, R.; Mohammadi, A.; Tan, Y.; Alici, G.; Choong, P.; Oetomo, D., Tactile Feedback in Closed-Loop Control of Myoelectric Hand Grasping: Conveying Information of Multiple Sensors Simultaneously Via a Single Feedback Channel. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020, 14. IF=3.707
Quigley, A. F.; Cornock, R.; Mysore, T.; Foroughi, J.; Kita, M.; Razal, J. M.; Crook, J.; Moulton, S. E.; Wallace, G. G.; Kapsa, R. M. I., Wet-Spun Trojan Horse Cell Constructs for Engineering Muscle. Frontiers in Chemistry 2020, 8. IF=3.693
Li, J.; Liu, X.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., 3d Printing of Cytocompatible Graphene/Alginate Scaffolds for Mimetic Tissue Constructs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2020, 8. IF=3.644
Salahuddin, B.; Warren, H.; Spinks, G. M., Thermally Actuated Hydrogel Bead Based Braided Artificial Muscle. Smart Materials and Structures 2020, 29. IF=3.613
da Silva Freires, A.; Botelho, C. N.; Silva, S. M.; Goulart, M. O. F.; Damos, F. S.; Luz, R. D. C. S., Photoelectrochemical Biosensor for 1,4-Dihydroxybenzene Based on Copper Sulfide and Horseradish Peroxidase Enzyme: Application in Skin Cream Samples. Microchemical Journal 2020, 159. IF=3.594
Kretzmann, J. A.; Evans, C. W.; Feng, L.; Lawler, N. B.; Norret, M.; Higgins, M. J.; Iyer, K. S., Surface Diffusion of Dendronized Polymers Correlates with Their Transfection Potential. Langmuir 2020, 36, 9074-9080. IF=3.557
Morlando, A.; McNamara, J.; Rehman, Y.; Sencadas, V.; Barker, P. J.; Konstantinov, K., Hydrothermal Synthesis of Rutile TiO2 Nanorods and Their Decoration with CeO2 Nanoparticles as Low-Photocatalytic Active Ingredients in Uv Filtering Applications. Journal of Materials Science 2020, 55, 8095-8108. IF = 3.553
Hill, N. S.; Coote, M. L., Rational Design of Photo-Cleavable Alkoxyamines for Polymerization and Synthesis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22, 19680-19686. IF=3.430
Thomas, M.; Suarez-Martinez, I.; Yu, L. J.; Karton, A.; Chandler, G. S.; Robinson, M.; Cherchneff, I.; Talbi, D.; Spagnoli, D., Atomistic Simulations of the Aggregation of Small Aromatic Molecules in Homogenous and Heterogenous Mixtures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22, 21005-21014. IF=3.430
Zhang, J.; Su, C.; Rogers, F. J. M.; Darwish, N.; Coote, M. L.; Ciampi, S., Irreproducibility in the Triboelectric Charging of Insulators: Evidence of a Non-Monotonic Charge: Versus Contact Time Relationship. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22, 11671-11677. IF=3.430
Olmo, R. D.; Casado, N.; Olmedo-Martínez, J. L.; Wang, X.; Forsyth, M., Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors Based on Pedot:Polydadma and Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals. Polymers 2020, 12, 1-18. If=3.426
Rogers, F. J. M.; Norcott, P. L.; Coote, M. L., Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Benzo[E] [1,2,4]Triazinyl Radicals. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2020, 18, 8255-8277. IF=3.412
Yang, Q.; Guo, X.; Ye, X.; Zhu, H.; Kong, L.; Hou, T., Functionalized Polyacrylonitrile Fibers with Durable Antibacterial Activity and Superior Cu(Ii)-Removal Performance. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020, 245. IF=3.408
Sencadas, V.; Sadat, S.; Silva, D. M., Mechanical Performance of Elastomeric Pgs Scaffolds under Dynamic Conditions. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2020, 102. IF=3.372
Begić, S.; Chen, F.; Jónsson, E.; Forsyth, M., Water as a Catalyst for Ion Transport across the Electrical Double Layer in Ionic Liquids. Physical Review Materials 2020, 4. IF=3.337
Giraldo-Pedroza, A.; Lee, W. C. C.; Lam, W. K.; Coman, R.; Alici, G., Effects of Wearable Devices with Biofeedback on Biomechanical Performance of Running—a Systematic Review. Sensors (Switzerland) 2020, 20, 1-25. IF=3.275
Zhang, J.; Darwish, N.; Coote, M. L.; Ciampi, S., Static Electrification of Plastics under Friction: The Position of Engineering-Grade Polyethylene Terephthalate in the Triboelectric Series. Advanced Engineering Materials 2020, 22. IF=3.217
Cai, C.; Fu, J.; Zhang, C.; Wang, C.; Sun, R.; Guo, S.; Zhang, F.; Wang, M.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J., Highly Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide@Polypyrrole-Polyethylene Glycol Foam for Supercapacitors. RSC Advances 2020, 10, 29090-29099. IF=3.119
Warren, H.; Shepherd, D. J.; in het Panhuis, M.; Officer, D. L.; Spinks, G. M., Porous Pnipam Hydrogels: Overcoming Diffusion-Governed Hydrogel Actuation. Sensors and Actuators, A- Physical 2020, 301. IF=2.904
Mansour, F. R.; Waheed, S.; Paull, B.; Maya, F., Porogens and Porogen Selection in the Preparation of Porous Polymer Monoliths. Journal of Separation Science 2020, 43, 56-69. IF=2.878
Young, T.; Chen, F.; Burba, C. M., Quantitative Investigation of Ion Clusters in a Double Salt Ionic Liquid by Both Vibrational Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2020, 124, 3984-3991. IF=2.857
Farajikhah, S.; Runge, A. F. J.; Boumelhem, B. B.; Rukhlenko, I. D.; Stefani, A.; Sayyar, S.; Innis, P. C.; Fraser, S. T.; Fleming, S.; Large, M. C. J., Thermally Drawn Biodegradable Fibers with Tailored Topography for Biomedical Applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part B Applied Biomaterials 2020.IF=2.831
Walker, M. J.; Goddard, E.; Stephens-Fripp, B.; Alici, G., Towards Including End-Users in the Design of Prosthetic Hands: Ethical Analysis of a Survey of Australians with Upper-Limb Difference. Science and Engineering Ethics 2020, 26, 981-1007. IF=2.787
Mohammadi, A.; Lavranos, J.; Zhou, H.; Mutlu, R.; Alici, G.; Tan, Y.; Choong, P.; Oetomo, D., A Practical 3d-Printed Soft Robotic Prosthetic Hand with Multi-Articulating Capabilities. PLoS ONE 2020, 15. IF=2.740
Mapley, J. I.; Hayes, P.; Officer, D. L.; Wagner, P.; Gordon, K. C., Investigation of Ferrocene Linkers in Β-Substituted Porphyrins. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124, 5513-5522. IF=2.600
Rogers, F. J. M.; Noble, B. B.; Coote, M. L., Computational Optimization of Alkoxyamine-Based Electrochemical Methylation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124, 6104-6110. IF=2.600
Noble, B. B.; Coote, M. L., Isotactic Regulation in the Radical Polymerization of Calcium Methacrylate: Is Multiple Chelation the Key to Stereocontrol? Journal of Polymer Science 2020, 58, 52-61.IF= 2.591
Jiang, S.; Cao, G.; Shao, H.; Luo, M.; Sheng, D.; Xu, W.; Li, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Wang, X.; Fang, J., Turning Cotton to Self-Supported Electrocatalytic Carbon Electrode for Highly Efficient Oxygen Reduction. Electrocatalysis 2020, 11, 317-328. IF=2.587
Fung, A. K. K.; Coote, M. L., A Mechanistic Perspective on Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Polymer International 2020. IF=2.574
Sparrow, R., Virtue and Vice in Our Relationships with Robots: Is There an Asymmetry and How Might It Be Explained? International Journal of Social Robotics 2020. IF=2.516
Mahdi, R.; Alsultan, M.; Al-Keisy, A.; Swiegers, G. F., Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from Ph-Neutral Water by a Flexible Tri-Component Composite. Catalysis Letters 2020. IF=2.482
Liu, D.; Zhao, J.; Li, Y.; Zhu, W.; Lin, L., Effects of Boron Content on Microstructure and Wear Properties of Fecocrnibx High-Entropy Alloy Coating by Laser Cladding. Applied Sciences-Basel (Switzerland) 2020, 10. IF=2.474
Sparrow, R., Robotics Has a Race Problem. Science Technology and Human Values 2020, 45, 538-560. IF=2.333
Alosime, E. M.; Alshahrani, A. A.; Nghiem, L. D.; in het Panhuis, M., The Preparation and Characterization of Buckypaper Made from Carbon Nanotubes Impregnated with Chitosan. Polymer Composites 2020, 41, 1393-1404. IF=2.265
Stephens-Fripp, B.; Jean Walker, M.; Goddard, E.; Alici, G., A Survey on What Australians with Upper Limb Difference Want in a Prosthesis: Justification for Using Soft Robotics and Additive Manufacturing for Customized Prosthetic Hands. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2020, 15, 342-349. IF=2.222
Knowles, B. R.; Wagner, P.; MacLaughlin, S.; Higgins, M. J.; Molino, P. J., Modified Silica Nanoparticle Coatings: Dual Antifouling Effects of Self-Assembled Quaternary Ammonium and Zwitterionic Silanes. Biointerphases 2020, 15. IF=2.043
Knowles, B. R.; Wagner, P.; MacLaughlin, S.; Higgins, M. J.; Molino, P. J., Carboxybetaine Functionalized Nanosilicas as Protein Resistant Surface Coatings. Biointerphases 2020, 15. IF=2.043
Yang, D.; Molino, P. J.; Knowles, B. R.; Maclaughlin, S.; Higgins, M. J., Fungal Spore Adhesion on Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxy Silane Modified Silica Nanoparticle Surfaces as Revealed by Single Cell Force Spectroscopy. Biointerphases 2020, 15. IF=2.043
Yu, L. J.; Dale, S. G.; Chan, B.; Karton, A., Benchmark Study of DFT and Composite Methods for Bond Dissociation Energies in Argon Compounds. Chemical Physics 2020, 531. IF=1.771
Mukherjee, P.; Cheng, K.; Wallace, G.; Chiaravano, E.; MacDougall, H.; O’Leary, S.; Solomon, M., 20 Year Review of Three-Dimensional Tools in Otology: Challenges of Translation and Innovation. Otology and Neurotology 2020, 41, 589-595. IF=1.712
Kemp, S.; Coles-Black, J.; Walker, M. J.; Wallace, G.; Chuen, J.; Mukherjee, P., Ethical and Regulatory Considerations for Surgeons as Consumers and Creators of Three-Dimensional Printed Medical Devices. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2020, 90, 1477-1481. IF=1.355
Farajikhah, S.; Choi, J.; Esrafilzadeh, D.; Underwood, J.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G. G., 3d Textile Structures with Integrated Electroactive Electrodes for Wearable Electrochemical Sensors. Journal of the Textile Institute 2020. IF=1.239
Farajikhah, S.; Talebian, S.; Cabot, J. M.; Sayyar, S.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G. G., Tunable Flow Rate in Textile-Based Materials Utilising Composite Fibres. Journal of the Textile Institute 2020. IF=1.239
Chung, J. H. Y.; Kade, J. C.; Jeiranikhameneh, A.; Ruberu, K.; Mukherjee, P.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G., 3d Hybrid Printing Platform for Auricular Cartilage Reconstruction. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 2020, 6. IF= 1.10
Nikahd, M.; Mikusek, J.; Banwell, M. G.; Yu, L. J.; Coote, M. L.; Gardiner, M. G., Further, Small-Molecule Pyrolysis Products Derived from Chitin. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2020, 73, 1187-1196. IF=1.073
Goddard, E., Relational Agency and Neurotechnology: Developing and Deploying Competency through Intricate Partnerships. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2020, 13, 162-166. IF=0.514
Desroches, P. E.; Silva, S. M.; Gietman, S. W.; Quigley, A. F.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Greene, G. W., Lubricin (Prg4) Antiadhesive Coatings Mitigate Electrochemical Impedance Instabilities in Polypyrrole Bionic Electrodes Exposed to Fouling Fluids. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3, 8032-8039. IF= not yet available
Han, M.; Berry, J. D.; Silva, S. M.; Vidallon, M. L. P.; Lei, W.; Quigley, A. F.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Tabor, R.; Greene, G. W., Self-Assembly of Lubricin (Prg-4) Brushes on Graphene Oxide Affords Stable 2d-Nanosheets in Concentrated Electrolytes and Complex Fluids. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3, 11527-11542.IF= not yet available
Harris, J.; Walsh, K.; Maxwell, H.; Dodds, S., Emotional Touchpoints; the Feelings Nurses Have About Explaining Multi-Resistant Organisms to Colonised Patients. Infection, Disease and Health 2020, 25, 113-123. IF= not yet available
Lin, Y. W., et al., A Microvalve Cell Printing Technique Using Riboflavin Photosensitizer for Selective Cell Patterning onto a Retinal Chip. Bioprinting 2020, 20. IF= not yet available
Nik, A. E.; Faiz, J., Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Based on Radial Basis Network. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 2020, 17, 223-234. IF= not yet available
O’Connell, C. D., et al., Free-Form Co-Axial Bioprinting of a Gelatin Methacryloyl Bio-Ink by Direct in Situ Photo-Crosslinking During Extrusion. Bioprinting 2020, 19.IF= not yet available
Oveissi, F.; Spinks, G. M.; Naficy, S., Bond Reformation, Self-Recovery, and Toughness in Hydrogen- Bonded Hydrogels. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2020. IF= 8.097
Prathapan, R.; Ghosh, A. K.; Knapp, A.; Vijayakumar, A.; Bogari, N. N. J.; Abraham, B. D.; Al-Ghabkari, A.; Fery, A.; Hu, J., In Situ Alignment of Bacterial Cellulose Using Wrinkling. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3, 7898-7907. IF= not yet available
Qin, C.; Yue, Z.; Chao, Y.; Forster, R. J.; Maolmhuaidh, F. Ó.; Huang, X. F.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Chen, J., Data on the Bipolar Electroactive Conducting Polymers for Wireless Cell Stimulation. Data in Brief 2020, 33.**
Rehmen, J.; Pathirana, T.; Garcia-Quintana, L.; Kerr, R.; Howlett, P. C.; Zuber, K.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Evans, D. R., Structuring Pedot Hollow Nanosphere Electrodes for High Specific Energy Li-Metal|Polymer Thin-Film Batteries. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3, 3820-3828. IF= not yet available
Talebian, S.; Conde, J., Why Go Nano on Covid-19 Pandemic? Matter 2020, 3, 598-601. IF= not yet available
Tawk, C.; Alici, G., Finite Element Modeling in the Design Process of 3d Printed Pneumatic Soft Actuators and Sensors. Robotics 2020, 9. IF= not yet available
Wright, C. J.; Molino, B. Z.; Chung, J. H. Y.; Pannell, J. T.; Kuester, M.; Molino, P. J.; Hanks, T. W., Synthesis and 3d Printing of Conducting Alginate–Polypyrrole Ionomers. Gels 2020, 6, 1-12. IF= not yet available
Wu, H.; Jia, F.; Li, Z.; Lin, F.; Huo, M.; Huang, S.; Sayyar, S.; Jiao, S.; Huang, H.; Jiang, Z., Novel Water-Based Nanolubricant with Superior Tribological Performance in Hot Steel Rolling. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 2020, 2. IF= not yet available
Zhang, X.; Guo, S. X.; Gandionco, K. A.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction: From Fundamental Principles to Catalyst Design. Materials Today Advances 2020, 7. IF= not yet available
Zhou, Y.; Kang, L.; Yue, Z.; Liu, X.; Wallace, G. G., Composite Tissue Adhesive Containing Catechol-Modified Hyaluronic Acid and Poly- L -Lysine. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2020, 3, 628-638. IF= not yet available
Crook, J. M., Preface. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, v. IF= not yet available
Crook, J. M., Cell Processing for 3d Bioprinting: Quality Requirements for Quality Assurance in Fundamental Research and Translation. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 19-26. IF= not yet available
Duchi, S.; Onofrillo, C.; O’Connell, C.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P.; Di Bella, C., Bioprinting Stem Cells in Hydrogel for in Situ Surgical Application: A Case for Articular Cartilage. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 145-157. IF= not yet available
Ngan, C.; Quigley, A.; O’Connell, C.; Kita, M.; Bourke, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P.; Kapsa, R. M. I., 3d Bioprinting and Differentiation of Primary Skeletal Muscle Progenitor Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 229-242. IF= not yet available
Goddard, E.; Dodds, S., Ethics and Policy for Bioprinting. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 43-64. IF= not yet available
Hancock, L., Commercialization and Corporatization: Academic Freedom and Autonomy under Constraints in Australian Universities. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2020, 54, 219-246. IF= not yet available
Crook JM, Tomaskovic-Crook E., Bioprinting 3D Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Constructs for Multilineage Tissue Engineering and Modelling. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 251-258. IF= not yet available
Tomaskovic-Crook E, Crook JM, 3D Bioprinting Electrically Conductive Bioink with Human Neural Stem Cells for Human Neural Tissues, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 2140, 159-170. IF= not yet available
Published Conference Articles
Captured by SCOPUS database with ACES in the address line (6.01.2021). This list contains the articles that were used to calculate the statistics in Table 1 in conjunction with the journal articles listed above.
Adan, F. H., et al. In Switchable Beam Antenna with Five Planar Element Using Pin Diode in Elevation Plane, 2020 2nd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Wireless Sensors and Powering, BCWSP 2020, 2020; pp 152-156.
Cabot, J. M.; Breadmore, M. C.; Paull, B. In Fiber Based Electrofluidic Platforms for Direct Analysis of Metabolites in Complex Samples, 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017, 2020; pp 1330-1331.
Fazilah, A. F. M., et al. In A Flexible and Compact Metamaterial Uhf Rid Tag for Remote Sensing in Human Health, 2020 International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies, UCET 2020, 2020.
Macdonald, N. P.; Currivan, S.; Paull, B.; Breadmore, M. C. In 3d Branching Structures for Fluidic Proportioning and Sample Handing, 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017, 2020; pp 287-288.
Mayer, R. M.; Mohammadi, A.; Tan, Y.; Alici, G.; Choong, P.; Oetomo, D. In Psychometric Evaluation of Multi-Point Bone-Conducted Tactile Stimulation on the Three Bony Landmarks of the Elbow, Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2020; pp 648-653.
Tawk, C.; Mutlu, R.; Alici, G. In A3d Printed Modular Soft Gripper for Conformal Grasping, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2020; pp 583-588.
Tawk, C.; Panhuis, M. I. H.; Spinks, G. M.; Alici, G. In 3d Printed Soft Pneumatic Bending Sensing Chambers for Bilateral and Remote Control of Soft Robotic Systems, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2020; pp 922-927.
Tawk, C.; Sariyildiz, E.; Zhou, H.; Panhuis, M. I. H.; Spinks, G. M.; Alici, G. In Position Control of a 3d Printed Soft Finger with Integrated Soft Pneumatic Sensing Chambers, 2020 3rd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, RoboSoft 2020, 2020; pp 446-451.
Zhou, H.; Alici, G. In A Compact and Cost-Effective Pattern Recognition Based Myoelectric Control System for Robotic Prosthetic Hands, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2020; pp 270-275.
Publishing ACES research is essential for knowledge translation. Publishing both in academic journals and explaining the potential impact of that research to our community through our website portal provides an important means in which we disseminate the body of ACES knowledge.
ACES Research Outputs – High Quality International Standing
In 2019, ACES members published a book, 6 book chapters and 216 articles that have ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science in the address line indicating ACES members’ involvement in that research.
The ACES 2019 publications were in 21 subject areas with over 4,000 views, 579 citations (54 citing countries). ACES articles published 2014-2019 have been viewed 51,526 times and received 21,899 cites from 110 citing countries (SCIVAL, Scopus data 6.1.20).
ACES international linkages through researcher-to-researcher collaborations are illustrated through ACES having published 102 (52%) journal articles with international co-authors in 2019, and 626 articles (54.7%) since 2014.
Vipul Gupta, Pavel Nesterenko, Brett Paull. 3D Printing in Chemical Sciences: Applications Across Chemistry. RSC Publishing, 2019, Print ISBN 978-1-78801-440-3, PDF eISBN 978-1-78801-574-5, ePub eISBN 978-1-78801-766-4.
This book provides a timely and extensive review of the reported applications of 3D Printing techniques across all fields of chemical science. It will be of interest across the chemical sciences in research and industrial laboratories, for chemists and engineers alike, as well as the wider science community.
Read more about ‘3D Printing in Chemical Sciences: Applications Across Chemistry’ here.
Book Chapters
Tomaskovic-Crook E, Crook JM. 3D Bioprinting Electrically Conductive Bioink with Human Neural Stem Cells for Human Neural Tissues In Crook J.M. (Ed) 3D Bioprinting: Principles & Protocols. Invited book for Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press (Springer imprint), New York. August 2019.
Eliza Goddard and Susan Dodds, ‘Ethics and policy’, in J.M. Crook (Ed), 3D Bioprinting: Principles & Protocols. Invited book for Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Humana Press (Springer imprint), New York. August 2019.
Crook JM, Tomaskovic-Crook E. Bioprinting 3D Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Constructs for Multilineage Tissue Engineering and Modelling In Crook JM (Ed) 3D Bioprinting: Principles & Protocols. Invited book for: Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press (Springer imprint), New York. August 2019.
Ralph, N. ‘Business for Peace: a Holistic Research Approach to Corporations, Local Business and Social Entrepreneurship in States Affected by Conflict, Violent Extremism and (Un)sustainability’, in H. Gregorian (Editor), Frontiers of Peacebuilding, Fall 2019.
Lilith Caballero Aguilar, Saimon M. Silva, Simon E. Moulton, ‘3D printed drug delivery systems’, in Engineering Drug Delivery Systems (Elsevier). Accepted for publication 2019.
Sparrow, R. 2019: ‘Robotics’, in Hugh LaFollette (eEd) International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons. Accepted for publication 27 July 2019.
Journal Articles
The 2019 publications listed, from highest impact factor, are what the SCOPUS database captured with ACES in the address line (as of 6.1.2020).
Zhang, X.; Sun, X.; Guo, S. X.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Formation of lattice-dislocated bismuth nanowires on copper foam for enhanced electrocatalytic CO2 reduction at low overpotential. Energy and Environmental Science 2019, 12 (4), 1334-1340, Impact Factor = 33.250.
Kar, M.; Tutusaus, O.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mohtadi, R., Novel and versatile room temperature ionic liquids for energy storage. Energy and Environmental Science 2019, 12 (2), 566-571, Impact Factor = 33.250.
Choi, J.; Kim, J.; Wagner, P.; Gambhir, S.; Jalili, R.; Byun, S.; Sayyar, S.; Lee, Y. M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Wallace, G. G.; Officer, D. L., Energy efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO using a three-dimensional porphyrin/graphene hydrogel. Energy and Environmental Science 2019, 12 (2), 747-755, Impact Factor = 33.250.
Zhuang, L.; Jia, Y.; Liu, H.; Wang, X.; Hocking, R. K.; Liu, H.; Chen, J.; Ge, L.; Zhang, L.; Li, M.; Dong, C. L.; Huang, Y. C.; Shen, S.; Yang, D.; Zhu, Z.; Yao, X., Defect-Induced Pt–Co–Se Coordinated Sites with Highly Asymmetrical Electronic Distribution for Boosting Oxygen-Involving Electrocatalysis. Advanced Materials 2019, 31 (4), Impact Factor = 25.809.
Wang, K.; Frewin, C. L.; Esrafilzadeh, D.; Yu, C.; Wang, C.; Pancrazio, J. J.; Romero-Ortega, M.; Jalili, R.; Wallace, G., High-Performance Graphene-Fiber-Based Neural Recording Microelectrodes. Advanced Materials 2019, 31 (15), Impact Factor = 25.809.
MacFarlane, D. R.; Choi, J.; Suryanto, B. H. R.; Jalili, R.; Chatti, M.; Azofra, L. M.; Simonov, A. N., Liquefied Sunshine: Transforming Renewables into Fertilizers and Energy Carriers with Electromaterials. Advanced Materials 2019, Impact Factor = 25.809.
Jang, Y.; Kim, S. M.; Spinks, G. M.; Kim, S. J., Carbon Nanotube Yarn for Fiber-Shaped Electrical Sensors, Actuators, and Energy Storage for Smart Systems. Advanced Materials 2019, Impact Factor = 25.809.
Robertson, J. C.; Coote, M. L.; Bissember, A. C., Synthetic applications of light, electricity, mechanical force and flow. Nature Reviews Chemistry 2019, 3 (5), 290-304, Impact Factor = 25.59.
Pai, N.; Lu, J.; Gengenbach, T. R.; Seeber, A.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Jiang, L.; Senevirathna, D. C.; Andrews, P. C.; Bach, U.; Cheng, Y. B.; Simonov, A. N., Silver Bismuth Sulfoiodide Solar Cells: Tuning Optoelectronic Properties by Sulfide Modification for Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance. Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (5), Impact Factor = 24.884.
Lee, C. Y.; Mitchell, D. R. G.; Molino, P.; Fahy, A.; Wallace, G. G., Tunable solution-processable anodic exfoliated graphene. Applied Materials Today 2019, 15, 290-296, Impact Factor = 24.537.
Forsyth, M.; Porcarelli, L.; Wang, X.; Goujon, N.; Mecerreyes, D., Innovative Electrolytes Based on Ionic Liquids and Polymers for Next-Generation Solid-State Batteries. Accounts of Chemical Research 2019, 52 (3), 686-694, Impact factor = 21.661.
Suryanto, B. H. R.; Wang, D.; Azofra, L. M.; Harb, M.; Cavallo, L.; Jalili, R.; Mitchell, D. R. G.; Chatti, M.; MacFarlane, D. R., MoS2 Polymorphic Engineering Enhances Selectivity in the Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4 (2), 430-435, Impact Factor = 16.331.
Choi, J.; Wagner, P.; Gambhir, S.; Jalili, R.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Wallace, G. G.; Officer, D. L., Steric Modification of a Cobalt Phthalocyanine/Graphene Catalyst to Give Enhanced and Stable Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to CO. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 4 (3), 666-672, Impact Factor = 16.331.
Talebian, S.; Mehrali, M.; Taebnia, N.; Pennisi, C. P.; Kadumudi, F. B.; Foroughi, J.; Hasany, M.; Nikkhah, M.; Akbari, M.; Orive, G.; Dolatshahi-Pirouz, A., Self-Healing Hydrogels: The Next Paradigm Shift in Tissue Engineering? Advanced Science 2019, 6 (16), Impact Factor = 15.804.
Yang, F.; Gao, H.; Hao, J.; Zhang, S.; Li, P.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.; Guo, Z., Yolk–Shell Structured FeP@C Nanoboxes as Advanced Anode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium-/Potassium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29 (16), Impact Factor = 15.621.
Liu, J.; Yu, L. J.; Yue, G.; Wang, N.; Cui, Z.; Hou, L.; Li, J.; Li, Q.; Karton, A.; Cheng, Q.; Jiang, L.; Zhao, Y., Thermoresponsive Graphene Membranes with Reversible Gating Regularity for Smart Fluid Control. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29 (12), Impact Factor = 15.621.
Al-Attafi, K.; Jawdat, F. H.; Qutaish, H.; Hayes, P.; Al-Keisy, A.; Shim, K.; Yamauchi, Y.; Dou, S. X.; Nattestad, A.; Kim, J. H., Cubic aggregates of Zn2SnO4 nanoparticles and their application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Nano Energy 2019, 57, 202-213, Impact Factor = 15.548.
Rana, H. H.; Park, J. H.; Ducrot, E.; Park, H.; Kota, M.; Han, T. H.; Lee, J. Y.; Kim, J.; Kim, J. H.; Howlett, P.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D.; Park, H. S., Extreme properties of double networked ionogel electrolytes for flexible and durable energy storage devices. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 19, 197-205, Impact Factor = 15.97.
Lin, L.; Lei, W.; Zhang, S.; Liu, Y.; Wallace, G. G.; Chen, J., Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides in supercapacitors and secondary batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 19, 408-423, Impact Factor = 15.97.
Kumar, A.; Ghosh, A.; Roy, A.; Panda, M. R.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mitra, S., High-energy density room temperature sodium-sulfur battery enabled by sodium polysulfide catholyte and carbon cloth current collector decorated with MnO2 Energy Storage Materials 2019, 20, 196-202, Impact Factor = 15.97.
Wang, X.; Chen, F.; Girard, G. M. A.; Zhu, H.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mecerreyes, D.; Armand, M.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M., Poly(Ionic Liquid)s-in-Salt Electrolytes with Co-coordination-Assisted Lithium-Ion Transport for Safe Batteries. Joule 2019, 3 (11), 2687-2702, Impact Factor = 15.04.
Tian, R.; Liu, Y.; Koumoto, K.; Chen, J., Body Heat Powers Future Electronic Skins. Joule 2019, 3 (6), 1399-1403, Impact Factor = 15.04.
Lee, C. Y.; Taylor, A. C.; Nattestad, A.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G., 3D Printing for Electrocatalytic Applications. Joule 2019, 3 (8), 1835-1849, Impact Factor = 15.04.
Zhang, J.; Rogers, F. J. M.; Darwish, N.; Gonçales, V. R.; Vogel, Y. B.; Wang, F.; Gooding, J. J.; Peiris, M. C. R.; Jia, G.; Veder, J. P.; Coote, M. L.; Ciampi, S., Electrochemistry on Tribocharged Polymers Is Governed by the Stability of Surface Charges Rather than Charging Magnitude. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (14), 5863-5870, Impact Factor = 14.695.
Peiris, C. R.; Vogel, Y. B.; Le Brun, A. P.; Aragonès, A. C.; Coote, M. L.; Díez-Pérez, I.; Ciampi, S.; Darwish, N., Metal-Single-Molecule-Semiconductor Junctions Formed by a Radical Reaction Bridging Gold and Silicon Electrodes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (37), 14788-14797, Impact Factor = 14.695.
Norcott, P. L.; Hammill, C. L.; Noble, B. B.; Robertson, J. C.; Olding, A.; Bissember, A. C.; Coote, M. L., TEMPO-Me: An Electrochemically Activated Methylating Agent. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (38), 15450-15455, Impact Factor = 14.695.
Fang, C.; Fantin, M.; Pan, X.; De Fiebre, K.; Coote, M. L.; Matyjaszewski, K.; Liu, P., Mechanistically Guided Predictive Models for Ligand and Initiator Effects in Copper-Catalyzed Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (Cu-ATRP). Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (18), 7486-7497, Impact Factor = 14.695.
Blyth, M. T.; Noble, B. B.; Russell, I. C.; Coote, M. L., Oriented Internal Electrostatic Fields Cooperatively Promote Ground- and Excited-State Reactivity: A Case Study in Photochemical CO2 Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, Impact Factor = 14.695.
Xia, Z.; Fang, J.; Zhang, X.; Fan, L.; Barlow, A. J.; Lin, T.; Wang, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Sun, G.; Wang, X., Pt nanoparticles embedded metal-organic framework nanosheets: A synergistic strategy towards bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 245, 389-398, Impact Factor = 14.229.
Hendriks, S.; Grady, C.; Ramos, K. M.; Chiong, W.; Fins, J. J.; Ford, P.; Goering, S.; Greely, H. T.; Hutchison, K.; Kelly, M. L.; Kim, S. Y. H.; Klein, E.; Lisanby, S. H.; Mayberg, H.; Maslen, H.; Miller, F. G.; Rommelfanger, K.; Sheth, S. A.; Wexler, A., Ethical Challenges of Risk, Informed Consent, and Posttrial Responsibilities in Human Research with Neural Devices: A Review. JAMA Neurology 2019, 76 (12), 1506-1514, Impact Factor = 12.321.
Kakinen, A.; Xing, Y.; Hegoda Arachchi, N.; Javed, I.; Feng, L.; Faridi, A.; Douek, A. M.; Sun, Y.; Kaslin, J.; Davis, T. P.; Higgins, M. J.; Ding, F.; Ke, P. C., Single-Molecular Heteroamyloidosis of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide. Nano Letters 2019, 19 (9), 6535-6546, Impact Factor = 12.279.
Zhang, H.; Oteo, U.; Zhu, H.; Judez, X.; Martinez-Ibañez, M.; Aldalur, I.; Sanchez-Diez, E.; Li, C.; Carrasco, J.; Forsyth, M.; Armand, M., Enhanced Lithium-Ion Conductivity of Polymer Electrolytes by Selective Introduction of Hydrogen into the Anion. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 2019, 58 (23), 7829-7834, Impact Factor = 12.257.
Zhang, H.; Chen, F.; Lakuntza, O.; Oteo, U.; Qiao, L.; Martinez-Ibañez, M.; Zhu, H.; Carrasco, J.; Forsyth, M.; Armand, M., Suppressed Mobility of Negative Charges in Polymer Electrolytes with an Ether-Functionalized Anion. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 2019, 58 (35), 12070-12075, Impact Factor = 12.257.
Tesch, M. F.; Bonke, S. A.; Jones, T. E.; Shaker, M. N.; Xiao, J.; Skorupska, K.; Mom, R.; Melder, J.; Kurz, P.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlögl, R.; Hocking, R. K.; Simonov, A. N., Evolution of Oxygen–Metal Electron Transfer and Metal Electronic States During Manganese Oxide Catalyzed Water Oxidation Revealed with In Situ Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 2019, 58 (11), 3426-3432, Impact Factor = 12.257.
Esrafilzadeh, D.; Zavabeti, A.; Jalili, R.; Atkin, P.; Choi, J.; Carey, B. J.; Brkljača, R.; O’Mullane, A. P.; Dickey, M. D.; Officer, D. L.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Daeneke, T.; Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), Impact Factor = 11.880.
Esrafilzadeh, D.; Zavabeti, A.; Jalili, R.; Atkin, P.; Choi, J.; Carey, B. J.; Brkljača, R.; O’Mullane, A. P.; Dickey, M. D.; Officer, D. L.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Daeneke, T.; Kalantar-Zadeh, K., Publisher Correction: Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (865), 10.1038/s41467-019-08824-8). Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), Impact Factor = 11.880.
Wang, Z.; Gao, H.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.; Guo, Z., Recent Advances in 3D Graphene Architectures and Their Composites for Energy Storage Applications. Small 2019, 15 (3), Impact Factor = 10.856.
Wang, L.; Yang, G.; Wang, J.; Wang, S.; Wang, C.; Peng, S.; Yan, W.; Ramakrishna, S., In Situ Fabrication of Branched TiO2/C Nanofibers as Binder-Free and Free-Standing Anodes for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries. Small 2019, 15 (30), Impact Factor = 10.856.
Jiang, S.; Li, J.; Fang, J.; Wang, X., Fibrous-Structured Freestanding Electrodes for Oxygen Electrocatalysis. Small 2019, Impact Factor = 10.856.
Mokhtari, F.; Foroughi, J.; Zheng, T.; Cheng, Z.; Spinks, G. M., Triaxial braided piezo fiber energy harvesters for self-powered wearable technologies. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (14), 8245-8257, Impact Factor = 10.733.
Liu, W.; Wang, C.; Zhang, L.; Pan, H.; Liu, W.; Chen, J.; Yang, D.; Xiang, Y.; Wang, K.; Jiang, J.; Yao, X., Correction: Exfoliation of amorphous phthalocyanine conjugated polymers into ultrathin nanosheets for highly efficient oxygen reduction (Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2019) 7 (3112-3119) DOI: 10.1039/C8TA11044A). Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (11), 6572, Impact Factor = 10.733.
Huang, Y.; King, D. R.; Cui, W.; Sun, T. L.; Guo, H.; Kurokawa, T.; Brown, H. R.; Hui, C. Y.; Gong, J. P., Superior fracture resistance of fiber reinforced polyampholyte hydrogels achieved by extraordinarily large energy-dissipative process zones. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (22), 13431-13440, Impact Factor = 10.733.
Lee, C. Y.; Zou, J.; Bullock, J.; Wallace, G. G., Emerging approach in semiconductor photocatalysis: Towards 3D architectures for efficient solar fuels generation in semi-artificial photosynthetic systems. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 2019, 39, 142-160, Impact Factor = 10.405.
Dinoro, J.; Maher, M.; Talebian, S.; Jafarkhani, M.; Mehrali, M.; Orive, G.; Foroughi, J.; Lord, M. S.; Dolatshahi-Pirouz, A., Sulfated polysaccharide-based scaffolds for orthopaedic tissue engineering. Biomaterials 2019, 214, Impact Factor = 10.273.
Zarghami, S.; Xiao, Y.; Wagner, P.; Florea, L.; Diamond, D.; Officer, D. L.; Wagner, K., Dual Droplet Functionality: Phototaxis and Photopolymerization. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (34), 31484-31489, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Ye, H.; Han, M.; Huang, R.; Schmidt, T. A.; Qi, W.; He, Z.; Martin, L. L.; Jay, G. D.; Su, R.; Greene, G. W., Interactions between Lubricin and Hyaluronic Acid Synergistically Enhance Antiadhesive Properties. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (20), 18090-18102, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Xu, W.; Molino, B. Z.; Cheng, F.; Molino, P. J.; Yue, Z.; Su, D.; Wang, X.; Willför, S.; Xu, C.; Wallace, G. G., On Low-Concentration Inks Formulated by Nanocellulose Assisted with Gelatin Methacrylate (GelMA) for 3D Printing toward Wound Healing Application. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (9), 8838-8848, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Waheed, S.; Cabot, J. M.; Smejkal, P.; Farajikhah, S.; Sayyar, S.; Innis, P. C.; Beirne, S.; Barnsley, G.; Lewis, T. W.; Breadmore, M. C.; Paull, B., Three-Dimensional Printing of Abrasive, Hard, and Thermally Conductive Synthetic Microdiamond-Polymer Composite Using Low-Cost Fused Deposition Modeling Printer. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (4), 4353-4363, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Sim, H. J.; Kim, H.; Jang, Y.; Spinks, G. M.; Gambhir, S.; Officer, D. L.; Wallace, G. G.; Kim, S. J., Self-Healing Electrode with High Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Strength for Artificial Electronic Skin. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Sae-Kung, C.; Wright, B. F.; Clarke, T. M.; Wallace, G. G.; Mozer, A. J., Effects of Interfacial Layers on the Open Circuit Voltage of Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Devices Studied by Charge Extraction Techniques. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (23), 21030-21041, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Kim, H.; Jang, Y.; Lee, D. Y.; Moon, J. H.; Choi, J. G.; Spinks, G. M.; Gambhir, S.; Officer, D. L.; Wallace, G. G.; Kim, S. J., Bio-Inspired Stretchable and Contractible Tough Fiber by the Hybridization of GO/MWNT/Polyurethane. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (34), 31162-31168, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Ghosh, A.; Kumar, A.; Roy, A.; Panda, M. R.; Kar, M.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Mitra, S., Three-Dimensionally Reinforced Freestanding Cathode for High-Energy Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Batteries. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (15), 14101-14109, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Gao, H.; Yang, F.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Hao, J.; Zhang, S.; Zheng, H.; Chen, J.; Liu, H.; Guo, Z., Three-Dimensional Porous Cobalt Phosphide Nanocubes Encapsulated in a Graphene Aerogel as an Advanced Anode with High Coulombic Efficiency for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, 11 (5), 5373-5379, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Chen, C.; Qin, S.; Liu, D.; Wang, J.; Yang, G.; Su, Y.; Zhang, L.; Cao, W.; Ma, M.; Qian, Y.; Liu, Y.; Liu, J. Z.; Lei, W., Ultrafast, stable ionic and molecular sieving through functionalized boron nitride membranes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Chao, Y.; Wang, K.; Jalili, R.; Morlando, A.; Qin, C.; Vijayakumar, A.; Wang, C.; Wallace, G. G., Scalable Solution Processing MoS2 Powders with Liquid Crystalline Graphene Oxide for Flexible Freestanding Films with High Areal Lithium Storage Capacity. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2019, Impact Factor = 8.456.
Zhu, H.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pringle, J. M.; Forsyth, M., Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals as Solid-State Electrolytes. Trends in Chemistry 2019, 1 (1), 126-140, Impact Factor = 8.428.
Wang, H.; He, Y.; Fei, G.; Wang, C.; Shen, Y.; Zhu, K.; Sun, L.; Rang, N.; Guo, D.; Wallace, G. G., Functionalizing graphene with titanate coupling agents as reinforcement for one-component waterborne poly(urethane-acrylate) anticorrosion coatings. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 359, 331-343, Impact Factor = 8.355.
Liao, J.; Ni, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Layer-structured niobium oxides and their analogues for advanced hybrid capacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, Impact Factor = 8.355.
Caballero Aguilar, L. M.; Silva, S. M.; Moulton, S. E., Growth factor delivery: Defining the next generation platforms for tissue engineering. Journal of Controlled Release 2019, 306, 40-58, Impact Factor = 7.901.
Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Guo, S. X.; Zhang, X.; Li, F.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Two-Dimensional Electrocatalysts for Efficient Reduction of Carbon Dioxide. ChemSusChem 2019, Impact Factor = 7.804.
Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Zhang, Y.; Ortiz-Vitoriano, N.; Fang, J.; Enterría, M.; Echeverría, M.; López del Amo, J. M.; Rojo, T.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C., Controlling the Three-Phase Boundary in Na–Oxygen Batteries: The Synergy of Carbon Nanofibers and Ionic Liquid. ChemSusChem 2019, 12 (17), 4054-4063, Impact Factor = 7.804.
Li, J.; Guo, S. X.; Li, F.; Li, F.; Zhang, X.; Ma, J.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Electrohydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide using a Ternary Pd/Cu2O–Cu Catalyst. ChemSusChem 2019, 12 (19), 4471-4479, Impact Factor = 7.804.
Guo, S. X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Easton, C. D.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Zhang, J., Phosphomolybdic Acid-Assisted Growth of Ultrathin Bismuth Nanosheets for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Formate. ChemSusChem 2019, 12 (5), 1091-1100, Impact Factor = 7.804.
Aldalur, I.; Wang, X.; Santiago, A.; Goujon, N.; Echeverría, M.; Martínez-Ibáñez, M.; Piszcz, M.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M.; Armand, M.; Zhang, H., Nanofiber-reinforced polymer electrolytes toward room temperature solid-state lithium batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2019, Impact Factor = 7.467.
Liu, F.; Nattestad, A.; Naficy, S.; Han, R.; Casillas, G.; Angeloski, A.; Sun, X.; Huang, Z., Fluorescent Carbon- and Oxygen-Doped Hexagonal Boron Nitride Powders as Printing Ink for Anticounterfeit Applications. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7 (24), Impact Factor = 7.430.
Lu, J.; Scully, A. D.; Sun, J.; Tan, B.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Ruiz Raga, S.; Jiang, L.; Lin, X.; Pai, N.; Huang, W.; Cheng, Y. B.; Bach, U.; Simonov, A. N., Multiple Roles of Cobalt Pyrazol-Pyridine Complexes in High- Performing Perovskite Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2019, 10 (16), 4675-4682, Impact Factor = 7.324.
Ha, T. A.; Fdz De Anastro, A.; Ortiz-Vitoriano, N.; Fang, J.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Mecerreyes, D.; Howlett, P. C.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C., High Coulombic Efficiency Na-O2 Batteries Enabled by a Bilayer Ionogel/Ionic Liquid. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2019, 10 (22), 7050-7055, Impact Factor = 7.324
O’Connell, C. D.; Onofrillo, C.; Duchi, S.; Li, X.; Zhang, Y.; Tian, P.; Lu, L.; Trengove, A.; Quigley, A.; Gambhir, S.; Khansari, A.; Mladenovska, T.; O’Connor, A.; Di Bella, C.; Choong, P. F.; Wallace, G. G., Evaluation of sterilisation methods for bio-ink components: Gelatin, gelatin methacryloyl, hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid methacryloyl. Biofabrication 2019, 11 (3), Impact Factor = 7.236.
Fdz De Anastro, A.; Lago, N.; Berlanga, C.; Galcerán, M.; Hilder, M.; Forsyth, M.; Mecerreyes, D., Poly(ionic liquid)iongel membranes for all solid-state rechargeable sodium battery. Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 582, 435-441, Impact Factor = 7.015.
Mosali, V. S. S.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Gengenbach, T.; Guo, S. X.; Puxty, G.; Horne, M. D.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Formate on Cu Based Surface Alloys with Enhanced Selectivity. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2019, Impact Factor = 6.970.
Mendes, T. C.; Zhang, X.; Wu, Y.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D. R., Supported Ionic Liquid Gel Membrane Electrolytes for a Safe and Flexible Sodium Metal Battery. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2019, 7 (4), 3722-3726, Impact Factor = 6.970.
Jia, X.; Ge, Y.; Shao, L.; Wang, C.; Wallace, G. G., Tunable Conducting Polymers: Toward Sustainable and Versatile Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2019, 7 (17), 14321-14340, Impact Factor = 6.970.
Du, H. L.; Gengenbach, T. R.; Hodgetts, R.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Simonov, A. N., Critical Assessment of the Electrocatalytic Activity of Vanadium and Niobium Nitrides toward Dinitrogen Reduction to Ammonia. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2019, 7 (7), 6839-6850, Impact Factor = 6.970.
Farajikhah, S.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G. G.; Harris, A. R., Facile Development of a Fiber-Based Electrode for Highly Selective and Sensitive Detection of Dopamine. ACS Sensors 2019, 4 (10), 2599-2604, Impact Factor = 6.944.
Harris, A. R.; McGivern, P.; Ooi, L., Modeling Emergent Properties in the Brain Using Tissue Models to Investigate Neurodegenerative Disease. Neuroscientist 2019, Impact Factor = 6.791.
Ruland, A.; Gilmore, K. J.; Daikuara, L. Y.; Fay, C. D.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G., Quantitative ultrasound imaging of cell-laden hydrogels and printed constructs. Acta Biomaterialia 2019, 91, 173-185, Impact Factor = 6.638.
Robinson, M.; Simonov, A. N.; Zhang, J.; Bond, A. M.; Gavaghan, D., Separating the Effects of Experimental Noise from Inherent System Variability in Voltammetry: The [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4- Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (3), 1944-1953, Impact Factor = 6.350.
Li, J.; Kennedy, G. F.; Gundry, L.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Application of Bayesian Inference in Fourier-Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry for Electrode Kinetic Mechanism Distinction. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (8), 5303-5309, Impact Factor = 6.350.
Lam, S. C.; Gupta, V.; Haddad, P. R.; Paull, B., 3D Printed Liquid Cooling Interface for a Deep-UV-LED-Based Flow-Through Absorbance Detector. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (14), 8795-8800, Impact Factor = 6.350.
Kennedy, G. F.; Zhang, J.; Bond, A. M., Automatically Identifying Electrode Reaction Mechanisms Using Deep Neural Networks. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (19), 12220-12227, Impact Factor = 6.350.
Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Zhang, P.; Ahtiainen, A.; Kaisvuo, H.; Lee, C. Y.; Beirne, S.; Aqrawe, Z.; Svirskis, D.; Hyttinen, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Travas-Sejdic, J.; Crook, J. M., Human Neural Tissues from Neural Stem Cells Using Conductive Biogel and Printed Polymer Microelectrode Arrays for 3D Electrical Stimulation. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019, 8 (15), Impact Factor = 6.270.
Liu, X.; Carter, S. S. D.; Renes, M. J.; Kim, J.; Rojas-Canales, D. M.; Penko, D.; Angus, C.; Beirne, S.; Drogemuller, C. J.; Yue, Z.; Coates, P. T.; Wallace, G. G., Development of a Coaxial 3D Printing Platform for Biofabrication of Implantable Islet-Containing Constructs. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019, 8 (7), Impact Factor = 6.270.
Duc, D.; Stoddart, P. R.; McArthur, S. L.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Quigley, A. F.; Boyd-Moss, M.; Moulton, S. E., Fabrication of a Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Graphene Oxide–Gold Nanorods Electro- and Photoactive Interface for Cell Stimulation. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2019, 8 (9), Impact Factor = 6.270.
Zou, J.; Peleckis, G.; Lee, C. Y.; Wallace, G. G., Facile electrochemical synthesis of ultrathin iron oxyhydroxide nanosheets for the oxygen evolution reaction. Chemical Communications 2019, 55 (60), 8808-8811, Impact Factor = 6.164.
Pirnat, K.; Casado, N.; Porcarelli, L.; Ballard, N.; Mecerreyes, D., Synthesis of Redox Polymer Nanoparticles Based on Poly(vinyl catechols) and Their Electroactivity. Macromolecules 2019, 52 (21), 8155-8166, Impact Factor = 5.997.
Matioszek, D.; Mazières, S.; Brusylovets, O.; Lin, C. Y.; Coote, M. L.; Destarac, M.; Harrisson, S., Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of Addition-Fragmentation Pathways of Diseleno-and Dithiocarbamate RAFT Agents. Macromolecules 2019, 52 (9), 3376-3386, Impact Factor = 5.997.
Chen, X.; Yue, Z.; Winberg, P. C.; Dinoro, J. N.; Hayes, P.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G., Development of rhamnose-rich hydrogels based on sulfated xylorhamno-uronic acid toward wound healing applications. Biomaterials Science 2019, 7 (8), 3497-3509, Impact Factor = 5.831.
Kim, J. H.; Alderton, A.; Crook, J. M.; Benvenisty, N.; Brandsten, C.; Firpo, M.; Harrison, P. W.; Kawamata, S.; Kawase, E.; Kurtz, A.; Loring, J. F.; Ludwig, T.; Man, J.; Mountford, J. C.; Turner, M. L.; Oh, S.; da Veiga Pereira, L.; Pranke, P.; Sheldon, M.; Steeg, R.; Sullivan, S.; Yaffe, M.; Zhou, Q.; Stacey, G. N., A Report from a Workshop of the International Stem Cell Banking Initiative, Held in Collaboration of Global Alliance for iPSC Therapies and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Boston, 2017. Stem Cells 2019, 37 (9), 1130-1135, Impact Factor = 5.587.
Ralph, N.; Hancock, L., Energy security, transnational politics, and renewable electricity exports in Australia and South east Asia. Energy Research and Social Science 2019, 49, 233-240, Impact Factor = 5.525.
Huang, H.; Hu, L.; Sun, Y.; Liu, Y.; Kang, Z.; MacFarlane, D. R., Preparation of chiral graphene oxides by covalent attachment of chiral cysteines for voltammetric recognition of tartrates. Microchimica Acta 2019, 186 (5), Impact Factor = 5.479.
Lee, C. Y.; Taylor, A. C.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G., A 3D-Printed Electrochemical Water Splitting Cell. Advanced Materials Technologies 2019, 4 (10), Impact Factor = 5.395.
Taheri, A.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Pringle, J. M., Application of a water-soluble cobalt redox couple in free-standing cellulose films for thermal energy harvesting. Electrochimica Acta 2019, 297, 669-675, Impact Factor = 5.383.
Smith, E. A. M.; Liu, Y.; Stirling, C.; Watson, D. J.; Slade, R. C. T.; Chen, J.; Crean, C., Plasma functionalisation of few-layer graphenes and carbon nanotubes for graphene microsupercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 2019, 317, 348-357, Impact Factor = 5.383.
Islam, M. A.; Koreshkova, A. N.; Gupta, V.; Lewis, T.; Macka, M.; Paull, B.; Mahbub, P., Fast pulsed amperometric waveform for miniaturised flow-through electrochemical detection: Application in monitoring graphene oxide reduction. Electrochimica Acta 2019, 328, Impact Factor = 5.383.
Xu, L.; Coote, M. L., Improving the Accuracy of PCM-UAHF and PCM-UAKS Calculations Using Optimized Electrostatic Scaling Factors. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019, 15 (12), 6958-6967, Impact Factor = 5.313.
Nakatani, N.; Cabot, J. M.; Lam, S. C.; Rodriguez, E. S.; Paull, B., Selective capillary electrophoresis separation of mono and divalent cations within a high-surface area-to-volume ratio multi-lumen capillary. Analytica Chimica Acta 2019, 1051, 41-48, Impact Factor = 5.256.
Fornells, E.; Murray, E.; Waheed, S.; Morrin, A.; Diamond, D.; Paull, B.; Breadmore, M., Integrated 3D printed heaters for microfluidic applications: Ammonium analysis within environmental water. Analytica Chimica Acta 2019, Impact Factor = 5.256.
Cecil, F.; Guijt, R. M.; Henderson, A. D.; Macka, M.; Breadmore, M. C., One step multi-material 3D printing for the fabrication of a photometric detector flow cell. Analytica Chimica Acta 2019, Impact Factor = 5.256.
Zhang, Y.; Liu, J.; Wei, Z.; Liu, Q.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Electrochemical CO 2 reduction over nitrogen-doped SnO2 crystal surfaces. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2019, 22-30, Impact Factor = 5.162.
Liu, J.; Liang, J.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Electrospun CoSe@N-doped carbon nanofibers with highly capacitive Li storage. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2019, 160-166, Impact Factor = 5.162.
Huang, J.; Wei, Z.; Liao, J.; Ni, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Molybdenum and tungsten chalcogenides for lithium/sodium-ion batteries: Beyond MoS 2. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2019, 100-124, Impact Factor = 5.162.
Lei, W.; Zhang, H.; Liu, D.; Lin, L., Fabrication of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon nanofibers with three-dimensional architecture for high performance supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science 2019, 495, Impact Factor = 5.155.
Guo, R.; Wang, J.; Wang, H.; Fei, G.; Wang, C.; Sun, L.; Wallace, G. G., Engineering the poly(vinyl alcohol)-polyaniline colloids for high-performance waterborne alkyd anticorrosion coating. Applied Surface Science 2019, 481, 960-971, Impact Factor = 5.155.
Than, T. D.; Alici, G.; Zhou, H.; Harvey, S.; Li, W., Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 2019, 49 (6), 1270-1284, Impact Factor = 5.131.
Feng, L.; Watanabe, H.; Molino, P.; Wallace, G. G.; Phung, S. L.; Uchihashi, T.; Higgins, M. J., Corrigendum to “Dynamics of Inter-Molecular Interactions Between Single Aβ42 Oligomeric and Aggregate Species by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy” (Journal of Molecular Biology (2019) 431(15) (2687–2699), (S0022283619302529), (10.1016/j.jmb.2019.04.044)). Journal of Molecular Biology 2019, Impact Factor = 5.067.
Feng, L.; Watanabe, H.; Molino, P.; Wallace, G. G.; Phung, S. L.; Uchihashi, T.; Higgins, M. J., Dynamics of Inter-Molecular Interactions Between Single Aβ42 Oligomeric and Aggregate Species by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy. Journal of Molecular Biology 2019, 431 (15), 2687-2699, Impact Factor = 5.067.
Mehrpouya, F.; Yue, Z.; Romeo, T.; Gorkin, R.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Wallace, G. G., A simple technique for development of fibres with programmable microsphere concentration gradients for local protein delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, 7 (4), 556-565, Impact Factor = 5.047.
Fu, J.; In Het Panhuis, M., Hydrogel properties and applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, 7 (10), 1523-1525, Impact Factor = 5.047.
da Silva, A. C.; Higgins, M. J.; Córdoba de Torresi, S. I., The effect of nanoscale surface electrical properties of partially biodegradable PEDOT-co-PDLLA conducting polymers on protein adhesion investigated by atomic force microscopy. Materials Science and Engineering C 2019, 99, 468-478, Impact Factor = 4.959.
Zhou, H.; Alici, G., A Novel Magnetic Anchoring System for Wireless Capsule Endoscopes Operating within the Gastrointestinal Tract. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 2019, 24 (3), 1106-1116, Impact Factor = 4.943.
Tawk, C.; Spinks, G. M.; In Het Panhuis, M.; Alici, G., 3D Printable Linear Soft Vacuum Actuators: Their Modeling, Performance Quantification and Application in Soft Robotic Systems. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 2019, 24 (5), 2118-2129, Impact Factor = 4.943.
Koreshkova, A. N.; Gupta, V.; Peristyy, A.; Nesterenko, P. N.; Rodemann, T.; Paull, B., Ion chromatographic determination of hydrazine in excess ammonia for monitoring graphene oxide reduction reaction. Talanta 2019, 205, Impact Factor = 4.916.
Qiu, S.; Azofra, L. M.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Sun, C., Hydrogen Evolution in [NiFe] Hydrogenases: A Case of Heterolytic Approach between Proton and Hydride. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58 (5), 2979-2986, Impact Factor = 4.850.
Doan, V.; Noble, B. B.; Fung, A. K. K.; Coote, M. L., Rational design of highly activating ligands for cu-based atom transfer radical polymerization. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, Impact Factor = 4.745.
Blyth, M. T.; Coote, M. L., A pH-Switchable Electrostatic Catalyst for the Diels-Alder Reaction: Progress toward Synthetically Viable Electrostatic Catalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, 84 (3), 1517-1522, Impact Factor = 4.745.
Wang, X.; Molino, B. Z.; Pitkänen, S.; Ojansivu, M.; Xu, C.; Hannula, M.; Hyttinen, J.; Miettinen, S.; Hupa, L.; Wallace, G., 3D Scaffolds of Polycaprolactone/Copper-Doped Bioactive Glass: Architecture Engineering with Additive Manufacturing and Cellular Assessments in a Coculture of Bone Marrow Stem Cells and Endothelial Cells. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2019, 5 (9), 4496-4510, Impact Factor = 4.511.
Zhang, X.; Romeiro, F. C.; Guo, S. X.; Zhang, Y.; Nossol, E.; Lima, R. C.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Size Controllable Metal Nanoparticles Anchored on Nitrogen Doped Carbon for Electrocatalytic Energy Conversion. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (5), 1508-1513, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Silva, S. M.; Quigley, A. F.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Greene, G. W.; Moulton, S. E., Lubricin on platinum electrodes: A low-impedance protein-resistant surface towards biomedical implantation. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (6), 1939-1943, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Jamali, S. S.; Moulton, S. E.; Zhao, Y.; Gambhir, S.; Forsyth, M.; Wallace, G. G., Biodegradable Conducting Polymer Coating to Mitigate Early Stage Degradation of Magnesium in Simulated Biological Fluid: An Electrochemical Mechanistic Study. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (18), 4893-4901, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Jawdat, F. H.; Lin, J.; Dou, S. X.; Park, M. S.; Nattestad, A.; Kim, J. H., Oxygen-deficient TiO2-δ synthesized from MIL-125 metal-organic framework for photocatalytic dye degradation. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2019, 92 (12), 2012-2018, Impact Factor = 4.431.
Rogers, F. J. M.; Coote, M. L., Computational Evaluation of the Oxidative Cleavage of Triazine Derivatives for Electrosynthesis. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (16), 10306-10310, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Rogers, F. J. M.; Coote, M. L., Computational Assessment of Verdazyl Derivatives for Electrochemical Generation of Carbon-Centered Radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (33), 20174-20180, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Noble, B. B.; Norcott, P. L.; Hammill, C. L.; Ciampi, S.; Coote, M. L., Mechanism of Oxidative Alkoxyamine Cleavage: The Surprising Role of the Solvent and Supporting Electrolyte. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (16), 10300-10305, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Li, J.; Bentley, C. L.; Tan, S. Y.; Mosali, V. S. S.; Rahman, M. A.; Cobb, S. J.; Guo, S. X.; Macpherson, J. V.; Unwin, P. R.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Impact of sp2 Carbon Edge Effects on the Electron-Transfer Kinetics of the Ferrocene/Ferricenium Process at a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode in an Ionic Liquid. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (28), 17397-17406, Impact Factor = 4.309.
King, H. J.; Fournier, M.; Bonke, S. A.; Seeman, E.; Chatti, M.; Jumabekov, A. N.; Johannessen, B.; Kappen, P.; Simonov, A. N.; Hocking, R. K., Photon-Induced, Timescale, and Electrode Effects Critical for the in Situ X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis of Electrocatalysts: The Water Oxidation Case. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (47), 28533-28549, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Kang, C. S. M.; Zhang, X.; Macfarlane, D. R., High Nitrogen Gas Solubility and Physicochemical Properties of [C4mpyr][eFAP]-Fluorinated Solvent Mixtures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (35), 21376-21385, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Hammill, C. L.; Noble, B. B.; Norcott, P. L.; Ciampi, S.; Coote, M. L., Effect of Chemical Structure on the Electrochemical Cleavage of Alkoxyamines. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123 (9), 5273-5281, Impact Factor = 4.309.
Jahanshahi, M.; Kowsari, E.; Haddadi-Asl, V.; Khoobi, M.; Lee, J. H.; Kadumudi, F. B.; Talebian, S.; Kamaly, N.; Mehrali, M., Sericin grafted multifunctional curcumin loaded fluorinated graphene oxide nanomedicines with charge switching properties for effective cancer cell targeting. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2019, 572, Impact Factor = 4.213.
Kim, T. H.; Choi, J. G.; Byun, J. Y.; Jang, Y.; Kim, S. M.; Spinks, G. M.; Kim, S. J., Biomimetic Thermal-sensitive Multi-transform Actuator. Scientific Reports 2019, 9 (1), Impact Factor = 4.122.
Yin, Y.; Xu, C.; Liu, Z.; Ren, W.; Sun, C., Ultrathin α-Mo2C dominated by (100) Surface/Cu Schottky junction as efficient catalyst for hydrogen evolution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (2), 853-859, Impact Factor = 4.084.
Wang, L.; Yang, G.; Wang, S.; Wang, J.; Nasir, M. S.; Wang, C.; Peng, S.; Yan, W.; Ramakrishna, S., Fabrication of hierarchically one-dimensional ZnxCd1-x S/NiTiO3 nanostructures and their enhanced photocatalytic water splitting activity. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (59), 30974-30985, Impact Factor = 4.084.
Tiwari, P.; Tsekouras, G.; Wagner, K.; Swiegers, G. F.; Wallace, G. G., A new class of bubble-free water electrolyzer that is intrinsically highly efficient. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (42), 23568-23579, Impact Factor = 4.084.
Zhang, J.; Lalevée, J.; Hill, N. S.; Peng, X.; Zhu, D.; Kiehl, J.; Morlet-Savary, F.; Stenzel, M. H.; Coote, M. L.; Xiao, P., Photoinitiation Mechanism and Ability of Monoamino-Substituted Anthraquinone Derivatives as Cationic Photoinitiators of Polymerization under LEDs. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2019, 40 (16), Impact Factor = 4.078.
Li, J.; Liu, X.; Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., Smart graphene-cellulose paper for 2D or 3D “origami-inspired” human stem cell support and differentiation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019, 176, 87-95, Impact Factor = 3.973.
Mater, A. C.; Coote, M. L., Deep Learning in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2019, Impact Factor = 3.966.
Harris, A. R.; Wallace, G. G., Electrochemical methods for analysing and controlling charge transfer at the electrode–tissue interface. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2019, 16, 143-148, Impact Factor = 3.84.
Knowles, B. R.; Yang, D.; Wagner, P.; Maclaughlin, S.; Higgins, M. J.; Molino, P. J., Zwitterion Functionalized Silica Nanoparticle Coatings: The Effect of Particle Size on Protein, Bacteria, and Fungal Spore Adhesion. Langmuir 2019, 35 (5), 1335-1345, Impact Factor = 3.683.
Han, M.; Silva, S. M.; Lei, W.; Quigley, A.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Moulton, S. E.; Greene, G. W., Adhesion and Self-Assembly of Lubricin (PRG4) Brush Layers on Different Substrate Surfaces. Langmuir 2019, 35 (48), 15834-15848, Impact Factor = 3.683.
Kim, J.; Kang, K.; Drogemuller, C. J.; Wallace, G. G.; Coates, P. T., Bioprinting an Artificial Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes. Current Diabetes Reports 2019, 19 (8), Impact Factor = 3.568.
Zhu, H.; Vijayaraghavan, R.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M., Self-assembled structure and dynamics of imidazolium-based protic salts in water solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21 (5), 2691-2696, Impact Factor = 3.567.
Zhang, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, C.; Wei, Z.; Yang, J.; Ma, J., Zn-Doped Cu(100) facet with efficient catalytic ability for the CO2 electroreduction to ethylene. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21 (38), 21341-21348, Impact Factor = 3.567.
Harris, A. R.; Newbold, C.; Carter, P.; Cowan, R.; Wallace, G. G., Using chronopotentiometry to better characterize the charge injection mechanisms of platinum electrodes used in bionic devices. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019, 13 (APR), Impact Factor = 3.566.
Gharib, D. H.; Lock, P.; Moulton, S. E.; Malherbe, F.; Langford, S. J., Molecular Design of Core Substituted Naphthalene Diimides for the Exfoliation of Graphite to Graphene in Chloroform. ChemNanoMat 2019, 5 (10), 1303-1310, Impact Factor = 3.431.
Nagle, A. R.; Fay, C. D.; Xie, Z.; Wallace, G. G.; Wang, X.; Higgins, M. J., A direct 3D suspension near-field electrospinning technique for the fabrication of polymer nanoarrays. Nanotechnology 2019, 30 (19), Impact Factor = 3.399.
Nagle, A. R.; Fay, C. D.; Wallace, G. G.; Xie, Z.; Wang, X.; Higgins, M. J., Patterning and process parameter effects in 3D suspension near-field electrospinning of nanoarrays. Nanotechnology 2019, 30 (49), Impact Factor = 3.399.
Caballero Aguilar, L. M.; Kapsa, R. M.; O’Connell, C. D.; McArthur, S. L.; Stoddart, P. R.; Moulton, S. E., Controlled release from PCL-alginate microspheres: Via secondary encapsulation using GelMA/HAMA hydrogel scaffolds. Soft Matter 2019, 15 (18), 3779-3787, Impact Factor = 3.399.
Tran-Phu, T.; Chen, H.; Bo, R.; Di Bernardo, I.; Fusco, Z.; Simonov, A. N.; Tricoli, A., High-Temperature One-Step Synthesis of Efficient Nanostructured Bismuth Vanadate Photoanodes for Water Oxidation. Energy Technology 2019, 7 (8), Impact Factor = 3.175.
Sparrow, R., Robotics Has a Race Problem. Science Technology and Human Values 2019, Impact Factor = 3.160.
Qi, F.; Zhao, C.; Wang, C.; Jia, X.; Weng, L.; He, T.; Min, Y., Polyaniline electrochemically deposited on tailored metal mesh for dynamically stretchable supercapacitors. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2019, 166 (16), A3932-A3939, Impact Factor = 3.120.
Harris, A. R.; Newbold, C.; Cowan, R.; Wallace, G. G., Insights into the electron transfer kinetics, capacitance and resistance effects of implantable electrodes using fourier transform AC voltammetry on platinum. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2019, 166 (12), G131-G140, Impact Factor = 3.120.
Tawk, C.; Gillett, A.; in het Panhuis, M.; Spinks, G. M.; Alici, G., A 3D-Printed Omni-Purpose Soft Gripper. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2019, Impact Factor = 3.063.
Farajikhah, S.; Van Amber, R.; Sayyar, S.; Shafei, S.; Fay, C. D.; Beirne, S.; Javadi, M.; Wang, X.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G. G., Processable Thermally Conductive Polyurethane Composite Fibers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2019, 304 (3), Impact Factor = 3.038.
Mohammadi, A.; Xu, Y.; Tan, Y.; Choong, P.; Oetomo, D., Magnetic-based soft tactile sensors with deformable continuous force transfer medium for resolving contact locations in robotic grasping and manipulation. Sensors (Switzerland) 2019, 19 (22), Impact Factor = 3.031.
Ngan, C. G. Y.; O’Connell, C. D.; Blanchard, R.; Boyd-Moss, M.; Williams, R. J.; Bourke, J.; Quigley, A.; McKelvie, P.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Choong, P. F. M., Optimising the biocompatibility of 3D printed photopolymer constructs in vitro and in vivo. Biomedical Materials (Bristol) 2019, 14 (3), Impact Factor = 3.30.
Farajikhah, S.; Cabot, J. M.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G., Life-Saving Threads: Advances in Textile-Based Analytical Devices. ACS Combinatorial Science 2019, 21 (4), 229-240, Impact Factor = 3.2.
Ngan, C. G. Y.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Choong, P. F. M., Strategies for neural control of prosthetic limbs: From electrode interfacing to 3D printing. Materials 2019, 12 (12), Impact Factor = 2.972.
Antill-O’Brien, N.; Bourke, J.; O’Connell, C. D., Layer-by-layer: The case for 3D bioprinting neurons to create patient-specific epilepsy models. Materials 2019, 12 (19), Impact Factor = 2.972.
Begić, S. S. D.; Chen, F.; Jónsson, E.; Forsyth, M., Overscreening and crowding in electrochemical ionic liquid systems. Physical Review Materials 2019, 3 (9), Impact Factor = 2.926.
Masdarolomoor, F.; Hajizadeh, S.; Arab Chamjangali, M.; Innis, P. C., Novel approach to the synthesis of polyaniline possessing electroactivity at neutral pH. Synthetic Metals 2019, 250, 121-130, Impact Factor = 2.870.
Breadmore, M. C.; Grochocki, W.; Kalsoom, U.; Alves, M. N.; Phung, S. C.; Rokh, M. T.; Cabot, J. M.; Ghiasvand, A.; Li, F.; Shallan, A. I.; Keyon, A. S. A.; Alhusban, A. A.; See, H. H.; Wuethrich, A.; Dawod, M.; Quirino, J. P., Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries and microchips (2016–2018). Electrophoresis 2019, 40 (1), 17-39, Impact Factor = 2.754.
Yu, L. J.; Coote, M. L., Electrostatic Switching between S N 1 and S N 2 Pathways. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019, 123 (2), 582-589, Impact Factor = 2.641.
Xu, L.; Coote, M. L., Methods to Improve the Calculations of Solvation Model Density Solvation Free Energies and Associated Aqueous p Ka Values: Comparison between Choosing an Optimal Theoretical Level, Solute Cavity Scaling, and Using Explicit Solvent Molecules. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019, 123 (34), 7430-7438, Impact Factor = 2.641.
Viaña, J. N. M.; Gilbert, F., Deep brain stimulation for people with Alzheimer’s disease: Anticipating potential effects on the tripartite self. Dementia 2019, 18 (7-8), 2836-2855, Impact Factor = 2.635.
Breadmore, M. C.; Grochocki, W.; Kalsoom, U.; Alves, M. N.; Phung, S. C.; Rokh, M. T.; Cabot, J. M.; Ghiasvand, A.; Li, F.; Shallan, A. I.; Keyon, A. S. A.; Alhusban, A. A.; See, H. H.; Wuethrich, A.; Dawod, M.; Quirino, J. P., Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries and microchips (2016-2018). Electrophoresis 2019, 40 (1), 17-39, Impact Factor = 2.569.
Mansour, F. R.; Waheed, S.; Paull, B.; Maya, F., Porogens and porogen selection in the preparation of porous polymer monoliths. Journal of Separation Science 2019, Impact Factor = 2.516.
Crisp, A. L.; Noble, B.; Schwartz, B. D.; Willis, A. C.; Coote, M. L.; Banwell, M. G., The Synthesis, Structural Characterisation and Chemical Manipulation of the [6+3] Cycloadduct Derived from α-Tropolone O-Methyl Ether and Trimethylenemethane. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, 8 (8), 1458-1467, Impact Factor = 2.496.
Florczak, S.; Lorson, T.; Zheng, T.; Mrlik, M.; Hutmacher, D. W.; Higgins, M. J.; Luxenhofer, R.; Dalton, P. D., Melt electrowriting of electroactive poly(vinylidene difluoride) fibers. Polymer International 2019, 68 (4), 735-745, Impact Factor = 2.352.
Walker, M. J.; Goddard, E.; Stephens-Fripp, B.; Alici, G., Towards Including End-Users in the Design of Prosthetic Hands: Ethical Analysis of a Survey of Australians with Upper-Limb Difference. Science and Engineering Ethics 2019, Impact Factor = 2.275.
Alosime, E. M.; Alshahrani, A. A.; Nghiem, L. D.; in het Panhuis, M., The preparation and characterization of buckypaper made from carbon nanotubes impregnated with chitosan. Polymer Composites 2019, Impact Factor = 2.268.
Qi, C.; Liu, L.; He, J.; Chen, Q.; Yu, L. J.; Liu, P., Understanding cement hydration of cemented paste backfill: DFT study of water adsorption on tricalcium silicate (111) surface. Minerals 2019, 9 (4), Impact Factor = 2.250.
Shimazu, Y.; Zhang, B.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G.; Fukuda, J., Engineering of perfusable double-layered vascular structures using contraction of spheroid-embedded hydrogel and electrochemical cell detachment. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2019, 127 (1), 114-120, Impact Factor = 2.240.
Zhang, W.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Chen, J., Recent advances in isolated single-atom catalysts for zinc air batteries: A focus review. Nanomaterials 2019, 9 (10), Impact Factor = 2.233.
Lei, W.; Liu, H.; Xiao, J.; Wang, Y.; Lin, L., Moss-derived mesoporous carbon as bi-functional electrode materials for lithium–sulfur batteries and supercapacitors. Nanomaterials 2019, 9 (1), Impact Factor = 2.233.
Gagrani, A.; Alsultan, M.; Swiegers, G. F.; Tsuzuki, T., Photo-electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction by biomimetic CaMn2O4 Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2019, 9 (11), Impact Factor = 2.217.
Al-Attafi, K.; Nattestad, A.; Dou, S. X.; Kim, J. H., A comparative study of TiO2 paste preparation methods using solvothermally synthesised anatase nanoparticles in dye-sensitised solar cells. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2019, 9 (5), Impact Factor = 2.217.
Sayyar, S.; Moskowitz, J.; Fox, B.; Wiggins, J.; Wallace, G., Wet-spinning and carbonization of graphene/PAN-based fibers: Toward improving the properties of carbon fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019, 136 (36), Impact Factor = 2.188.
Marshall, D. L.; Gryn’ova, G.; Poad, B. L. J.; Bottle, S. E.; Trevitt, A. J.; Coote, M. L.; Blanksby, S. J., Experimental evidence for long-range stabilizing and destabilizing interactions between charge and radical sites in distonic ions. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2019, 435, 195-203, Impact Factor = 1.702.
Mukherjee, P.; Clark, J.; Wallace, G.; Cheng, K.; Solomon, M.; Richardson, A.; Maddern, G., Discussion paper on proposed new regulatory changes on 3D technology: a surgical perspective. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2019, 89 (1-2), 117-121, Impact Factor = 1.605.
Walker, M. J., On Replacement Body Parts. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2019, 16 (1), 61-73, Impact Factor = 1.592.
Sancak, C.; Yamac, F.; Itik, M.; Alici, G., Model-free control of an electro-active polymer actuator. Materials Research Express 2019, 6 (5), Impact Factor = 1.449.
Taheri, A.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Pringle, J. M., The Effect of Solvent on the Seebeck Coefficient and Thermocell Performance of Cobalt Bipyridyl and Iron Ferri/Ferrocyanide Redox Couples. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2019, 72 (9), 709-716, Impact Factor = 1.226.
Russo, M.; Warren, H.; Spinks, G. M.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Pringle, J. M., Hydrogels containing the ferri/ferrocyanide redox couple and ionic liquids for thermocells. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2019, 72 (2), 112-121, Impact Factor = 1.226.
Kar, M.; Plechkova, N. V.; Seddon, K. R.; Pringle, J. M.; MacFarlane, D. R., Ionic Liquids-Further Progress on the Fundamental Issues. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2019, 72 (2), 3-10, Impact Factor = 1.226.
Hill, N. S.; Coote, M. L., Strategies for Red-Shifting Type i Photoinitiators: Internal Electric Fields versus Lewis Acids versus Increasing Conjugation. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2019, 72 (8), 627-632, Impact Factor = 1.226.
Gilbert, F.; Brown; Dasgupta; Martens; Klein; Goering, An Instrument to Capture the Phenomenology of Implantable Brain Device Use. Neuroethics 2019, Impact Factor = 0.986.
Walker, M. J.; Bourke, J.; Hutchison, K., Evidence for personalised medicine: mechanisms, correlation, and new kinds of black box. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2019, 40 (2), 103-121, Impact Factor = 0.789.
Zhang, J.; Darwish, N.; Coote, M. L.; Ciampi, S., Static Electrification of Plastics under Friction: The Position of Engineering-Grade Polyethylene Terephthalate in the Triboelectric Series. Advanced Engineering Materials 2019, Impact Factor =2.906.
Zhou, Y.; Kang, L.; Yue, Z.; Liu, X.; Wallace, G. G., Composite Tissue Adhesive Containing Catechol-Modified Hyaluronic Acid and Poly- l -lysine. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2019, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
De Anastro, A. F.; Porcarelli, L.; Hilder, M.; Berlanga, C.; Galceran, M.; Howlett, P.; Forsyth, M.; Mecerreyes, D., UV-Cross-Linked Ionogels for All-Solid-State Rechargeable Sodium Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2019, 2 (10), 6960-6966, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Zhou, H.; Mohammadi, A.; Oetomo, D.; Alici, G., A Novel Monolithic Soft Robotic Thumb for an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2019, 4 (2), 602-609, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Zhang, H.; Wallace, G. G.; Higgins, M. J., Effect of monophasic pulsed stimulation on live single cell de-adhesion on conducting polymers with adsorbed fibronectin as revealed by single cell force spectroscopy. Biointerphases 2019, 14 (2), Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Yan, X.; Dong, C. L.; Huang, Y. C.; Jia, Y.; Zhang, L.; Shen, S.; Chen, J.; Yao, X., Probing the Active Sites of Carbon-Encapsulated Cobalt Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction. Small Methods 2019, 3 (9), Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Suryanto, B. H. R.; Du, H. L.; Wang, D.; Chen, J.; Simonov, A. N.; MacFarlane, D. R., Challenges and prospects in the catalysis of electroreduction of nitrogen to ammonia. Nature Catalysis 2019, 2 (4), 290-296, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Noble, B. B.; Coote, M. L., Isotactic Regulation in the Radical Polymerization of Calcium Methacrylate: Is Multiple Chelation the Key to Stereocontrol? Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2019, Impact Factor = Not Available.
Ma, Z.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Kar, M., Ionic liquid/tetraglyme hybrid Mg[TFSI] 2 electrolytes for rechargeable Mg batteries. Green Energy and Environment 2019, 4 (2), 146-153, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Li, J.; Liu, X.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., 3D graphene-containing structures for tissue engineering. Materials Today Chemistry 2019, 14, Impact Factor = Not Available.
Jia, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhuang, L.; Liu, H.; Yan, X.; Wang, X.; Liu, J.; Wang, J.; Zheng, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Taran, E.; Chen, J.; Yang, D.; Zhu, Z.; Wang, S.; Dai, L.; Yao, X., Identification of active sites for acidic oxygen reduction on carbon catalysts with and without nitrogen doping. Nature Catalysis 2019, 2 (8), 688-695, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Harris, A. R.; Allitt, B. J.; Paolini, A. G., Predicting neural recording performance of implantable electrodes. The Analyst 2019, 144 (9), 2973-2983, Impact Factor = Not Available.
Deng, X.; Jiang, Y.; Wei, Z.; Mao, M.; Pothu, R.; Wang, H.; Wang, C.; Liu, J.; Ma, J., Flexible quasi-solid-state dual-ion asymmetric supercapacitor based on Ni(OH)2 and Nb2O5 nanosheet arrays. Green Energy and Environment 2019, 4 (4), 382-390, Impact Factor = Not available yet.
Chatti, M.; Gardiner, J. L.; Fournier, M.; Johannessen, B.; Williams, T.; Gengenbach, T. R.; Pai, N.; Nguyen, C.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Hocking, R. K.; Simonov, A. N., Intrinsically stable in situ generated electrocatalyst for long-term oxidation of acidic water at up to 80 °C. Nature Catalysis 2019, 2 (5), 457-465, Impact Factor = Not Available.
Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Crook, J. M., Clinically amendable, defined, and rapid induction of human brain organoids from induced pluripotent stem cells. In Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press Inc.: 2019; Vol. 1576, pp 13-22.
Tawk, C.; Spinks, G. M.; In het Panhuis, M.; Alici, G. In 3D printable vacuum-powered soft linear actuators, 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: 2019; pp 50-55.
Tawk, C.; Gao, Y.; Mutlu, R.; Alici, G. In Fully 3D printed monolithic soft gripper with high conformal grasping capability, 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: 2019; pp 1139-1144.
Singh, D.; Tawk, C.; Mutlu, R.; Sariyildiz, E.; Alici, G. In A 3D printed soft robotic monolithic unit for haptic feedback devices, 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: 2019; pp 388-393.
O’Brien, S.; Searle, T.; Alici, G. In Flexible surface electrodes targeting biopotential signals from forearm muscles for control of prosthetic hands: Part 1 – Characterisation of semg electrodes, 2019 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.: 2019; pp 1019-1024.
Lee, W. C. C.; Alici, G., Smart approaches in facilitating engineering students to learn health technology. In 5th International KES conference on Smart Education and e-Learning, SEEL 2018, Howlett, R. J.; Uskov, V. L.; Vlacic, L.; Jain, L. C., Eds. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH: 2019; Vol. 99, pp 175-182.
Hill, N. S.; Coote, M. L., A comparison of methods for theoretical photochemistry: Applications, successes and challenges. In Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry, Dixon, D. A., Ed. Elsevier Ltd: 2019; Vol. 15, pp 203-285.
Firipis, K.; Boyd-Moss, M.; Quigley, A.; Nisbet, D.; Williams, R. In Agarose for mechanical control of self-assembling peptide systems, 42nd Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting and Exposition 2019: The Pinnacle of Biomaterials Innovation and Excellence, Society for Biomaterials: 2019; p 698.
Boyd-Moss, M.; Quigley, A.; Firipis, K.; Long, B.; Nisbet, D.; Williams, R. In Development of self-assembling peptide inspired bioinks for neural tissue engineering applications, 42nd Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting and Exposition 2019: The Pinnacle of Biomaterials Innovation and Excellence, Society for Biomaterials: 2019; p 961.
Conference – full written paper-refereed proceedings
Please note some papers below were captured in the Scopus database so are also listed above.
Tawk, Y. Gao, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, ‘Fully 3D Printed Monolithic Soft Gripper with High Conformal Grasping Capability’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1139-1144, Hong Kong, July 2019.
O’Brien, T. Searle, and G. Alici, ‘Flexible Surface Electrodes Targeting Biopotential Signals from Forearm Muscles for Control of Prosthetic Hands: Part 1 – Characterisation of sEMG Electrodes’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1019-1024, Hong Kong, July 2019.
O’Brien, T. Searle, and G. Alici, ‘Flexible Surface Electrodes Targeting Biopotential Signals from Forearm Muscles for Control of Prosthetic Hands: Part 2 – Characterization of Substrates for Strain Sensors’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.1025-1030, Hong Kong, July 2019.
Singh, C. Tawk, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, ‘Developing Haptic Feedback Unit Based on Monolithic Soft Robotics’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.388-393, Hong Kong, July 2019.
Young, B. Stephens-Fripp, A. Gillett, H Zhou, and G. Alici, ‘Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Hand User’s Intentions using EMG Data and Machine Learning Techniques’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.544-549, Hong Kong, July 2019.
Stephens-Fripp, E. Wallace, T. Searle, and G. Alici, ‘Design of a Sensorised Object to Test Sensory Feedback for Prosthetic Hands’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.157-162, Hong Kong, July 2019.
Tawk, G.M Spinks, M. in het Panhuis, and G. Alici, ‘3D Printable Vacuum-Powered Soft Linear Actuators’, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.50-55, Hong Kong, July 2019.
Mayer, A. Mohammadi, G. Alici, P Choong, and D. Oetomo, ‘Bone Conduction as Sensory Feedback Interface: A Preliminary Study’, 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’19), Berlin Germany, 23-27 July 2019.
Keller, H. Warren and M. in het Panhuis, ‘Development of a facile one-pot synthesis method for an ingestible pH sensitive actuator’, MRS Advances, Published online 7/10/2019.
Sparrow, R., ‘Do robots have race?’, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. Early access 29 October, 2019.
Sparrow, R. 2019. ‘Robotics has a race problem’. Science, Technology, & Human Values. Published online 28 July 2019.
Hancock, L. ‘Climate change resilient energy systems across disasters types and zones’ Environmental Disasters 2019 Symposium, November 21. Funded by Uni of Sydney, Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre (SSSHARC) and the Office of Global Engagement.
Publishing ACES research is essential for knowledge translation. Publishing both in academic journals and explaining the potential impact of that research to our community through our website portal provides an important means in which we disseminate the body of ACES knowledge.
ACES Research Outputs – High Quality International Standing
In 2018, 224 articles (based on SCOPUS data 4.1.19) were published that have ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science in the address line indicating ACES members’ involvement in that research.
Book Chapters
Zhao, S. F.; Horne, M. D.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Chapter 7: Electrocarboxylation in Ionic Liquids. In RSC Energy and Environment Series, Fermin, D.; Marken, F., Eds. Royal Society of Chemistry: 2018; Vol. 2018-January, pp 160-181.
Azofra, L. M.; Sun, C., Chapter 6: DFT Modelling Tools in CO2 Conversion: Reaction Mechanism Screening and Analysis. In RSC Energy and Environment Series, Fermin, D.; Marken, F., Eds. Royal Society of Chemistry: 2018; Vol. 2018-January, pp 136-159.
Gu Q., Tomaskovic-Crook E., Wallace G.G., Crook J.M. (2018) Engineering Human Neural Tissue by 3D Bioprinting. In: Chawla K. (eds) Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, New York, NY. 2018; Vol 1758, pp 129-138.
Foroughi J, Azadeh Mirabedini A, Warren H, Chapter 6. Hydrogel In: Hydrogels. Haider S, Haider A Eds. InTech Open, 2018; pp 121-139.
Puckert C., Higgins M.J. (2018) Force Spectroscopy. In: The Surface Science Society of Japan (eds) Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis. Springer, Singapore, 2018, Print IBSN 978-981-10-6155-4; Online ISBN 978-981-10-6156-1.
Journal Articles
Some ACES journal articles were selected as hot topics and showcased on online websites. For example the article ‘Engineering Surface Amine Modifiers of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Improved Electrochemical CO2 Reduction’ (Advanced Energy Materials 2018) was promoted by Wiley as an April hot topic: gold as well as hot topic: carbon dioxide.
It was also reported in ChemistryViews and by the Chinese media Cailiaoren.
ACES research was also accepted as journal covers or frontispiece.
ACES Journal Article List
The 2018 ACES publication list below is reported in order starting from the highest journal impact factor.
Ciampi, S.; Darwish, N.; Aitken, H. M.; Díez-Perez, I.; Coote, M. L., Harnessing electrostatic catalysis in single molecule, electrochemical and chemical systems: a rapidly growing experimental tool box. Chemical Society Reviews 2018, 47 (14), 5146-5164, Impact Factor = 40.182.
Wagner, K.; Tiwari, P.; Swiegers, G. F.; Wallace, G. G., An electrochemical cell with Gortex-based electrodes capable of extracting pure hydrogen from highly dilute hydrogen-methane mixtures. Energy and Environmental Science 2018, 11 (1), 172-184, Impact Factor = 30.067.
Lu, J.; Lin, X.; Jiao, X.; Gengenbach, T.; Scully, A. D.; Jiang, L.; Tan, B.; Sun, J.; Li, B.; Pai, N.; Bach, U.; Simonov, A. N.; Cheng, Y. B., Interfacial benzenethiol modification facilitates charge transfer and improves stability of cm-sized metal halide perovskite solar cells with up to 20% efficiency. Energy and Environmental Science 2018, 11 (7), 1880-1889, Impact Factor = 30.067.
Tudor, A.; Delaney, C.; Zhang, H.; Thompson, A. J.; Curto, V. F.; Yang, G. Z.; Higgins, M. J.; Diamond, D.; Florea, L., Fabrication of soft, stimulus-responsive structures with sub-micron resolution via two-photon polymerization of poly(ionic liquid)s. Materials Today 2018, 21 (8), 807-816, Impact Factor = 24.537.
Zhao, Y.; Wang, C.; Liu, Y.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Wallace, G. G., Engineering Surface Amine Modifiers of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Reduced Graphene Oxide for Improved Electrochemical CO2 Reduction. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (25), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Zhao, Y.; Liang, J.; Wang, C.; Ma, J.; Wallace, G. G., Tunable and Efficient Tin Modified Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanofibers for Electrochemical Reduction of Aqueous Carbon Dioxide. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (10), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Zhang, X.; Kar, M.; Mendes, T. C.; Wu, Y.; MacFarlane, D. R., Supported Ionic Liquid Gel Membrane Electrolytes for Flexible Supercapacitors. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (15), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Wagner, K.; Tiwari, P.; Swiegers, G. F.; Wallace, G. G., Alkaline Fuel Cells with Novel Gortex-Based Electrodes are Powered Remarkably Efficiently by Methane Containing 5% Hydrogen. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (7), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Pai, N.; Lu, J.; Gengenbach, T. R.; Seeber, A.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Jiang, L.; Senevirathna, D. C.; Andrews, P. C.; Bach, U.; Cheng, Y. B.; Simonov, A. N., Silver Bismuth Sulfoiodide Solar Cells: Tuning Optoelectronic Properties by Sulfide Modification for Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, Impact Factor = 21.875.
Lu, Z.; Foroughi, J.; Wang, C.; Long, H.; Wallace, G. G., Superelastic Hybrid CNT/Graphene Fibers for Wearable Energy Storage. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (8), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Li, F.; Xue, M.; Zhang, X.; Chen, L.; Knowles, G. P.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Zhang, J., Advanced Composite 2D Energy Materials by Simultaneous Anodic and Cathodic Exfoliation. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (12), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Choi, J.; Wagner, P.; Jalili, R.; Kim, J.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Wallace, G. G.; Officer, D. L., A Porphyrin/Graphene Framework: A Highly Efficient and Robust Electrocatalyst for Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (26), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Basile, A.; Hilder, M.; Makhlooghiazad, F.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M., Ionic Liquids and Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals: Advanced Electrolytes for Safer High Performance Sodium Energy Storage Technologies. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8 (17), Impact Factor = 21.875.
Zhuang, L.; Jia, Y.; Liu, H.; Wang, X.; Hocking, R. K.; Liu, H.; Chen, J.; Ge, L.; Zhang, L.; Li, M.; Dong, C. L.; Huang, Y. C.; Shen, S.; Yang, D.; Zhu, Z.; Yao, X., Defect-Induced Pt–Co–Se Coordinated Sites with Highly Asymmetrical Electronic Distribution for Boosting Oxygen-Involving Electrocatalysis. Advanced Materials 2018, Impact Factor = 21.95.
Zhu, Z.; Yin, H.; He, C. T.; Al-Mamun, M.; Liu, P.; Jiang, L.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H. G.; Tang, Z.; Wang, D.; Chen, X. M.; Zhao, H., Ultrathin Transition Metal Dichalcogenide/3d Metal Hydroxide Hybridized Nanosheets to Enhance Hydrogen Evolution Activity. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (28), Impact Factor = 21.95.
Zeglio, E.; Inganäs, O., Active Materials for Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (44), Impact Factor = 21.95.
Xiao, Y.; Zarghami, S.; Wagner, K.; Wagner, P.; Gordon, K. C.; Florea, L.; Diamond, D.; Officer, D. L., Moving Droplets in 3D Using Light. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (35), Impact Factor = 21.95.
Talebian, S.; Foroughi, J.; Wade, S. J.; Vine, K. L.; Dolatshahi-Pirouz, A.; Mehrali, M.; Conde, J.; Wallace, G. G., Biopolymers for Antitumor Implantable Drug Delivery Systems: Recent Advances and Future Outlook. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (31), Impact Factor = 21.95.
Smith, L. M.; Aitken, H. M.; Coote, M. L., The Fate of the Peroxyl Radical in Autoxidation: How Does Polymer Degradation Really Occur? Accounts of Chemical Research 2018, 51 (9), 2006-2013, Impact Factor = 20.955.
Zhang, L.; Laborda, E.; Darwish, N.; Noble, B. B.; Tyrell, J. H.; Pluczyk, S.; Le Brun, A. P.; Wallace, G. G.; Gonzalez, J.; Coote, M. L.; Ciampi, S., Electrochemical and Electrostatic Cleavage of Alkoxyamines. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (2), 766-774, Impact Factor = 14.357.
Zhang, L.; Fischer, J. M. T. A.; Jia, Y.; Yan, X.; Xu, W.; Wang, X.; Chen, J.; Yang, D.; Liu, H.; Zhuang, L.; Hankel, M.; Searles, D. J.; Huang, K.; Feng, S.; Brown, C. L.; Yao, X., Coordination of Atomic Co-Pt Coupling Species at Carbon Defects as Active Sites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (34), 10757-10763, Impact Factor = 14.357.
Huang, Z.; Noble, B. B.; Corrigan, N.; Chu, Y.; Satoh, K.; Thomas, D. S.; Hawker, C. J.; Moad, G.; Kamigaito, M.; Coote, M. L.; Boyer, C.; Xu, J., Discrete and Stereospecific Oligomers Prepared by Sequential and Alternating Single Unit Monomer Insertion. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (41), 13392-13406, Impact Factor = 14.357.
Hill, N. S.; Coote, M. L., Internal Oriented Electric Fields as a Strategy for Selectively Modifying Photochemical Reactivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (50), 17800-17804, Impact Factor = 14.357.
Cho, I.; Koshika, M.; Wagner, P.; Koumura, N.; Innis, P. C.; Mori, S.; Mozer, A. J., Exploiting Intermolecular Interactions between Alkyl-Functionalized Redox-Active Molecule Pairs to Enhance Interfacial Electron Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (42), 13935-13944, Impact Factor = 14.357.
Zhang, L.; Jia, Y.; Gao, G.; Yan, X.; Chen, N.; Chen, J.; Soo, M. T.; Wood, B.; Yang, D.; Du, A.; Yao, X., Graphene Defects Trap Atomic Ni Species for Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions. Chem 2018, 4 (2), 285-297, Impact Factor = 14.104.
Li, D.; Jia, Y.; Chang, G.; Chen, J.; Liu, H.; Wang, J.; Hu, Y.; Xia, Y.; Yang, D.; Yao, X., A Defect-Driven Metal-free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction in Acidic Electrolyte. Chem 2018, 4 (10), 2345-2356, Impact Factor = 14.104.
Molino, P. J.; Yang, D.; Penna, M.; Miyazawa, K.; Knowles, B. R.; MacLaughlin, S.; Fukuma, T.; Yarovsky, I.; Higgins, M. J., Hydration Layer Structure of Biofouling-Resistant Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (11), 11610-11624, Impact Factor = 13.709.
Liu, Y.; Zhang, B.; Xu, Q.; Hou, Y.; Seyedin, S.; Qin, S.; Wallace, G. G.; Beirne, S.; Razal, J. M.; Chen, J., Development of Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Inks for High Performance Flexible Microsupercapacitors via Extrusion Printing. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (21), Impact Factor = 13.325.
Yu, Z.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, Z.; Tsekouras, G.; Li, X.; Wang, X.; Kong, X.; Dou, S. X., Enzyme-catalysed room temperature and atmospheric pressure synthesis of metal carbonate hydroxides for energy storage. Nano Energy 2018, 54, 200-208, Impact Factor = 13.120.
Yu, C.; Zhu, X.; Wang, C.; Zhou, Y.; Jia, X.; Jiang, L.; Liu, X.; Wallace, G. G., A smart cyto-compatible asymmetric polypyrrole membrane for salinity power generation. Nano Energy 2018, 53, 475-482, Impact Factor = 13.120.
Liu, G.; Karuturi, S. K.; Chen, H.; Spiccia, L.; Tan, H. H.; Jagadish, C.; Wang, D.; Simonov, A. N.; Tricoli, A., Tuning the morphology and structure of disordered hematite photoanodes for improved water oxidation: A physical and chemical synergistic approach. Nano Energy 2018, 53, 745-752, Impact Factor = 13.120.
Al-Attafi, K.; Jawdat, F. H.; Qutaish, H.; Hayes, P.; Al-Keisy, A.; Shim, K.; Yamauchi, Y.; Dou, S. X.; Nattestad, A.; Kim, J. H., Cubic aggregates of Zn2SnO4 nanoparticles and their application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Nano Energy 2019, 57, 202-213, Impact Factor = 13.120.
Jalili, R.; Esrafilzadeh, D.; Aboutalebi, S. H.; Sabri, Y. M.; Kandjani, A. E.; Bhargava, S. K.; Della Gaspera, E.; Gengenbach, T. R.; Walker, A.; Chao, Y.; Wang, C.; Alimadadi, H.; Mitchell, D. R. G.; Officer, D. L.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Wallace, G. G., Silicon as a ubiquitous contaminant in graphene derivatives with significant impact on device performance. Nature Communications 2018, 9 (1), Impact Factor = 12.353.
Zhang, X.; Huang, B.; Sun, C.; Lu, W.; Tian, Z. Q.; Shen, P. K.; Wang, H.; Zhao, D.; Macfarlane, D. R., Hierarchically ordered nanochannel array membrane reactor with three-dimensional electrocatalytic interfaces for electrohydrogenation of co2 to alcohol. ACS Energy Letters 2018, 3 (11), 2649-2655, Impact Factor = 12.277.
Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Ling, Y.; Li, F.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Controllable Synthesis of Few-Layer Bismuth Subcarbonate by Electrochemical Exfoliation for Enhanced CO2 Reduction Performance. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition 2018, 57 (40), 13283-13287, Impact Factor = 12.102.
Feng, H.; Xu, Z.; Ren, L.; Liu, C.; Zhuang, J.; Hu, Z.; Xu, X.; Chen, J.; Wang, J.; Hao, W.; Du, Y.; Dou, S. X., Activating Titania for Efficient Electrocatalysis by Vacancy Engineering. ACS Catalysis 2018, 8 (5), 4288-4293, Impact Factor = 11.384.
Zhang, Y.; Li, F.; Zhang, X.; Williams, T.; Easton, C. D.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Electrochemical reduction of CO2 on defect-rich Bi derived from Bi2S3 with enhanced formate selectivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (11), 4714-4720, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Zhang, X.; Li, F.; Zhang, Y.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Stannate derived bimetallic nanoparticles for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (17), 7851-7858, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Zhang, G.; Zheng, X.; Xu, Q.; Zhang, J.; Liu, W.; Chen, J., Carbon nanotube-induced phase and stability engineering: A strained cobalt-doped WSe2/MWNT heterostructure for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (11), 4793-4800, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Wei, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, S.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Fe-doped phosphorene for the nitrogen reduction reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (28), 13790-13796, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Lee, C. Y.; Wallace, G. G., CO2 electrolysis in seawater: calcification effect and a hybrid self-powered concept. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (46), 23301-23307, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Deng, X.; Wei, Z.; Cui, C.; Liu, Q.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Oxygen-deficient anatase TiO2@C nanospindles with pseudocapacitive contribution for enhancing lithium storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (9), 4013-4022, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Chang, X.; Zang, L.; Liu, S.; Wang, M.; Guo, H.; Wang, C.; Wang, Y., In situ construction of yolk-shell zinc cobaltite with uniform carbon doping for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (19), 9109-9115, Impact Factor = 9.931.
Wang, Z.; Gao, H.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.; Guo, Z., Recent Advances in 3D Graphene Architectures and Their Composites for Energy Storage Applications. Small 2018, Impact Factor = 9.598.
Ge, Y.; Wang, C.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chao, Y.; Zheng, T.; Wallace, G. G., An Electrosynthesized 3D Porous Molybdenum Sulfide/Graphene Film with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Lithium Storage. Small 2018, 14 (9), Impact Factor = 9.598.
Bentley, C. L.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Voltammetric Perspectives on the Acidity Scale and H+ /H2 Process in Ionic Liquid Media. In Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, Annual Reviews Inc.: 2018; Vol. 11, pp 397-419.
Zhu, H.; Wang, X.; Vijayaraghava, R.; Zhou, Y.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M., Structure and Ion Dynamics in Imidazolium-Based Protic Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2018, 9 (14), 3904-3909, Impact Factor = 8.709.
Tiwari, P.; Tsekouras, G.; Swiegers, G. F.; Wallace, G. G., Gortex-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes with Unprecedented Resistance to Flooding and Leaking. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (33), 28176-28186, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Shu, K.; Chao, Y.; Chou, S.; Wang, C.; Zheng, T.; Gambhir, S.; Wallace, G. G., A “tandem” Strategy to Fabricate Flexible Graphene/Polypyrrole Nanofiber Film Using the Surfactant-Exfoliated Graphene for Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (26), 22031-22041, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Lennert, A.; Wagner, K.; Yunis, R.; Pringle, J. M.; Guldi, D. M.; Officer, D. L., Efficient and Stable Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by the Combination of Phosphonium Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals with Silica. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (38), 32271-32280, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Kim, H.; Moon, J. H.; Mun, T. J.; Park, T. G.; Spinks, G. M.; Wallace, G. G.; Kim, S. J., Thermally Responsive Torsional and Tensile Fiber Actuator Based on Graphene Oxide. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (38), 32760-32764, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Guo, S. X.; Li, F.; Chen, L.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Zhang, J., Polyoxometalate-Promoted Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction at Nanostructured Silver in Dimethylformamide. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (15), 12690-12697, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Cherepanov, P. V.; Rahim, M. A.; Bertleff-Zieschang, N.; Sayeed, M. A.; O’Mullane, A. P.; Moulton, S. E.; Caruso, F., Electrochemical Behavior and Redox-Dependent Disassembly of Gallic Acid/FeIII Metal-Phenolic Networks. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (6), 5828-5834, Impact Factor = 8.097.
Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, F.; Easton, C. D.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Ultra-small Cu nanoparticles embedded in N-doped carbon arrays for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction in dimethylformamide. Nano Research 2018, 11 (7), 3678-3690, Impact Factor = 7.994.
Wang, D.; Azofra, L. M.; Harb, M.; Cavallo, L.; Zhang, X.; Suryanto, B. H. R.; MacFarlane, D. R., Energy-Efficient Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia at Low Overpotential in Aqueous Electrolyte under Ambient Conditions. ChemSusChem 2018, 11 (19), 3416-3422, Impact Factor = 7.411.
Taheri, A.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Pringle, J. M., Quasi-solid-State Electrolytes for Low-Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting using a Cobalt Redox Couple. ChemSusChem 2018, 11 (16), 2788-2796, Impact Factor = 7.411.
Li, F.; Li, J.; Zhang, J.; Gao, L.; Long, X.; Hu, Y.; Li, S.; Jin, J.; Ma, J., Nio nanoparticles anchored on phosphorus-doped α-Fe2O3 nanoarrays: An efficient hole extraction p–n heterojunction photoanode for water oxidation. ChemSusChem 2018, 11 (13), 2156-2164, Impact Factor = 7.411.
Kurtz, A.; Seltmann, S.; Bairoch, A.; Bittner, M. S.; Bruce, K.; Capes-Davis, A.; Clarke, L.; Crook, J. M.; Daheron, L.; Dewender, J.; Faulconbridge, A.; Fujibuchi, W.; Gutteridge, A.; Hei, D. J.; Kim, Y. O.; Kim, J. H.; Kokocinski, A. K.; Lekschas, F.; Lomax, G. P.; Loring, J. F.; Ludwig, T.; Mah, N.; Matsui, T.; Müller, R.; Parkinson, H.; Sheldon, M.; Smith, K.; Stachelscheid, H.; Stacey, G.; Streeter, I.; Veiga, A.; Xu, R. H., A Standard Nomenclature for Referencing and Authentication of Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports 2018, 10 (1), 1-6, Impact Factor = 7.338.
Zong, Y.; Yue, Z.; Martins, P.; Zhuang, J.; Du, Y.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Higgins, M. J., Magnetoelectric coupling in nanoscale 0-1 connectivity. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (36), 17370-17377, Impact Factor = 7.233.
Li, F.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Zhang, J., Recent advances in the nanoengineering of electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (14), 6235-6260, Impact Factor = 7.233.
Kalsoom, U.; Nesterenko, P. N.; Paull, B., Current and future impact of 3D printing on the separation sciences. TrAC – Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2018, 105, 492-502, Impact Factor = 7.034.
Raj, C. J.; Rajesh, M.; Manikandan, R.; Yu, K. H.; Anusha, J. R.; Ahn, J. H.; Kim, D. W.; Park, S. Y.; Kim, B. C., High electrochemical capacitor performance of oxygen and nitrogen enriched activated carbon derived from the pyrolysis and activation of squid gladius chitin. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 386, 66-76, Impact Factor = 6.945.
Appiah, W. A.; Park, J.; Byun, S.; Cho, I.; Mozer, A.; Ryou, M. H.; Lee, Y. M., A coupled chemo-mechanical model to study the effects of adhesive strength on the electrochemical performance of silicon electrodes for advanced lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 407, 153-161, Impact Factor = 6.945.
Onofrillo, C.; Duchi, S.; O’Connell, C. D.; Blanchard, R.; O’Connor, A. J.; Scott, M.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P. F. M.; Di Bella, C., Biofabrication of human articular cartilage: A path towards the development of a clinical treatment. Biofabrication 2018, 10 (4), Impact Factor = 6.838.
Wang, H.; He, Y.; Fei, G.; Wang, C.; Shen, Y.; Zhu, K.; Sun, L.; Rang, N.; Guo, D.; Wallace, G. G., Functionalizing graphene with titanate coupling agents as reinforcement for one-component waterborne poly(urethane-acrylate) anticorrosion coatings. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 359, 331-343, Impact Factor = 6.735.
Zhu, B.; Lee, R.; Yin, Y.; Li, F.; Coote, M. L.; Jiang, Z., Enantioselective Vinylogous Amination of 5-Alkyl-4-nitroisoxazoles with a Dipeptide-Based Guanidinium Phase-Transfer Catalyst. Organic Letters 2018, 20 (2), 429-432, Impact Factor = 6.492.
Cui, D.; Wang, L.; Du, Y.; Hao, W.; Chen, J., Photocatalytic Reduction on Bismuth-Based p-Block Semiconductors. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2018, 6 (12), 15936-15953, Impact Factor = 6.140.
Kalsoom, U.; Hasan, C. K.; Tedone, L.; Desire, C.; Li, F.; Breadmore, M. C.; Nesterenko, P. N.; Paull, B., Low-Cost Passive Sampling Device with Integrated Porous Membrane Produced Using Multimaterial 3D Printing. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (20), 12081-12089, Impact Factor = 6.042.
Gupta, V.; Beirne, S.; Nesterenko, P. N.; Paull, B., Investigating the Effect of Column Geometry on Separation Efficiency using 3D Printed Liquid Chromatographic Columns Containing Polymer Monolithic Phases. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (2), 1186-1194, Impact Factor = 6.042.
Zhou, H. C.; Wang, B.; Guo, X. F.; Zhang, X. Y.; Wei, X. H.; Peng, C.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Yuan, Y. Z., Transformation of cellulosic saccharides into alkyl glucosides catalyzed by bifunctional ionic liquids. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (84), 11969-11972, Impact Factor = 6.29.
Zhang, Y.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C., Variations and applications of the oxygen reduction reaction in ionic liquids. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (31), 3800-3810, Impact Factor = 6.29.
Ge, Y.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Zhao, Y.; Jia, X.; Kerr, R.; Wang, C.; Howlett, P. C.; Wallace, G. G., Towards thermally stable high performance lithium-ion batteries: The combination of a phosphonium cation ionic liquid and a 3D porous molybdenum disulfide/graphene electrode. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (42), 5338-5341, Impact Factor = 6.29.
Al-Attafi, K.; Nattestad, A.; Wu, Q.; Ide, Y.; Yamauchi, Y.; Dou, S. X.; Kim, J. H., The effect of amorphous TiO2 in P25 on dye-sensitized solar cell performance. Chemical Communications 2018, 54 (4), 381-384, Impact Factor = 6.29.
Pai, N.; Lu, J.; Senevirathna, D. C.; Chesman, A. S. R.; Gengenbach, T.; Chatti, M.; Bach, U.; Andrews, P. C.; Spiccia, L.; Cheng, Y. B.; Simonov, A. N., Spray deposition of AgBiS2 and Cu3BiS3 thin films for photovoltaic applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6 (10), 2483-2494, Impact Factor = 5.976.
Zhang, J.; Launay, K.; Hill, N. S.; Zhu, D.; Cox, N.; Langley, J.; Lalevée, J.; Stenzel, M. H.; Coote, M. L.; Xiao, P., Disubstituted Aminoanthraquinone-Based Photoinitiators for Free Radical Polymerization and Fast 3D Printing under Visible Light. Macromolecules 2018, Impact Factor = 5.914.
Zhang, J.; Lalevée, J.; Hill, N. S.; Launay, K.; Morlet-Savary, F.; Graff, B.; Stenzel, M. H.; Coote, M. L.; Xiao, P., Disubstituted Aminoanthraquinone-Based Multicolor Photoinitiators: Photoinitiation Mechanism and Ability of Cationic Polymerization under Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red LEDs. Macromolecules 2018, 51 (20), 8165-8173, Impact Factor = 5.914.
Molino, P. J.; Garcia, L.; Stewart, E. M.; Lamaze, M.; Zhang, B.; Harris, A. R.; Winberg, P.; Wallace, G. G., PEDOT doped with algal, mammalian and synthetic dopants: Polymer properties, protein and cell interactions, and influence of electrical stimulation on neuronal cell differentiation. Biomaterials Science 2018, 6 (5), 1250-1261, Impact Factor = 5.831.
Murphy, R.; Walsh, D. P.; Hamilton, C. A.; Cryan, S. A.; In Het Panhuis, M.; Heise, A., Degradable 3D-Printed Hydrogels Based on Star-Shaped Copolypeptides. Biomacromolecules 2018, 19 (7), 2691-2699, Impact Factor = 5.738.
Hancock, L.; Ralph, N.; Armand, M.; Macfarlane, D.; Forsyth, M., In the lab: New ethical and supply chain protocols for battery and solar alternative energy laboratory research policy and practice. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 187, 485-495, Impact Factor = 5.651.
Hancock, L.; Ralph, N.; Ali, S. H., Bolivia’s lithium frontier: Can public private partnerships deliver a minerals boom for sustainable development? Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 178, 551-560, Impact Factor = 5.651.
Murphy, R. D.; In het Panhuis, M.; Cryan, S. A.; Heise, A., Disulphide crosslinked star block copolypeptide hydrogels: influence of block sequence order on hydrogel properties. Polymer Chemistry 2018, 9 (28), 3908-3916, Impact Factor = 5.375.
Alsultan, M.; Choi, J.; Jalili, R.; Wagner, P.; Swiegers, G. F., Synergistic amplification of catalytic hydrogen generation by a thin-film conducting polymer composite. Catalysis Science and Technology 2018, 8 (16), 4169-4179, Impact Factor = 5.365.
Hutchison, K.; Sparrow, R., Ethics and the cardiac pacemaker: More than just end-of-life issues. Europace 2018, 20 (5), 739-746, Impact Factor = 5.231.
Van Kogelenberg, S.; Yue, Z.; Dinoro, J. N.; Baker, C. S.; Wallace, G. G., Three-Dimensional Printing and Cell Therapy for Wound Repair. Advances in Wound Care 2018, 7 (5), 145-155, Impact Factor = 5.200.
Nakatani, N.; Cabot, J. M.; Lam, S. C.; Rodriguez, E. S.; Paull, B., Selective capillary electrophoresis separation of mono and divalent cations within a high-surface area-to-volume ratio multi-lumen capillary. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, Impact Factor = 5.123.
Gupta, V.; Mahbub, P.; Nesterenko, P. N.; Paull, B., A new 3D printed radial flow-cell for chemiluminescence detection: Application in ion chromatographic determination of hydrogen peroxide in urine and coffee extracts. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, 1005, 81-92, Impact Factor = 5.123.
Cabot, J. M.; Breadmore, M. C.; Paull, B., Thread based electrofluidic platform for direct metabolite analysis in complex samples. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, 1000, 283-292, Impact Factor = 5.123.
Yu, Z.; Cheng, Z.; Tsekouras, G.; Wang, X.; Kong, X.; Osada, M.; Dou, S. X., High areal capacitance and rate capability using filled Ni foam current collector. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 281, 761-768, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Xiao, C.; Zhang, X.; MacFarlane, D. R., Dual-MnCo2O4/Ni electrode with three-level hierarchy for high-performance electrochemical energy storage. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 280, 55-61, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Wang, Q.; Shao, L.; Ma, Z.; Xu, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, C., Hierarchical porous PANI/MIL-101 nanocomposites based solid-state flexible supercapacitor. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 281, 582-593, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Taheri, A.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Pringle, J. M., Application of a water-soluble cobalt redox couple in free-standing cellulose films for thermal energy harvesting. Electrochimica Acta 2019, 297, 669-675, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Liang, J.; Wei, Z.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Vacancy-induced sodium-ion storage in N-doped carbon Nanofiber@MoS2 nanosheet arrays. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 285, 301-308, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Kurowska, A.; Brzeczek-Szafran, A.; Zassowski, P.; Lapkowski, M.; Domagala, W.; Wagner, P.; Wagner, K., Mono and di-substituted BODIPY with electron donating carbazole, thiophene, and 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene units. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 271, 685-698, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Hou, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, L.; Guo, H.; Liu, H.; Wang, J.; Chen, J., Metal-oxygen bonds: Stabilizing the intermediate species towards practical Li-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 259, 313-320, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Fdz De Anastro, A.; Casado, N.; Wang, X.; Rehmen, J.; Evans, D.; Mecerreyes, D.; Forsyth, M.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C., Poly(ionic liquid) iongels for all-solid rechargeable zinc/PEDOT batteries. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 278, 271-278, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Chao, Y.; Ge, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Jiang, J.; Wang, C.; Qin, C.; Vijayakumar, A.; Yu, C.; Wallace, G. G., Tuning the structure of three dimensional nanostructured molybdenum disulfide/nitrogen-doped carbon composite for high lithium storage. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 291, 197-205, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Al-Masri, D.; Dupont, M.; Yunis, R.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Pringle, J. M., The electrochemistry and performance of cobalt-based redox couples for thermoelectrochemical cells. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 269, 714-723, Impact Factor = 5.116.
Tawk, C.; In Het Panhuis, M.; Spinks, G. M.; Alici, G., Bioinspired 3d printable soft vacuum actuators for locomotion robots, grippers and artificial muscles. Soft Robotics 2018, 5 (6), 685-694, Impact Factor = 5.057.
Manikandan, R.; Raj, C. J.; Rajesh, M.; Kim, B. C.; Park, S.; Yu, K. H., Vanadium Pentoxide with H2O, K+, and Na+ Spacer between Layered Nanostructures for High-Performance Symmetric Electrochemical Capacitors. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5 (12), Impact Factor = 4.834.
Greene, G. W.; Ortiz, V.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C.; Moulton, S. E.; Wang, X.; Martin, L. L.; Michalczky, A.; Howlett, P. C., Lubricin Antiadhesive Coatings Exhibit Size-Selective Transport Properties that Inhibit Biofouling of Electrode Surfaces with Minimal Loss in Electrochemical Activity. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5 (7), Impact Factor = 4.834.
Sharp, P. P.; Mikusek, J.; Ho, J.; Krenske, E. H.; Banwell, M. G.; Coote, M. L.; Ward, J. S.; Willis, A. C., Mechanistic Studies on the Base-Promoted Conversion of Alkoxy-Substituted, Ring-Fused gem-Dihalocyclopropanes into Furans: Evidence for a Process Involving Electrocyclic Ring Closure of a Carbonyl Ylide Intermediate. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018, 83 (22), 13678-13690, Impact Factor = 4.805.
Xu, C.; Zhang Molino, B.; Wang, X.; Cheng, F.; Xu, W.; Molino, P.; Bacher, M.; Su, D.; Rosenau, T.; Willför, S.; Wallace, G., 3D printing of nanocellulose hydrogel scaffolds with tunable mechanical strength towards wound healing application. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2018, 6 (43), 7066-7075, Impact Factor = 4.776.
Zhao, C.; Liu, Y.; Beirne, S.; Razal, J.; Chen, J., Recent Development of Fabricating Flexible Micro-Supercapacitors for Wearable Devices. Advanced Materials Technologies 2018, 3 (9), Impact Factor = 4.622.
Zhang, Y.; Ortiz-Vitoriano, N.; Acebedo, B.; O’Dell, L.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Rojo, T.; Forsyth, M.; Howlett, P. C.; Pozo-Gonzalo, C., Elucidating the Impact of Sodium Salt Concentration on the Cathode-Electrolyte Interface of Na-Air Batteries. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (27), 15276-15286, Impact Factor = 4.484.
Rao, J.; Vijayaraghavan, R.; Wang, X.; Zhou, Y.; Howlett, P. C.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Zhu, H., Influence of Electrospun Poly(vinylidene difluoride) Nanofiber Matrix on the Ion Dynamics of a Protic Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (26), 14546-14553, Impact Factor = 4.484.
Li, J.; Kennedy, G. F.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Demonstration of Superiority of the Marcus-Hush Electrode Kinetic Model in the Electrochemistry of Dissolved Decamethylferrocene at a Gold-Modified Electrode by Fourier-Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (16), 9009-9014, Impact Factor = 4.484.
Kang, C. S. M.; Zhang, X.; Macfarlane, D. R., Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids with High Nitrogen Gas Solubility. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (43), 24550-24558, Impact Factor = 4.484.
Chen, F.; Howlett, P.; Forsyth, M., Na-Ion Solvation and High Transference Number in Superconcentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolytes: A Theoretical Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122 (1), 105-114, Impact Factor = 4.484.
Tao, L.; Simonov, A. N.; Romano, C. A.; Butterfield, C. N.; Tebo, B. M.; Bond, A. M.; Spiccia, L.; Martin, L. L.; Casey, W. H., Probing Electron Transfer in the Manganese-Oxide-Forming MnxEFG Protein Complex using Fourier Transformed AC Voltammetry: Understanding the Oxidative Priming Effect. ChemElectroChem 2018, 5 (6), 872-876, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Manikandan, R.; Raj, C. J.; Rajesh, M.; Kim, B. C.; Sim, J. Y.; Yu, K. H., Electrochemical Behaviour of Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Ion Electrolytes in a Na0.33V2O5 Symmetric Pseudocapacitor with High Performance and High Cyclic Stability. ChemElectroChem 2018, 5 (1), 101-111, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Gavaghan, D. J.; Cooper, J.; Daly, A. C.; Gill, C.; Gillow, K.; Robinson, M.; Simonov, A. N.; Zhang, J.; Bond, A. M., Use of Bayesian Inference for Parameter Recovery in DC and AC Voltammetry. ChemElectroChem 2018, 5 (6), 917-935, Impact Factor = 4.446.
Zhang, J.; Hill, N.; Lalevée, J.; Fouassier, J. P.; Zhao, J.; Graff, B.; Schmidt, T. W.; Kable, S. H.; Stenzel, M. H.; Coote, M. L.; Xiao, P., Multihydroxy-Anthraquinone Derivatives as Free Radical and Cationic Photoinitiators of Various Photopolymerizations under Green LED. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2018, 39 (19), Impact Factor = 4.265.
Qin, S.; Seyedin, S.; Zhang, J.; Wang, Z.; Yang, F.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.; Razal, J. M., Elastic Fiber Supercapacitors for Wearable Energy Storage. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2018, 39 (13), Impact Factor = 4.265.
Isik, M.; Porcarelli, L.; Lago, N.; Zhu, H.; Forsyth, M.; Mecerreyes, D., Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Poly(Ionic Liquids) Having Phosphonium Counter-Cations. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2018, 39 (3), Impact Factor = 4.265.
Yin, Y.; Xu, C.; Liu, Z.; Ren, W.; Sun, C., Ultrathin α-Mo2C dominated by (100) Surface/Cu Schottky junction as efficient catalyst for hydrogen evolution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (2), 853-859, Impact Factor = 4.229.
Wang, Z.; Low, Z. X.; Zeng, X.; Su, B.; Yin, Y.; Sun, C.; Williams, T.; Wang, H.; Zhang, X., Vertically-heterostructured TiO2-Ag-rGO ternary nanocomposite constructed with {001} facetted TiO2 nanosheets for enhanced Pt-free hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, 43 (3), 1508-1515, Impact Factor = 4.229.
Zhang, Q.; Beirne, S.; Shu, K.; Esrafilzadeh, D.; Huang, X. F.; Wallace, G. G., Electrical Stimulation with a Conductive Polymer Promotes Neurite Outgrowth and Synaptogenesis in Primary Cortical Neurons. Scientific Reports 2018, 8 (1), Impact Factor = 4.122.
Kim, S. H.; Sim, H. J.; Hyeon, J. S.; Suh, D.; Spinks, G. M.; Baughman, R. H.; Kim, S. J., Harvesting electrical energy from torsional thermal actuation driven by natural convection. Scientific Reports 2018, 8 (1), Impact Factor = 4.122.
Ngan, C. G. Y.; Quigley, A.; Kapsa, R. M. I.; Choong, P. F. M., Engineering skeletal muscle – from two to three dimensions. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2018, 12 (1), e1-6, Impact Factor = 4.089.
Di Bella, C.; Duchi, S.; O’Connell, C. D.; Blanchard, R.; Augustine, C.; Yue, Z.; Thompson, F.; Richards, C.; Beirne, S.; Onofrillo, C.; Bauquier, S. H.; Ryan, S. D.; Pivonka, P.; Wallace, G. G.; Choong, P. F., In situ handheld three-dimensional bioprinting for cartilage regeneration. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2018, 12 (3), 611-621, Impact Factor = 4.089.
Bourke, J. L.; Quigley, A. F.; Duchi, S.; O’Connell, C. D.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G.; Cook, M. J.; Kapsa, R. M. I., Three-dimensional neural cultures produce networks that mimic native brain activity. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2018, 12 (2), 490-493, Impact Factor = 4.089.
van Tienderen, G. S.; Berthel, M.; Yue, Z.; Cook, M.; Liu, X.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G., Advanced fabrication approaches to controlled delivery systems for epilepsy treatment. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 2018, 15 (9), 915-925, Impact Factor = 4.84.
Li, J.; Liu, X.; Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., Smart graphene-cellulose paper for 2D or 3D “origami-inspired” human stem cell support and differentiation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019, 176, 87-95, Impact Factor = 3.997.
Zhang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Identification of a new substrate effect that enhances the electrocatalytic activity of dendritic tin in CO2 reduction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20 (8), 5936-5941, Impact Factor = 3.906.
Rao, J.; Vijayaraghavan, R.; Zhou, Y.; Howlett, P. C.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Forsyth, M.; Zhu, H., The influence of anion chemistry on the ionic conductivity and molecular dynamics in protic organic ionic plastic crystals. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20 (6), 4579-4586, Impact Factor = 3.906.
Qiu, S.; Olsen, S.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Sun, C., The oxygen reduction reaction on [NiFe] hydrogenases. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20 (36), 23528-23534, Impact Factor = 3.906.
Qiu, S.; Azofra, L. M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Sun, C., Hydrogen bonding effect between active site and protein environment on catalysis performance in H2-producing [NiFe] hydrogenases. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20 (9), 6735-6743, Impact Factor = 3.906.
Aitken, H. M.; Coote, M. L., Can electrostatic catalysis of Diels-Alder reactions be harnessed with pH-switchable charged functional groups? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20 (16), 10671-10676, Impact Factor = 3.906.
Zhang, Y.; Liu, J.; Wei, Z.; Liu, Q.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Electrochemical CO2 reduction over nitrogen-doped SnO2 crystal surfaces. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2018, Impact Factor = 3.886.
Liu, J.; Liang, J.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Electrospun CoSe@N-doped carbon nanofibers with highly capacitive Li storage. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2018, Impact Factor = 3.886.
Huang, J.; Wei, Z.; Liao, J.; Ni, W.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Molybdenum and tungsten chalcogenides for lithium/sodium-ion batteries: Beyond MoS2. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2018, Impact Factor = 3.886.
Han, Y.; Ge, Y.; Chao, Y.; Wang, C.; Wallace, G. G., Recent progress in 2D materials for flexible supercapacitors. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2018, 27 (1), 57-72, Impact Factor = 3.886.
Ruland, A.; Jalili, R.; Mozer, A. J.; Wallace, G. G., Quantitative characterisation of conductive fibers by capacitive coupling. Analyst 2018, 143 (1), 215-223, Impact Factor = 3.864.
Ralph, N.; Hancock, L., Energy security, transnational politics, and renewable electricity exports in Australia and South east Asia. Energy Research and Social Science 2019, 49, 233-240, Impact Factor = 3.815.
Gharib, D. H.; Malherbe, F.; Moulton, S. E., Debundling, Dispersion, and Stability of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Driven by Molecularly Designed Electron Acceptors. Langmuir 2018, 34 (40), 12137-12144, Impact Factor = 3.789.
Chen, J.; Yu, M.; Wang, C.; Feng, J.; Yan, W., Insight into the Synergistic Effect on Selective Adsorption for Heavy Metal Ions by a Polypyrrole/TiO2 Composite. Langmuir 2018, 34 (34), 10187-10196, Impact Factor = 3.789.
Campos, P. P.; Dunne, A.; Delaney, C.; Moloney, C.; Moulton, S. E.; Benito-Lopez, F.; Ferreira, M.; Diamond, D.; Florea, L., Photoswitchable Layer-by-Layer Coatings Based on Photochromic Polynorbornenes Bearing Spiropyran Side Groups. Langmuir 2018, 34 (14), 4210-4216, Impact Factor = 3.789.
Raj, C. J.; Rajesh, M.; Manikandan, R.; Lee, W. G.; Yu, K. H.; Kim, B. C., Direct fabrication of two-dimensional copper sulfide nanoplates on transparent conducting glass for planar supercapacitor. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 735, 2378-2383, Impact Factor = 3.779.
Ruland, A.; Chen, X.; Khansari, A.; Fay, C. D.; Gambhir, S.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G., A contactless approach for monitoring the mechanical properties of swollen hydrogels. Soft Matter 2018, 14 (35), 7228-7236, Impact Factor = 3.709.
O’Connell, C. D.; Zhang, B.; Onofrillo, C.; Duchi, S.; Blanchard, R.; Quigley, A.; Bourke, J.; Gambhir, S.; Kapsa, R.; Di Bella, C.; Choong, P.; Wallace, G. G., Tailoring the mechanical properties of gelatin methacryloyl hydrogels through manipulation of the photocrosslinking conditions. Soft Matter 2018, 14 (11), 2142-2151, Impact Factor = 3.709.
Scales, N.; Chen, J.; Aughterson, R. D.; Karatchevtseva, I.; Stopic, A.; Lumpkin, G. R.; Luca, V., Porous Zr2SC-carbon composite microspheres: Possible radiation tolerant sorbents and transmutation hosts for technetium-99. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2018, 259, 67-78, Impact Factor = 3.649.
MacFarlane, D. R.; Chong, A. L.; Forsyth, M.; Kar, M.; Vijayaraghavan, R.; Somers, A.; Pringle, J. M., New dimensions in salt-solvent mixtures: A 4th evolution of ionic liquids. Faraday Discussions 2018, 206, 9-28, Impact Factor = 3.427.
Morlando, A.; Sencadas, V.; Cardillo, D.; Konstantinov, K., Suppression of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles encapsulated by chitosan through a spray-drying method with potential for use in sunblocking applications. Powder Technology 2018, 329, 252-259, Impact Factor = 3.230.
Lu, J.; Liu, Z.; Pai, N.; Jiang, L.; Bach, U.; Simonov, A. N.; Cheng, Y. B.; Spiccia, L., Molecular Engineering of Zinc-Porphyrin Sensitisers for p-Type Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells. ChemPlusChem 2018, 83 (7), 711-720, Impact Factor = 3.205.
Lu, J.; Liu, Z.; Pai, N.; Jiang, L.; Bach, U.; Simonov, A. N.; Cheng, Y. B.; Spiccia, L., Molecular Engineering of Zinc-Porphyrin Sensitisers for p-Type Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells. ChemPlusChem 2018, 83 (7), 547, Impact Factor = 3.205.
Bonke, S. A.; Abel, K. L.; Hoogeveen, D. A.; Chatti, M.; Gengenbach, T.; Fournier, M.; Spiccia, L.; Simonov, A. N., Electrolysis of Natural Waters Contaminated with Transition-Metal Ions: Identification of A Metastable FePb-Based Oxygen-Evolution Catalyst Operating in Weakly Acidic Solutions. ChemPlusChem 2018, 83 (7), 704-710, Impact Factor = 3.205.
Hamilton, C. A.; Alici, G.; in het Panhuis, M., 3D printing Vegemite and Marmite: Redefining “breadboards”. Journal of Food Engineering 2018, 220, 83-88, Impact Factor = 3.197.
Benedetti, T.; Naficy, S.; Walker, A.; Officer, D. L.; Wallace, G. G.; Dehghani, F., Solid-State Poly(ionic liquid) Gels for Simultaneous CO2 Adsorption and Electrochemical Reduction. Energy Technology 2018, 6 (4), 702-709, Impact Factor = 3.175.
Sutton, J. J.; Barnsley, J. E.; Mapley, J. I.; Wagner, P.; Officer, D. L.; Gordon, K. C., Modulation of donor-acceptor distance in a series of carbazole push-pull dyes; A spectroscopic and computational study. Molecules 2018, 23 (2), Impact Factor = 3.098.
Harris, A. R.; Newbold, C.; Carter, P.; Cowan, R.; Wallace, G. G., Measuring the effective area and charge density of platinum electrodes for bionic devices. Journal of Neural Engineering 2018, 15 (4), Impact Factor = 3.92.
Javadi, M.; Gu, Q.; Naficy, S.; Farajikhah, S.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G.; Beirne, S.; Moulton, S. E., Conductive Tough Hydrogel for Bioapplications. Macromolecular Bioscience 2018, 18 (2), Impact Factor = 3.85.
Li, J.; Bentley, C. L.; Ueda, T.; Bond, A. M.; Zhang, J., Electrolyte cation dependence of the electron transfer kinetics associated with the [SVW11O40]3–/4– (VV/IV) and [SVW11O40]4–/5– (WVI/V) processes in propylene carbonate. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2018, 819, 193-201, Impact Factor = 3.012.
Lee, W. G.; Jang, H. S.; Justin Raj, C.; Rajesh, M.; Kim, B. C.; Cho, W. J.; Yu, K. H., Effect of proton irradiation on the structural and electrochemical properties of MnO2 nanosheets. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2018, 811, 16-25, Impact Factor = 3.012.
Esfahani, M.; Zhang, J.; Wong, Y. C.; Durandet, Y.; Wang, J., Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline zinc‑tin alloy from aqueous electrolyte containing gluconate in the presence of polyethylene glycol and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2018, 813, 143-151, Impact Factor = 3.012.
Doherty, A. P.; Marley, E.; Barhdadi, R.; Puchelle, V.; Wagner, K.; Wallace, G. G., Mechanism and kinetics of electrocarboxylation of aromatic ketones in ionic liquid. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2018, 819, 469-473, Impact Factor = 3.012.
Caballero Aguilar, L.; Stoddart, P. R.; McArthur, S. L.; Moulton, S. E., Polycaprolactone porous template facilitates modulated release of molecules from alginate hydrogels. Reactive and Functional Polymers 2018, 133, 29-36, Impact Factor = 2.975.
Peng, G.; Ge, Y.; Ding, J.; Wang, C.; Wallace, G. G.; Li, W., Magnetorheological technology for fabricating tunable solid electrolyte with enhanced conductivity and mechanical property. Smart Materials and Structures 2018, 27 (3), Impact Factor = 2.963.
McCaul, M.; Porter, A.; Barrett, R.; White, P.; Stroiescu, F.; Wallace, G.; Diamond, D., Wearable Platform for Real-time Monitoring of Sodium in Sweat. ChemPhysChem 2018, 19 (12), 1531-1536, Impact Factor = 2.947.
Kim, K.; Byun, S.; Choi, J.; Hong, S.; Ryou, M. H.; Lee, Y. M., Elucidating the Polymeric Binder Distribution within Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes Using SAICAS. ChemPhysChem 2018, 19 (13), 1627-1634, Impact Factor = 2.947.
Macdonald, N. P.; Menachery, A.; Reboud, J.; Cooper, J. M., Creating tissue on chip constructs in microtitre plates for drug discovery. RSC Advances 2018, 8 (18), 9603-9610, Impact Factor = 2.936.
Lisak, G.; Wagner, K.; Barnsley, J. E.; Veksha, A.; Huff, G.; Elliott, A. B. S.; Wagner, P.; Gordon, K. C.; Bobacka, J.; Wallace, G. G.; Ivaska, A.; Officer, D. L., Application of terpyridyl ligands to tune the optical and electrochemical properties of a conducting polymer. RSC Advances 2018, 8 (52), 29505-29512, Impact Factor = 2.936.
Choi, C.; Park, J. W.; Kim, K. J.; Lee, D. W.; De Andrade, M. J.; Kim, S. H.; Gambhir, S.; Spinks, G. M.; Baughman, R. H.; Kim, S. J., Weavable asymmetric carbon nanotube yarn supercapacitor for electronic textiles. RSC Advances 2018, 8 (24), 13112-13120, Impact Factor = 2.936.
Kang, L.; Liu, X.; Yue, Z.; Chen, Z.; Baker, C.; Winberg, P. C.; Wallace, G. G., Fabrication and in vitro characterization of electrochemically compacted collagen/sulfated xylorhamnoglycuronan matrix for wound healing applications. Polymers 2018, 10 (4), Impact Factor = 2.935.
Esfahani, M.; Munir, K. S.; Wen, C.; Zhang, J.; Durandet, Y.; Wang, J.; Wong, Y. C., Mechanical properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline and ultrafine-grained Zn-Sn coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 2018, 333, 71-80, Impact Factor = 2.906.
Chen, Z.; You, J.; Liu, X.; Cooper, S.; Hodge, C.; Sutton, G.; Crook, J. M.; Wallace, G. G., Biomaterials for corneal bioengineering. Biomedical Materials (Bristol) 2018, 13 (3), Impact Factor = 2.897.
Mapley, J. I.; Wagner, P.; Officer, D. L.; Gordon, K. C., Computational and Spectroscopic Analysis of β-Indandione Modified Zinc Porphyrins. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018, 122 (18), 4448-4456, Impact Factor = 2.836.
Zong, Y.; Yue, Z.; Higgins, M. J., Nanocrystalline Cellulose for Anisotropic Magnetoelectric Composites. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2018, 303 (7), Impact Factor = 2.781.
Farajikhah, S.; Van Amber, R.; Sayyar, S.; Shafei, S.; Fay, C. D.; Beirne, S.; Javadi, M.; Wang, X.; Innis, P. C.; Paull, B.; Wallace, G. G., Processable Thermally Conductive Polyurethane Composite Fibers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2018, Impact Factor = 2.781.
Hancock, L.; Ralph, N.; Martino, F. P., Applying corporate political activity (CPA) analysis to Australian gambling industry submissions against regulation of television sports betting advertising. PLoS ONE 2018, 13 (10), Impact Factor = 2.766.
Wang, Q.; Cai, C.; Wang, M.; Guo, Q.; Wang, B.; Luo, W.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, D.; Tong, Z.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J., Efficient photocatalytic degradation of Malachite Green in seawater by the hybrid of Zinc-Oxide Nanorods Grown on Three-Dimensional (3D) reduced graphene oxide(RGO)/Ni foam. Materials 2018, 11 (6), Impact Factor = 2.728.
Liao, J.; Tan, R.; Kuang, Z.; Cui, C.; Wei, Z.; Deng, X.; Yan, Z.; Feng, Y.; Li, F.; Wang, C.; Ma, J., Controlling the morphology, size and phase of Nb2O5 crystals for high electrochemical performance. Chinese Chemical Letters 2018, Impact Factor = 2.631.
Goujon, N.; Dumée, L. F.; Byrne, N.; Bryant, G.; Forsyth, M., Impact of Comonomer Chemistry on Phase Behavior of Polymerizable Lyotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals: A Pre- and Post-Polymerization Study. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2018, 219 (23), Impact Factor = 2.616.
Yin, Y.; Zhang, X.; Sun, C., Transition-metal-doped Fe2O3 nanoparticles for oxygen evolution reaction. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2018, 28 (4), 430-436, Impact Factor = 2.572.
Nakatani, N.; Mosqueda, A.; Cabot, J. M.; Rodriguez, E. S.; Yoshikawa, K.; Paull, B., Rapid screening of inorganic and organic anions in liquid by-products from hydrothermal treatment of biomass by capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 2018, 39 (7), 1014-1020, Impact Factor = 2.569.
Breadmore, M. C.; Grochocki, W.; Kalsoom, U.; Alves, M. N.; Phung, S. C.; Rokh, M. T.; Cabot, J. M.; Ghiasvand, A.; Li, F.; Shallan, A. I.; Keyon, A. S. A.; Alhusban, A. A.; See, H. H.; Wuethrich, A.; Dawod, M.; Quirino, J. P., Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries and microchips (2016-2018). Electrophoresis 2019, 40 (1), 17-39, Impact Factor = 2.569.
Breadmore, M. C.; Grochocki, W.; Kalsoom, U.; Alves, M. N.; Phung, S. C.; Rokh, M. T.; Cabot, J. M.; Ghiasvand, A.; Li, F.; Shallan, A. I.; Keyon, A. S. A.; Alhusban, A. A.; See, H. H.; Wuethrich, A.; Dawod, M.; Quirino, J. P., Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries in microchips (2016–2018). Electrophoresis 2018, Impact Factor = 2.569.
Ghanbari, R.; Ghorbani, S. R.; Arabi, H.; Foroughi, J., Magnetoresistance mechanisms in carbon-nanotube yarns. Synthetic Metals 2018, 242, 55-60, Impact Factor = 2.526.
Zhao, L., Effect of the second chromophore energy gap on photo-induced electron injection in di-chromophoric porphyrin-sensitized solar cells. Royal Society Open Science 2018, 5 (9), Impact Factor = 2.504.
Xin, H.; Oveissi, F.; Naficy, S.; Spinks, G. M., A Sequential Debonding Fracture Model for Hydrogen-Bonded Hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 2018, 56 (19), 1287-1293, Impact Factor = 2.499.
Warren, H.; in het Panhuis, M.; Spinks, G. M.; Officer, D. L., Thermal actuation of hydrogels from PNIPAm, alginate, and carbon nanofibres. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 2018, 56 (1), 46-52, Impact Factor = 2.499.
Dunne, A.; Delaney, C.; McKeon, A.; Nesterenko, P.; Paull, B.; Benito-Lopez, F.; Diamond, D.; Florea, L., Micro-capillary coatings based on spiropyran polymeric brushes for metal ion binding, detection, and release in continuous flow. Sensors (Switzerland) 2018, 18 (4), Impact Factor = 2.475.
Zhang, H.; Gu, Q.; Wallace, G. G.; Higgins, M. J., Effect of electrochemical oxidation and reduction on cell de-adhesion at the conducting polymer-live cell interface as revealed by single cell force spectroscopy. Biointerphases 2018, 13 (4), Impact Factor = 2.455.
Raj, C. J.; Rajesh, M.; Manikandan, R.; Park, S.; Park, J. H.; Yu, K. H.; Kim, B. C., Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic studies on aging-dependent electrochemical degradation of p-toluene sulfonic acid-doped polypyrrole thin film. Ionics 2018, 24 (8), 2335-2342, Impact Factor = 2.354.
Aziz, S.; Naficy, S.; Foroughi, J.; Brown, H. R.; Spinks, G. M., Twist–coil coupling fibres for high stroke tensile artificial muscles. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 2018, 283, 98-106, Impact Factor = 2.311.
Benedetti, T. M.; Nattestad, A.; Taylor, A. C.; Beirne, S.; Wallace, G. G., 3D Printed Electrodes for Improved Gas Reactant Transport for Electrochemical Reactions. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2018, 5 (3), 215-219, Impact Factor = 2.304.
Shimazu, Y.; Zhang, B.; Yue, Z.; Wallace, G. G.; Fukuda, J., Engineering of perfusable double-layered vascular structures using contraction of spheroid-embedded hydrogel and electrochemical cell detachment. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2019, 127 (1), 114-120, Impact Factor = 2.240.
Zhang, J.; Yildirim, T.; Alici, G.; Zhang, S.; Li, W., Experimental nonlinear vibrations of an MRE sandwich plate. Smart Structures and Systems 2018, 22 (1), 71-79, Impact Factor = 2.231.
Gilbert, F.; O’Connell, C. D.; Mladenovska, T.; Dodds, S., Print Me an Organ? Ethical and Regulatory Issues Emerging from 3D Bioprinting in Medicine. Science and Engineering Ethics 2018, 24 (1), 73-91, Impact Factor = 2.229.
Khanlou, H. M.; Woodfield, P.; Summerscales, J.; Francucci, G.; King, B.; Talebian, S.; Foroughi, J.; Hall, W., Estimation of mechanical property degradation of poly(lactic acid) and flax fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) bio-composites during thermal processing. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2018, 116, 367-372, Impact Factor = 2.218.
DiTullio, B. T.; Wright, C. J.; Hayes, P.; Molino, P. J.; Hanks, T. W., Surface modification of polyaniline nanorods with thiol-terminated poly(ethylene oxide). Colloid and Polymer Science 2018, 296 (4), 637-645, Impact Factor = 1.967.
Yildirim, T.; Zhang, J.; Sun, S.; Alici, G.; Zhang, S.; Li, W., Experimental Nonlinear Model Identification of a Highly Nonlinear Resonator. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME 2018, 140 (3), Impact Factor = 1.777.
Marshall, D. L.; Gryn’ova, G.; Poad, B. L. J.; Bottle, S. E.; Trevitt, A. J.; Coote, M. L.; Blanksby, S. J., Experimental evidence for long-range stabilizing and destabilizing interactions between charge and radical sites in distonic ions. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2019, 435, 195-203, Impact Factor = 1.702.
Viaña, J. N. M.; Gilbert, F., Deep brain stimulation for people with Alzheimer’s disease: Anticipating potential effects on the tripartite self. Dementia 2018, Impact Factor = 1.671.
Ghanbari, R.; Ghorbani, S. R.; Arabi, H.; Foroughi, J., Magnetoreresistance of carbon nanotube-polypyrrole composite yarns. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 2018, 548, 78-81, Impact Factor = 1.453.
Walker, M. J., Patient-specific devices and population-level evidence: evaluating therapeutic interventions with inherent variation. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2018, 21 (3), 335-345, Impact Factor = 1.407.
Münich, P. W.; Wagner, P.; Officer, D. L.; Guldi, D. M., Use of alkylated, amphiphilic zinc porphyrins to disperse individualized SWCNTs. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 2018, 22 (7), 573-580, Impact Factor = 1.217.
Scales, N.; Chen, J.; Aughterson, R. D.; Karatchevtseva, I.; Stopic, A.; Lumpkin, G. R.; Luca, V., Porous ZrC-carbon microspheres as potential insoluble target matrices for production of 188W/188Re. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2018, 318 (2), 835-847, Impact Factor = 1.181.
Ghanbari, R.; Ghorbani, S. R.; Arabi, H.; Foroughi, J., The charge transport mechanisms in conducting polymer polypyrrole films and fibers. Materials Research Express 2018, 5 (10), Impact Factor = 1.151.
Hayes, S.; Rheinberger, N.; Powley, M.; Rawnsley, T.; Brown, L.; Brown, M.; Butler, K.; Clarke, A.; Crichton, S.; Henderson, M.; McCosker, H.; Musgrave, A.; Wilcock, J.; Williams, D.; Yeaman, K.; Zaracostas, T. S.; Taylor, A. C.; Wallace, G., Variation and Likeness in Ambient Artistic Portraiture. Perception 2018, 47 (6), 585-607, Impact Factor = 1.087.
Gilbert, F.; Viaña, J. N. M.; O’Connell, C. D.; Dodds, S., Enthusiastic portrayal of 3D bioprinting in the media: Ethical side effects. Bioethics 2018, 32 (2), 94-102, Impact Factor = 1.66.
Russo, M.; Warren, H.; Spinks, G. M.; Macfarlane, D. R.; Pringle, J. M., Hydrogels Containing the Ferri/Ferrocyanide Redox Couple and Ionic Liquids for Thermocells. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2018, Impact Factor = 1.059.
Kar, M.; Plechkova, N. V.; Seddon, K. R.; Pringle, J. M.; Macfarlane, D. R., Ionic Liquids-Further Progress on the Fundamental Issues. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2018, Impact Factor = 1.059.
Gu, Q.; Tomaskovic-Crook, E.; Wallace, G. G.; Crook, J. M., Engineering human neural tissue by 3D bioprinting. In Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press Inc.: 2018; Vol. 1758, pp 129-138.
Ralph, N.; Hancock, L., Exploring the role of alternative energy corporations in ethical supply chains and corporate peacebuilding. Global Governance 2018, 24 (1), 81-102, Impact Factor = 1.016.
Liu, C.; Dong, E.; Xu, M.; Alici, G.; Yang, J., Locomotion analysis and optimization of actinomorphic robots with soft arms actuated by shape memory alloy wires. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 2018, 15 (4), Impact Factor = 0.952.
Walker, M. J., On Replacement Body Parts. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2018, Impact Factor = 0.817.
Forsyth, M., Controlling corrosion with chemistry. Corrosion and Materials 2018, 43 (1), 66-71, Impact Factor unknown
Stephens-Fripp, B.; Alici, G.; Mutlu, R., A review of non-invasive sensory feedback methods for transradial prosthetic hands. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 6878-6899, Impact Factor unknown.
Hamilton, C.; Tian, K.; Bae, J.; Yang, C.; Alici, G.; Spinks, G. M.; Suo, Z.; Vlassak, J. J.; Panhuis, M. I. H. In A soft stretchable sensor: Towards peripheral nerve signal sensing, MRS Advances, Materials Research Society: 2018; pp 1597-1602. Impact Factor unknown.
Zhang, Y.; Simonov, A. N.; Zhang, J.; Bond, A. M., Fourier transformed alternating current voltammetry in electromaterials research: Direct visualisation of important underlying electron transfer processes. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2018, 10, 72-81, Impact Factor = none as yet.
Stephens-Fripp, B.; Sencadas, V.; Mutlu, R.; Alici, G., Reusable flexible concentric electrodes coated with a conductive graphene ink for electrotactile stimulation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2018, 6 (DEC), Impact Factor = none as yet.
Rana, H. H.; Park, J. H.; Ducrot, E.; Park, H.; Kota, M.; Han, T. H.; Lee, J. Y.; Kim, J.; Kim, J. H.; Howlett, P.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D.; Park, H. S., Extreme properties of double networked ionogel electrolytes for flexible and durable energy storage devices. Energy Storage Materials 2018, Impact Factor = none as yet.
Kumar, A.; Ghosh, A.; Roy, A.; Panda, M. R.; Forsyth, M.; MacFarlane, D. R.; Mitra, S., High-energy density room temperature sodium-sulfur battery enabled by sodium polysulfide catholyte and carbon cloth current collector decorated with MnO2 nanoarrays. Energy Storage Materials 2018, Impact Factor = none as yet.
Hu, W.; Mutlu, R.; Li, W.; Alici, G., A structural optimisation method for a soft pneumatic actuator. Robotics 2018, 7 (2), Impact Factor = none as yet.
Faisal, S. N.; Haque, E.; Noorbehesht, N.; Liu, H.; Islam, M. M.; Shabnam, L.; Roy, A. K.; Pourazadi, E.; Islam, M. S.; Harris, A. T.; Minett, A. I., A quadrafunctional electrocatalyst of nickel/nickel oxide embedded N-graphene for oxygen reduction, oxygen evolution, hydrogen evolution and hydrogen peroxide oxidation reactions. Sustainable Energy and Fuels 2018, 2 (9), 2081-2089, Impact Factor = none as yet.
Chung, J. H. Y.; Kade, J.; Jeiranikhameneh, A.; Yue, Z.; Mukherjee, P.; Wallace, G. G., A bioprinting printing approach to regenerate cartilage for microtia treatment. Bioprinting 2018, 12, Impact Factor = none as yet.
Conference – full written paper-non refereed proceedings
Hancock, L., Ralph, N. (2018) ‘Clean energy or Coal, jobs and displaced carbon emissions at any cost? Assessing Australia’s brown coal v. solar-produced liquid hydrogen exports to Japan’ invited paper at 7th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production ‘Cleaner Production for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals’ International Workshop, Barranquilla, Colombia, 21 June.
Cherian, M. (2018) “Impact of natural disaster on older persons in Uttarakhand” presented at IFA 13th Global Conference on Ageing held in Brisbane, 21-23 June.
Publishing ACES research is essential for knowledge translation. Publishing both in academic journals and explaining the potential impact of that research to our community through our website portal provides an important means in which we disseminate the body of ACES knowledge.
ACES Research Outputs – High Quality International Standing
In 2017, 190 articles (based on SCOPUS data 9.1.18) were published that have ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science in the address line hence indicating ACES members’ involvement in that research.
Douglas R. MacFarlane, Mega Kar, Jennifer M. Pringle “Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids: From Chemistry to Applications” Wiley, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-527-33999-0. (2017)
Ionic liquids research was brought to the forefront of the media with ACES CI MacFarlane achievement award for his discovery and research on ionic liquids (salt compounds that are liquid at or around room temperature) that has resulted in major advances in technologies including solar cells and energy storage. The book covers this area of research.
Reflecting on his research Prof MacFarlane said the extended Ionic Liquids group at Monash – which has included ACES Chief Investigator’s Maria Forsyth, Jenny Pringle and Pat Howlett, as well as Prof’s Glen Deacon, Keith Murray, Stuart Batten and Katya Pas – were very much part of the origins of the field of ionic liquids as we know it today.
“We understood at the time that they had unique and very powerful properties (and filed some of the first patents in the field), but we had no idea just how broadly applicable they would become. We adopted an open lab policy that had many visitors passing through and sent off samples around the world.”
The field of ionic liquids is still expanding rapidly as new properties and new applications are discovered.
Book Chapters
ACES members published 7 book chapters in 2017.
Ralph, N. and E. Kennedy (In Press). (2017) Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Peacemaking. In P. Molthan-Hill (Ed) The Business Student’s Guide to Sustainable Management (UK: Greenleaf Publishing)
A Quigley, J Bourke, R Kapsa, (2017) CRC Press – Taylor and Francis Group -‘Electrical Stimulation of Cells Derived from Muscle’, in book ‘Conductive polymers: Electrical interactions in cell biology and medicine’, (2017)
Crook JM, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Ludwig TE. Cryobanking Pluripotent Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 1590: Humana Press Inc.; 2017:151-164.
Crook JM, Tomaskovic-Crook E. Culturing and Cryobanking Human Neural Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 1590: Humana Press Inc.; 2017:199-206.
Crook JM, Kravets L, Peura T, Firpo MT. Derivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 1590: Humana Press Inc.; 2017:115-129.
D. L. Officer, Klaudia Wagner, Pawel Wagner, in Conductive Polymers. Electrical Interactions in Cell Biology and Medicine, Chapter 3, 1st ed. (Eds.: Z. Zhang, M. Rouabhia, S. E. Moulton), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, United States, 2017, pp. 42.
Naficy S, Spinks GM, Baughman RH. Chapter 13: Bio-inspired Polymer Artificial Muscles. In: Kilbinger AFM, Tang BZ, Bruns N, eds. RSC Polymer Chemistry Series. Vol 2017-January: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2017:429-459.
Special Journal
ACES CI Hancock, Deakin University, was a guest editor on the Special Volume of the Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management (JEAM): “Sustainability as a Strategy for the Commons”. In accordance with the high academic standards promoted by the JEAM, this worldwide call of papers for the Indian and Sustainability Standards Conference was focused upon but is not limited to the following themes: Progress in Cleaner Production and Technical Processes; Sustainable Development and Sustainability: How Should they be Interconnected?; Sustainable Consumption: Integral to Essential Societal Transitions; Environmental and Sustainability Assessments of Societal Transitions; Sustainable Products and Services; Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility; Education for Sustainable Development; Governance, Legislation, and Policies and Development and Growth – their implication on Sustainability. Publication of the special volume of all accepted papers is anticipated for 31st May 2018.
Mary Walker, ACES Research Fellow at Monash University, guest-edited an issue of Journal of Medicine and Philosophy on ‘The Boundaries of Disease’ (with Wendy Rogers).
ACES Journal Article List
The 2017 ACES publication list below is reported in order from highest impact factor of the journal.
Zhou F, Azofra LM, Ali M, Kar M, Simonov AN, McDonnell-Worth C, Sun C, Zhang X, Macfarlane DR. Electro-synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen at ambient temperature and pressure in ionic liquids. Energy and Environmental Science. 2017;10(12):2516-2520. IF= 29.518.
Zhang L, Kim T, Li N, Kang TJ, Chen J, Pringle JM, Zhang M, Kazim AH, Fang S, Haines C, Al-Masri D, Cola BA, Razal JM, Di J, Beirne S, MacFarlane DR, Gonzalez-Martin A, Mathew S, Kim YH, Wallace G, Baughman RH. High Power Density Electrochemical Thermocells for Inexpensively Harvesting Low-Grade Thermal Energy. Advanced Materials. 2017;29(12). IF= 19.79.
Tian K, Bae J, Bakarich SE, Yang C, Gately RD, Spinks GM, in het Panhuis M, Suo Z, Vlassak JJ. 3D Printing of Transparent and Conductive Heterogeneous Hydrogel–Elastomer Systems. Advanced Materials. 2017;29(10). IF= 19.79.
Wright B, Nakajima Y, Clarke TM, Okuda K, Paananen H, Mozer AJ, Mori S. Quantifying Recombination Losses during Charge Extraction in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Using a Modified Charge Extraction Technique. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017;7(11). IF= 16.72.
Wagner K, Tiwari P, Swiegers GF, Wallace GG. Alkaline Fuel Cells with Novel Gortex-Based Electrodes are Powered Remarkably Efficiently by Methane Containing 5% Hydrogen. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017. IF= 16.72.
Lu Z, Foroughi J, Wang C, Long H, Wallace GG. Superelastic Hybrid CNT/Graphene Fibers for Wearable Energy Storage. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017. IF= 16.72.
Lu J, Jiang L, Li W, Li F, Pai NK, Scully AD, Tsai CM, Bach U, Simonov AN, Cheng YB, Spiccia L. Diammonium and Monoammonium Mixed-Organic-Cation Perovskites for High Performance Solar Cells with Improved Stability. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017;7(18). IF= 16.72.
Lee CY, Taylor AC, Beirne S, Wallace GG. 3D-Printed Conical Arrays of TiO2 Electrodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Advanced Energy Materials. 2017;7(21). IF= 16.72.
Ganesan A, Coote ML, Barakat K. Molecular ‘time-machines’ to unravel key biological events for drug design. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science. 2017;7(4). IF= 14.016.
Li N, Chen X, Ong WJ, Macfarlane DR, Zhao X, Cheetham AK, Sun C. Understanding of Electrochemical Mechanisms for CO2 Capture and Conversion into Hydrocarbon Fuels in Transition-Metal Carbides (MXenes). ACS Nano. 2017;11(11):10825-10833. IF= 13.942.
Menzel JP, Noble BB, Lauer A, Coote ML, Blinco JP, Barner-Kowollik C. Wavelength Dependence of Light-Induced Cycloadditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017;139(44):15812-15820. IF= 13.858.
Li Y, Haworth NL, Xiang L, Ciampi S, Coote ML, Tao N. Mechanical Stretching-Induced Electron-Transfer Reactions and Conductance Switching in Single Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017;139(41):14699-14706. IF= 13.858.
Li F, Chen L, Xue M, Williams T, Zhang Y, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Towards a better Sn: Efficient electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to formate by Sn/SnS2 derived from SnS2 nanosheets. Nano Energy. 2017;31:270-277. IF= 12.343.
Ghosh SK, Adhikary P, Jana S, Biswas A, Sencadas V, Gupta SD, Tudu B, Mandal D. Electrospun gelatin nanofiber based self-powered bio-e-skin for health care monitoring. Nano Energy. 2017;36:166-175. IF= 12.343.
Zong Y, Zheng T, Martins P, Lanceros-Mendez S, Yue Z, Higgins MJ. Cellulose-based magnetoelectric composites. Nature Communications. 2017;8(1). IF= 12.124.
Vogel YB, Zhang L, Darwish N, Gonçales VR, Le Brun A, Gooding JJ, Molina A, Wallace GG, Coote ML, Gonzalez J, Ciampi S. Reproducible flaws unveil electrostatic aspects of semiconductor electrochemistry. Nature Communications. 2017;8(1). IF= 12.124.
Lin X, Jumabekov AN, Lal NN, Pascoe AR, Gómez DE, Duffy NW, Chesman ASR, Sears K, Fournier M, Zhang Y, Bao Q, Cheng YB, Spiccia L, Bach U. Dipole-field-assisted charge extraction in metal-perovskite-metal back-contact solar cells. Nature Communications. 2017;8(1). IF= 12.124.
Hou Y, Wang J, Liu L, Liu Y, Chou S, Shi D, Liu H, Wu Y, Zhang W, Chen J. Mo2C/CNT: An Efficient Catalyst for Rechargeable Li–CO2 Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials. 2017;27(27). IF= 12.12.
Gu Q, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Wallace GG, Crook JM. 3D Bioprinting Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Constructs for In Situ Cell Proliferation and Successive Multilineage Differentiation. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2017;6(17). IF= 12.12.
Gao H, Zhou T, Zheng Y, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Chen J, Liu H, Guo Z. CoS Quantum Dot Nanoclusters for High-Energy Potassium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials. 2017;27(43). IF= 12.12.
Chao Y, Jalili R, Ge Y, Wang C, Zheng T, Shu K, Wallace GG. Self-Assembly of Flexible Free-Standing 3D Porous MoS2-Reduced Graphene Oxide Structure for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials. 2017;27(22). IF= 12.12.
Li F, Xue M, Li J, Ma X, Chen L, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Unlocking the Electrocatalytic Activity of Antimony for CO2 Reduction by Two-Dimensional Engineering of the Bulk Material. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2017;56(46):14718-14722. IF= 11.994.
Li F, Chen L, Knowles GP, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Hierarchical Mesoporous SnO2Nanosheets on Carbon Cloth: A Robust and Flexible Electrocatalyst for CO2Reduction with High Efficiency and Selectivity. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2017;56(2):505-509. IF= 11.994.
Zhang Y, Chen L, Li F, Easton CD, Li J, Bond AM, Zhang J. Direct Detection of Electron Transfer Reactions Underpinning the Tin-Catalyzed Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 using Fourier-Transformed ac Voltammetry. ACS Catalysis. 2017;7(7):4846-4853. IF= 10.614.
Chatti M, Gengenbach T, King R, Spiccia L, Simonov AN. Vertically Aligned Interlayer Expanded MoS2 Nanosheets on a Carbon Support for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis. Chemistry of Materials. 2017;29(7):3092-3099. IF= 9.466.
Arena F, Di Chio R, Filiciotto L, Trunfio G, Espro C, Palella A, Patti A, Spadaro L. Probing the functionality of nanostructured MnCeOx catalysts in the carbon monoxide oxidation: Part II. Reaction mechanism and kinetic modelling. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2017;218:803-809. IF= 9.446.
Zhang X, Zhang Y, Li F, Easton CD, Bond AM, Zhang J. Ultra-small Cu nanoparticles embedded in N-doped carbon arrays for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction in dimethylformamide. Nano Research. 2017:1-13. IF= 9.354.
Zhu H, Yang H, Li J, Barlow KJ, Kong L, Mecerreyes D, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M. Proton-Exchange-Induced Configuration Rearrangement in a Poly(ionic liquid) Solution: A NMR Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2017;8(21):5355-5359. IF= 9.353.
Yang H, Zhang J, Li J, Jiang SP, Forsyth M, Zhu H. Proton Transport in Hierarchical-Structured Nafion Membranes: A NMR Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2017;8(15):3624-3629. IF= 9.353.
Bentley CL, Kang M, Maddar FM, Li F, Walker M, Zhang J, Unwin PR. Electrochemical maps and movies of the hydrogen evolution reaction on natural crystals of molybdenite (MoS2): Basal: vs. edge plane activity. Chemical Science. 2017;8(9):6583-6593. IF= 9.144.
Xiao C, Li S, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR. MnO2/MnCo2O4/Ni heterostructure with quadruple hierarchy: A bifunctional electrode architecture for overall urea oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017;5(17):7825-7832. IF= 8.867.
Pfau MW, Kunzmann A, Segets D, Peukert W, Wallace GG, Officer DL, Clark T, Costa RD, Guldi DM. Choosing the right nanoparticle size-designing novel ZnO electrode architectures for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017;5(16):7516-7522. IF= 8.867.
Iranipour N, Gunzelmann DJ, Seeber AJ, Vongsvivut J, Hollenkamp AF, Forsyth M, Howlett PC. Effect of secondary phase on thermal behaviour and solid-state ion conduction in lithium doped N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate organic ionic plastic crystal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017;5(47):24909-24919. IF= 8.867.
Guo H, Chen C, Chen K, Cai H, Chang X, Liu S, Li W, Wang Y, Wang C. High performance carbon-coated hollow Ni12P5 nanocrystals decorated on GNS as advanced anodes for lithium and sodium storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017;5(42):22316-22324. IF= 8.867.
Chang Z, Dou H, Ding B, Wang J, Wang Y, Hao X, MacFarlane DR. Co3O4 nanoneedle arrays as a multifunctional “super-reservoir” electrode for long cycle life Li-S batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017;5(1):250-257. IF= 8.867.
Mirabedini A, Aziz S, Spinks GM, Foroughi J. Wet-Spun Biofiber for Torsional Artificial Muscles. Soft Robotics. 2017;4(4):421-430. IF= 8.649.
Hossain T, Mahmudunnabi G, Masud MK, Islam MN, Ooi L, Konstantinov K, Hossain MSA, Martinac B, Alici G, Nguyen NT, Shiddiky MJA. Electrochemical biosensing strategies for DNA methylation analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2017;94:63-73. IF= 7.780.
Mohan S, Raghavendran HB, Karunanithi P, Murali MR, Naveen SV, Talebian S, Mehrali M, Mehrali M, Natarajan E, Chan CK, Kamarul T. Incorporation of Human-Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB Encapsulated Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microspheres into 3D CORAGRAF Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2017;9(11):9291-9303. IF= 7.504.
Li J, Li F, Guo SX, Zhang J, Ma J. PdCu@Pd Nanocube with Pt-like Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2017;9(9):8151-8160. IF= 7.504.
Knowles BR, Wagner P, Maclaughlin S, Higgins MJ, Molino PJ. Silica Nanoparticles Functionalized with Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine Siloxane for Application as a Versatile Antifouling Coating System. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2017;9(22):18584-18594. IF= 7.504.
Sayyar S, Gambhir S, Chung J, Officer DL, Wallace GG. 3D printable conducting hydrogels containing chemically converted graphene. Nanoscale. 2017;9(5):2038-2050. IF= 7.367.
Lu Z, Chao Y, Ge Y, Foroughi J, Zhao Y, Wang C, Long H, Wallace GG. High-performance hybrid carbon nanotube fibers for wearable energy storage. Nanoscale. 2017;9(16):5063-5071. IF= 7.367.
Yuan W, Yu J, Li H, Zhang Z, Sun C, Wang Y. In situ TEM observation of dissolution and regrowth dynamics of MoO2 nanowires under oxygen. Nano Research. 2017;10(2):397-404. IF= 7.354.
Zhou F, Li H, Fournier M, MacFarlane DR. Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Formate at Low Overpotentials on Electrodeposited Pd Films: Stabilized Performance by Suppression of CO Formation. ChemSusChem. 2017;10(7):1509-1516. IF= 7.226.
Casado N, Hilder M, Pozo-Gonzalo C, Forsyth M, Mecerreyes D. Electrochemical Behavior of PEDOT/Lignin in Ionic Liquid Electrolytes: Suitable Cathode/Electrolyte System for Sodium Batteries. ChemSusChem. 2017;10(8):1783-1791. IF= 7.226.
Feng H, Zhuang J, Slattery AD, Wang L, Xu Z, Xu X, Mitchell D, Zheng T, Li S, Higgins M, Ren L, Sun Z, Dou SX, Du Y, Hao W. Construction of 2D lateral pseudoheterostructures by strain engineering. 2D Materials. 2017;4(2). IF= 6.937.
Ganesan A, Coote ML, Barakat K. Molecular dynamics-driven drug discovery: leaping forward with confidence. Drug Discovery Today. 2017;22(2):249-269. IF= 6.369.
Gharib DH, Gietman S, Malherbe F, Moulton SE. High yield, solid exfoliation and liquid dispersion of graphite driven by a donor-acceptor interaction. Carbon. 2017;123:695-707. IF= 6.337.
Usov PM, Simonov AN, Bond AM, Murphy MJ, D’Alessandro DM. Untangling Complex Redox Chemistry in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Using Fourier Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(19):10181-10187. IF= 6.320.
Ranjbar L, Talebi M, Haddad PR, Park SH, Cabot JM, Zhang M, Smejkal P, Foley JP, Breadmore MC. In Silico Screening of Two-Dimensional Separation Selectivity for Ion Chromatography × Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Low-Molecular-Mass Organic Acids. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(17):8808-8815. IF= 6.320.
Phung SC, Cabot JM, Macka M, Powell SM, Guijt RM, Breadmore M. Isotachophoretic Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization of Intact Bacterial Cells. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(12):6513-6520. IF= 6.320.
Macdonald NP, Currivan SA, Tedone L, Paull B. Direct Production of Microstructured Surfaces for Planar Chromatography Using 3D Printing. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(4):2457-2463. IF= 6.320.
Macdonald NP, Cabot JM, Smejkal P, Guijt RM, Paull B, Breadmore MC. Comparing Microfluidic Performance of Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing Platforms. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(7):3858-3866. IF= 6.320.
Macdonald NP, Bunton GL, Park AY, Breadmore MC, Kilah NL. 3D Printed Micrometer-Scale Polymer Mounts for Single Crystal Analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(8):4405-4408. IF= 6.320.
Li F, Smejkal P, Macdonald NP, Guijt RM, Breadmore MC. One-Step Fabrication of a Microfluidic Device with an Integrated Membrane and Embedded Reagents by Multimaterial 3D Printing. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(8):4701-4707. IF= 6.320.
Li F, Macdonald NP, Guijt RM, Breadmore MC. Using Printing Orientation for Tuning Fluidic Behavior in Microfluidic Chips Made by Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(23):12805-12811. IF= 6.320.
Adamson H, Robinson M, Bond PS, Soboh B, Gillow K, Simonov AN, Elton DM, Bond AM, Sawers RG, Gavaghan DJ, Parkin A. Analysis of HypD Disulfide Redox Chemistry via Optimization of Fourier Transformed ac Voltammetric Data. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(3):1565-1573. IF= 6.320.
Dupont MF, MacFarlane DR, Pringle JM. Thermo-electrochemical cells for waste heat harvesting-progress and perspectives. Chemical Communications. 2017;53(47):6288-6302. IF= 6.319.
Rashid MHO, Triani G, Scales N, in het Panhuis M, Nghiem LD, Ralph SF. Nanofiltration applications of tough MWNT buckypaper membranes containing biopolymers. Journal of Membrane Science. 2017;529:23-34. IF= 6.035.
Xiao C, Hu H, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR. Nanostructured Gold/Bismutite Hybrid Heterocatalysts for Plasmon-Enhanced Photosynthesis of Ammonia. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2017;5(11):10858-10863. IF= 5.951.
Alshahrani AA, Al-Zoubi H, Nghiem LD, in het Panhuis M. Synthesis and characterisation of MWNT/chitosan and MWNT/chitosan-crosslinked buckypaper membranes for desalination. Desalination. 2017;418:60-70. IF= 5.527.
Francis W, Wagner K, Beirne S, Officer DL, Wallace GG, Florea L, Diamond D. Electrotactic ionic liquid droplets. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2017;239:1069-1075. IF= 5.401.
Jiang JY, Smith LM, Tyrell JH, Coote ML. Pulsed laser polymerisation studies of methyl methacrylate in the presence of AlCl3 and ZnCl2-evidence of propagation catalysis. Polymer Chemistry. 2017;8(38):5948-5953. IF= 5.375.
Tao L, Simonov AN, Romano CA, Butterfield CN, Fekete M, Tebo BM, Bond AM, Spiccia L, Martin LL, Casey WH. Biogenic Manganese-Oxide Mineralization is Enhanced by an Oxidative Priming Mechanism for the Multi-Copper Oxidase, MnxEFG. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2017;23(6):1346-1352. IF= 5.317. *invited paper
Simonov AN, Hocking RK, Tao L, Gengenbach T, Williams T, Fang XY, King HJ, Bonke SA, Hoogeveen DA, Romano CA, Tebo BM, Martin LL, Casey WH, Spiccia L. Tunable Biogenic Manganese Oxides. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2017;23(54):13482-11349. IF= 5.317.
Azofra LM, Sun C, Cavallo L, MacFarlane DR. Feasibility of N2 Binding and Reduction to Ammonia on Fe-Deposited MoS2 2D Sheets: A DFT Study. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2017;23(34):8275-8279. IF= 5.317.
Viaña JNM, Vickers JC, Cook MJ, Gilbert F. Currents of memory: recent progress, translational challenges, and ethical considerations in fornix deep brain stimulation trials for Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging. 2017;56:202-210. IF= 5.117.
Nanthasurasak P, Cabot JM, See HH, Guijt RM, Breadmore MC. Electrophoretic separations on paper: Past, present, and future-A review. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2017;985:7-23. IF= 4.950.
Cecil F, Zhang M, Guijt RM, Henderson A, Nesterenko PN, Paull B, Breadmore MC, Macka M. 3D printed LED based on-capillary detector housing with integrated slit. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2017;965:131-136. IF= 4.950.
Cabot JM, Breadmore MC, Paull B. Thread based electrofluidic platform for direct metabolite analysis in complex samples. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2017. IF= 4.950.
Kim H, Jalili R, Spinks GM, Wallace GG, Kim SJ. High-strength graphene and polyacrylonitrile composite fiber enhanced by surface coating with polydopamine. Composites Science and Technology. 2017;149:280-285. IF= 4.873.
Ueda T, Kodani K, Ota H, Shiro M, Guo SX, Boas JF, Bond AM. Voltammetric and Spectroscopic Studies of α- And β-[PW12O40]3- Polyoxometalates in Neutral and Acidic Media: Structural Characterization as Their [(n-Bu4N)3][PW12O40] Salts. Inorganic Chemistry. 2017;56(7):3990-4001. IF= 4.857.
Habiba U, Siddique TA, Talebian S, Lee JJL, Salleh A, Ang BC, Afifi AM. Effect of deacetylation on property of electrospun chitosan/PVA nanofibrous membrane and removal of methyl orange, Fe(III) and Cr(VI) ions. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017;177:32-39. IF= 4.811.
King HJ, Bonke SA, Chang SLY, Spiccia L, Johannessen B, Hocking RK. Engineering Disorder into Heterogenite-Like Cobalt Oxides by Phosphate Doping: Implications for the Design of Water-Oxidation Catalysts. ChemCatChem. 2017;9(3):511-521. IF= 4.803.
Yan Y, Gunzelmann D, Pozo-Gonzalo C, Hollenkamp AF, Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M. Investigating discharge performance and Mg interphase properties of an Ionic Liquid electrolyte based Mg-air battery. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;235:270-279. IF= 4.798.
Rajesh M, Justin Raj C, Kim BC, Manikandan R, Kim KH, Park SY, Yu KH. Evaporative successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction polymerization of PEDOT: a simple and cost effective technique for binder free supercapacitor electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;240:231-238. IF= 4.798.
Raj CJ, Rajesh M, Manikandan R, Sim JY, Yu KH, Park SY, Song JH, Kim BC. Two-Dimensional Planar Supercapacitor Based on Zinc Oxide/Manganese Oxide Core/Shell Nano-architecture. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;247:949-957. IF= 4.798.
Noor SAM, Su NC, Khoon LT, Mohamed NS, Ahmad A, Yahya MZA, Zhu H, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR. Properties of High Na-Ion Content N-Propyl-N-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(Fluorosulfonyl)Imide -Ethylene Carbonate Electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;247:983-993. IF= 4.798.
Manikandan R, Justin Raj C, Rajesh M, Kim BC, Park SY, Cho BB, Yu KH. Polycrystalline V2O5/Na0.33V2O5 electrode material for Li+ ion redox supercapacitor. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;230:492-500. IF= 4.798.
Lin M, Li J, Pan D, Bond AM, Zhang J. A Systematic Study of the Mass Transport, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of the FeIII/II Process at Glassy Carbon and Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;249:421-430. IF= 4.798.
Li F, Xue M, Knowles GP, Chen L, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Porous nitrogen–doped carbon derived from biomass for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;245:561-568. IF= 4.798.
Hou Y, Liu Y, Zhou Z, Liu L, Guo H, Liu H, Wang J, Chen J. Metal-oxygen bonds: Stabilizing the intermediate species towards practical Li-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta. 2018;259:313-320. IF= 4.798.
Horiuchi S, Zhu H, Forsyth M, Takeoka Y, Rikukawa M, Yoshizawa-Fujita M. Synthesis and evaluation of a novel pyrrolidinium-based zwitterionic additive with an ether side chain for ionic liquid electrolytes in high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;241:272-280. IF= 4.798.
Harris AR, Paolini AG, Wallace GG. Effective Area and Charge Density of Iridium Oxide Neural Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;230:285-292. IF= 4.798.
Halima AF, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR. Metal-Free Black Silicon for Solar-powered Hydrogen Generation. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;235:453-462. IF= 4.798.
Ge Y, Jalili R, Wang C, Zheng T, Chao Y, Wallace GG. A robust free-standing MoS2/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) film for supercapacitor applications. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;235:348-355. IF= 4.798.
Doherty AP, Graham L, Wagner K, Officer DL, Chen J, Wallace GG. Functional Electro-materials Based on Ferricyanide Redox-active Ionic Liquids. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;245:934-940. IF= 4.798.
Díaz M, Ortiz A, Pringle JM, Wang X, Vijayaraghavan R, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, Ortiz I. Protic plastic crystal/PVDF composite membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells under non-humidified conditions. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;247:970-976. IF= 4.798.
Chen K, Zhang X, Williams T, Bourgeois L, MacFarlane DR. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 on core-shell Cu/Au nanostructure arrays for syngas production. Electrochimica Acta. 2017;239:84-89. IF= 4.798.
Sultana A, Ghosh SK, Sencadas V, Zheng T, Higgins MJ, Middya TR, Mandal D. Human skin interactive self-powered wearable piezoelectric bio-e-skin by electrospun poly-l-lactic acid nanofibers for non-invasive physiological signal monitoring. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017;5(35):7352-7359. IF= 4.543.
Sayyar S, Officer DL, Wallace GG. Fabrication of 3D structures from graphene-based biocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017;5(19):3462-3482. IF= 4.543.
Keller A, Pham J, Warren H, In het Panhuis M. Conducting hydrogels for edible electrodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017;5(27):5318-5328. IF= 4.543.
Theivaprakasam S, Wu J, Pramudita JC, Sharma N, MacFarlane DR, Mitra S. Understanding the Behavior of LiCoO2 Cathodes at Extended Potentials in Ionic Liquid-Alkyl Carbonate Hybrid Electrolytes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017;121(29):15630-15638. IF= 4.536.
Pozo-Gonzalo C, Johnson LR, Jónsson E, Holc C, Kerr R, MacFarlane DR, Bruce PG, Howlett PC, Forsyth M. Understanding of the Electrogenerated Bulk Electrolyte Species in Sodium-Containing Ionic Liquid Electrolytes during the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017;121(42):23307-23316. IF= 4.536.
Hoogeveen DA, Fournier M, Bonke SA, Nattestad A, Mishra A, Bäuerle P, Spiccia L, Mozer AJ, Simonov AN. Origin of Photoelectrochemical Generation of Dihydrogen by a Dye-Sensitized Photocathode without an Intentionally Introduced Catalyst. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2017;121(46):25836-25846. IF= 4.536.
Pozo-Gonzalo C, Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M. Highly reversible oxygen to superoxide redox reaction in a sodium-containing ionic liquid. Electrochemistry Communications. 2017;74:14-18. IF= 4.396.
Ma Z, Kar M, Xiao C, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR. Electrochemical cycling of Mg in Mg[TFSI]2/tetraglyme electrolytes. Electrochemistry Communications. 2017;78:29-32. IF= 4.396.
Jamali SS, Moulton SE, Tallman DE, Zhao Y, Weber J, Wallace GG. Self-healing characteristic of praseodymium conversion coating on AZNd Mg alloy studied by scanning electrochemical microscopy. Electrochemistry Communications. 2017;76:6-9. IF= 4.396.
Yan Y, Sencadas V, Zhang J, Wei D, Jiang Z. Superomniphilic Poly(glycerol sebacate)–Poly(l-lactic acid) Electrospun Membranes for Oil Spill Remediation. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2017;4(20). IF= 4.279.
Li S, Zhai Y, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR. Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Graphene-Supported PdCu Nanocrystals with High Alloying Degree as Highly Active Catalyst for Formic Acid Electrooxidation. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2017;4(14). IF= 4.279.
Diao J, Ding A, Liu Y, Razal JM, Chen J, Lu Z, Wang B. Inkjet-Printed Planar Biochips for Interfacial Detection of Biomoleculars. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2017;4(19). IF= 4.279.
Isik M, Porcarelli L, Lago N, Zhu H, Forsyth M, Mecerreyes D. Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Poly(Ionic Liquids) Having Phosphonium Counter-Cations. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2017. IF= 4.265.
Zhang Q, Esrafilzadeh D, Crook JM, Kapsa R, Stewart EM, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Wallace GG, Huang XF. Electrical stimulation using conductive polymer polypyrrole counters reduced neurite outgrowth of primary prefrontal cortical neurons from NRG1-KO and DISC1-LI mice. Scientific Reports. 2017;7. IF= 4.259.
Waheed S, Cabot JM, Macdonald NP, Kalsoom U, Farajikhah S, Innis PC, Nesterenko PN, Lewis TW, Breadmore MC, Paull B. Enhanced physicochemical properties of polydimethylsiloxane based microfluidic devices and thin films by incorporating synthetic micro-diamond. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). IF= 4.259.
Pingmuang K, Chen J, Kangwansupamonkon W, Wallace GG, Phanichphant S, Nattestad A. Composite Photocatalysts Containing BiVO4 for Degradation of Cationic Dyes. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). IF= 4.259.
Duchi S, Onofrillo C, O’Connell CD, Blanchard R, Augustine C, Quigley AF, Kapsa RMI, Pivonka P, Wallace G, Di Bella C, Choong PFM. Handheld Co-Axial Bioprinting: Application to in situ surgical cartilage repair. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). IF= 4.259.
Dicker MPM, Baker AB, Iredale RJ, Naficy S, Bond IP, Faul CFJ, Rossiter JM, Spinks GM, Weaver PM. Light-triggered soft artificial muscles: Molecular-level amplification of actuation control signals. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). IF= 4.259.
Al-Attafi K, Nattestad A, Yamauchi Y, Dou SX, Kim JH. Aggregated mesoporous nanoparticles for high surface area light scattering layer TiO2 photoanodes in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1). IF= 4.259.
Chen Y, Gu Q, Yue Z, Crook JM, Moulton SE, Cook MJ, Wallace GG. Development of drug-loaded polymer microcapsules for treatment of epilepsy. Biomaterials Science. 2017;5(10):2159-2168. IF= 4.210.
Periyapperuma K, Zhang Y, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, Pozo-Gonzalo C, Howlett PC. Towards Higher Energy Density Redox-Flow Batteries: Imidazolium Ionic Liquid for Zn Electrochemistry in Flow Environment. ChemElectroChem. 2017;4(5):1051-1058. IF= 4.136.
Manikandan R, Raj CJ, Rajesh M, Kim BC, Sim JY, Yu KH. Electrochemical Behaviour of Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Ion Electrolytes in a Na0.33V2O5 Symmetric Pseudocapacitor with High Performance and High Cyclic Stability. ChemElectroChem. 2017. IF= 4.136.
Gavaghan DJ, Cooper J, Daly AC, Gill C, Gillow K, Robinson M, Simonov AN, Zhang J, Bond AM. Use of Bayesian Inference for Parameter Recovery in DC and AC Voltammetry. ChemElectroChem. 2017. IF= 4.136. *Invited paper
Chen L, Li F, Bentley CL, Horne M, Bond AM, Zhang J. Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 with an Oxide-Derived Lead Nano-Coralline Electrode in Dimcarb. ChemElectroChem. 2017;4(6):1402-1410. IF= 4.136.
Hilder M, Gras M, Pope CR, Kar M, Macfarlane DR, Forsyth M, O’Dell LA. Effect of mixed anions on the physicochemical properties of a sodium containing alkoxyammonium ionic liquid electrolyte. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(26):17461-17468. IF= 4.123.
Gryn’Ova G, Smith LM, Coote ML. Computational design of pH-switchable control agents for nitroxide mediated polymerization. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(34):22678-22683. IF= 4.123.
Finkelstein-Shapiro D, Fournier M, Méndez-Hernández DD, Guo C, Calatayud M, Moore TA, Moore AL, Gust D, Yarger JL. Understanding iridium oxide nanoparticle surface sites by their interaction with catechol. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(24):16151-16158. IF= 4.123.
Chen X, Chen F, Forsyth M. Molecular dynamics study of the effect of tetraglyme plasticizer on dual-cation ionomer electrolytes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(25):16426-16432. IF= 4.123.
Begić S, Jónsson E, Chen F, Forsyth M. Molecular dynamics simulations of pyrrolidinium and imidazolium ionic liquids at graphene interfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(44):30010-30020. IF= 4.123.
Yan Q, Banwell MG, Coote ML, Lee R, Willis AC. Establishing the True Structure of the Sorbicillinoid-Derived Isolate Rezishanone C by Total Synthesis. Chemistry – An Asian Journal. 2017;12(13):1480-1484. IF= 4.083.
Kim JH, Kurtz A, Yuan BZ, Zeng F, Lomax G, Loring JF, Crook J, Ju JH, Clarke L, Inamdar MS, Pera M, Firpo MT, Sheldon M, Rahman N, O’Shea O, Pranke P, Zhou Q, Isasi R, Rungsiwiwut R, Kawamata S, Oh S, Ludwig T, Masui T, Novak TJ, Takahashi T, Fujibuchi W, Koo SK, Stacey GN. Report of the International Stem Cell Banking Initiative Workshop Activity: Current Hurdles and Progress in Seed-Stock Banking of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 2017;6(11):1956-1962. IF= 4.0.
Ngan CG, Quigley A, Kapsa RM, Choong PF. Engineering skeletal muscle – from two to three dimensions. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2017. IF= 3.989.
Di Bella C, Duchi S, O’Connell CD, Blanchard R, Augustine C, Yue Z, Thompson F, Richards C, Beirne S, Onofrillo C, Bauquier SH, Ryan SD, Pivonka P, Wallace GG, Choong PF. In situ handheld three-dimensional bioprinting for cartilage regeneration. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2017. IF= 3.989.
Puckert C, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Gambhir S, Wallace GG, Crook JM, Higgins MJ. Electro-mechano responsive properties of gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogel on conducting polymer electrodes quantified using atomic force microscopy. Soft Matter. 2017;13(27):4761-4772. IF= 3.889.
Li J, Liu X, Crook JM, Wallace GG. Development of a porous 3D graphene-PDMS scaffold for improved osseointegration. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2017;159:386-393. IF= 3.887.
Greene GW, Thapa R, Holt SA, Wang X, Garvey CJ, Tabor RF. Structure and Property Changes in Self-Assembled Lubricin Layers Induced by Calcium Ion Interactions. Langmuir. 2017;33(10):2559-2570. IF= 3.833.
Martin LL, Kubeil C, Simonov AN, Kuznetsov VL, Corbin CJ, Auchus RJ, Conley AJ, Bond AM, Rodgers RJ. Electrochemistry of cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase (P450c17). Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2017;441:62-67. IF= 3.754.
Viaña JNM, Bittlinger M, Gilbert F. Ethical Considerations for Deep Brain Stimulation Trials in Patients with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2017;58(2):289-301. IF= 3.731.
Aziz S, Naficy S, Foroughi J, Brown HR, Spinks GM. Effect of anisotropic thermal expansion on the torsional actuation of twist oriented polymer fibres. Polymer (United Kingdom). 2017;129:127-134. IF= 3.684.
Scales N, Chen J, Aughterson RD, Karatchevtseva I, Stopic A, Lumpkin GR, Luca V. Porous Zr2SC-carbon composite microspheres: Possible radiation tolerant sorbents and transmutation hosts for technetium-99. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2018;259:67-78. IF= 3.615.
Wang Z, Low ZX, Zeng X, Su B, Yin Y, Sun C, Williams T, Wang H, Zhang X. Vertically-heterostructured TiO2-Ag-rGO ternary nanocomposite constructed with (001) facetted TiO2 nanosheets for enhanced Pt-free hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017. IF= 3.582
Yang J, Zhu H, Zhao Y, Jiang Q, Chen H, Liu G, Chen P, Wang D. New insights into the beta-form crystal toughening mechanism in pre-oriented PHBV films. European Polymer Journal. 2017;91:81-91. IF= 3.531.
Zheng T, Yue Z, Wallace GG, Du Y, Martins P, Lanceros-Mendez S, Higgins MJ. Local probing of magnetoelectric properties of PVDF/Fe3O4 electrospun nanofibers by piezoresponse force microscopy. Nanotechnology. 2017;28(6). IF= 3.446.
Fang J, Xie Z, Wallace G, Wang X. Co-deposition of carbon dots and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets on carbon-fiber microelectrode surface for selective detection of dopamine. Applied Surface Science. 2017;412:131-137. IF= 3.387.
Javadi M, Gu Q, Naficy S, Farajikhah S, Crook JM, Wallace GG, Beirne S, Moulton SE. Conductive Tough Hydrogel for Bioapplications. Macromolecular Bioscience. 2017. IF= 3.238.
Bauquier SH, McLean KJ, Jiang JL, Boston RC, Lai A, Yue Z, Moulton SE, Halliday AJ, Wallace G, Cook MJ. Evaluation of the Biocompatibility of Polypyrrole Implanted Subdurally in GAERS. Macromolecular Bioscience. 2017;17(5). IF= 3.238.
Kondyurin A, Tsoutas K, Latour QX, Higgins MJ, Moulton SE, McKenzie DR, Bilek MMM. Structural Analysis and Protein Functionalization of Electroconductive Polypyrrole Films Modified by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2017;3(10):2247-2258. IF= 3.234.
Björninen M, Gilmore K, Pelto J, Seppänen-Kaijansinkko R, Kellomäki M, Miettinen S, Wallace G, Grijpma D, Haimi S. Electrically Stimulated Adipose Stem Cells on Polypyrrole-Coated Scaffolds for Smooth Muscle Tissue Engineering. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2017;45(4):1015-1026. IF= 3.221.
Jin L, Nairn KM, Ling CD, Zhu H, O’Dell LA, Li J, Chen F, Pavan AF, Madsen LA, Howlett PC, Macfarlane DR, Forsyth M, Pringle JM. Conformational Dynamics in an Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2017;121(21):5439-5446. IF= 3.177.
Swann ET, Fernandez M, Coote ML, Barnard AS. Bias-free chemically diverse test sets from machine learning. ACS Combinatorial Science. 2017;19(8):544-554. IF= 3.168.
Jeong HT, Kim YR, Kim BC. Flexible polycaprolactone (PCL) supercapacitor based on reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) composite electrodes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017;727:721-727. IF= 3.133.
Murakami T, Schmidt BVKJ, Brown HR, Hawker CJ. Structural Versatility in Slide-Ring Gels: Influence of Co-Threaded Cyclodextrin Spacers. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2017;55(7):1156-1165. IF= 3.113.
Wang Y, Wang C, Guo H, Wang Y, Huang Z. A nitrogen-doped three-dimensional carbon framework for high performance sodium ion batteries. RSC Advances. 2017;7(3):1588-1592. IF= 3.108.
Chen X, Chen F, Jónsson E, Forsyth M. Molecular Dynamics Study of a Dual-Cation Ionomer Electrolyte. ChemPhysChem. 2017;18(2):230-237. IF= 3.075.
Li J, Bentley CL, Ueda T, Bond AM, Zhang J. Electrolyte cation dependence of the electron transfer kinetics associated with the [SVW11O40]3-/4- (VV/IV) and [SVW11O40]4-/5- (WVI/V) processes in propylene carbonate. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017. IF= 3.012.
Doherty AP, Marley E, Barhdadi R, Puchelle V, Wagner K, Wallace GG. Mechanism and kinetics of electrocarboxylation of aromatic ketones in ionic liquid. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2017. IF= 3.012.
Carter SSD, Liu X, Yue Z, Wallace GG. Three-dimensional neuronal cell culture: In pursuit of novel treatments for neurodegenerative disease. MRS Communications. 2017;7(3):320-331. IF= 3.01.
Han Y, Ge Y, Chao Y, Wang C, Wallace GG. Recent progress in 2D materials for flexible supercapacitors. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2017. IF= 2.954.
Sangian D, Foroughi J, Farajikhah S, Naficy S, Spinks GM. A bladder-free, non-fluidic, conductive McKibben artificial muscle operated electro-thermally. Smart Materials and Structures. 2017;26(1). IF= 2.909.
Haworth NL, Wang Q, Coote ML. Modeling Flexible Molecules in Solution: A pKa Case Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;121(27):5217-5225. IF= 2.847.
Warren H, in het Panhuis M, Spinks GM, Officer DL. Thermal actuation of hydrogels from PNIPAm, alginate, and carbon nanofibres. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2017. IF= 2.838.
Mitchell R, Wagner K, Barnsley JE, van der Salm H, Gordon KC, Officer DL, Wagner P. Synthesis and Light-Harvesting Potential of Cyanovinyl β-Substituted Porphyrins and Dyads. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2017;2017(38):5750-5762. IF= 2.834.
Freeman J, Hancock L. Energy and communication infrastructure for disaster resilience in rural and regional Australia. Regional Studies. 2017;51(6):933-944. IF= 2.780.
Breadmore MC, Wuethrich A, Li F, Phung SC, Kalsoom U, Cabot JM, Tehranirokh M, Shallan AI, Abdul Keyon AS, See HH, Dawod M, Quirino JP. Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries and microchips (2014–2016). Electrophoresis. 2017;38(1):33-59. IF= 2.744.
Wade SJ, Zuzic A, Foroughi J, Talebian S, Aghmesheh M, Moulton SE, Vine KL. Preparation and in vitro assessment of wet-spun gemcitabine-loaded polymeric fibers: Towards localized drug delivery for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 2017;17(5):795-804. IF= 2.724.
Al-Graiti W, Yue Z, Foroughi J, Huang XF, Wallace G, Baughman R, Chen J. Carbon nanotube yarn for selective and sensitive detection of dopamine. Sensors (Switzerland). 2017;17(4). IF= 2.677
Birtchnell T, Böhme T, Gorkin R. 3D printing and the third mission: The university in the materialization of intellectual capital. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2017;123:240-249. IF= 2.625.
Yildirim T, Zhang J, Sun S, Alici G, Zhang S, Li W. Design of an enhanced wideband energy harvester using a parametrically excited array. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2017;410:416-428. IF= 2.593.
Esfahani M, Munir KS, Wen C, Zhang J, Durandet Y, Wang J, Wong YC. Mechanical properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline and ultrafine-grained Zn-Sn coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2018;333:71-80. IF= 2.589.
Sparrow R. Robots, Rape, and Representation. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2017;9(4):465-477. IF= 2.559.
Boskovic D, Balakrishnan S, Wagner P, Swiegers GF. Demetallatation of electrochemically polymerised Mn porphyrin anion / PEDOT composites under light-illumination. Synthetic Metals. 2017;228:58-63. IF= 2.435.
Raj CJ, Rajesh M, Manikandan R, Park S, Park JH, Yu KH, Kim BC. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic studies on aging-dependent electrochemical degradation of p-toluene sulfonic acid-doped polypyrrole thin film. Ionics. 2017:1-8. IF= 2.354.
Zhang BGX, Spinks GM, Gorkin R, III, Sangian D, Di Bella C, Quigley AF, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG, Choong PFM. In vivo biocompatibility of porous and non-porous polypyrrole based trilayered actuators. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2017;28(11). IF= 2.325.
Gilbert F, O’Connell CD, Mladenovska T, Dodds S. Print Me an Organ? Ethical and Regulatory Issues Emerging from 3D Bioprinting in Medicine. Science and Engineering Ethics. 2017:1-19. IF= 2.229.
Swann ET, Coote ML, Barnard AS, Per MC. Efficient protocol for quantum Monte Carlo calculations of hydrogen abstraction barriers: Application to methanol. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2017;117(9). IF= 2.92.
Naficy S, Gately R, Gorkin R, III, Xin H, Spinks GM. 4D Printing of Reversible Shape Morphing Hydrogel Structures. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2017;302(1). IF= 2.86.
Javadi M, Naficy S, Beirne S, Sayyar S, Jalili R, Moulton SE. Ionic interactions to tune mechanical and electrical properties of hydrated liquid crystal graphene oxide films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2017;186:90-97. IF= 2.084.
Than TD, Alici G, Zhou H, Harvey S, Li W. Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2017. IF= 2.35.
Gardiner J, Martinez-Botella I, Kohl TM, Krstina J, Moad G, Tyrell JH, Coote ML, Tsanaktsidis J. 4-Halogeno-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole-1-carbodithioates: versatile reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer agents with broad applicability. Polymer International. 2017;66(11):1438-1447. IF= 2.07.
Duffy E, Padovani R, He X, Gorkin R, Vereshchagina E, Ducrée J, Nesterenko E, Nesterenko PN, Brabazon D, Paull B, Vázquez M. New strategies for stationary phase integration within centrifugal microfluidic platforms for applications in sample preparation and pre-concentration. Analytical Methods. 2017;9(13):1998-2006. IF= 1.900.
Gilbert F, Viaña JNM, O’Connell CD, Dodds S. Enthusiastic portrayal of 3D bioprinting in the media: Ethical side effects. Bioethics. 2017. IF= 1.562.
Clarke S, Giubilini A, Walker MJ. Conscientious objection to vaccination. Bioethics. 2017;31(3):155-161. IF= 1.562.
Mashkina E, Bond AM, Simonov AN. Limitations in Electrochemical Determination of Mass-Transport Parameters: Implications for Quantification of Electrode Kinetics Using Data Optimisation Methods. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2017;70(9):990-996. IF= 1.328. *invited paper
Harris AR, Paolini AG. Correlation of Impedance and Effective Electrode Area of Iridium Oxide Neural Electrodes. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2017;70(9):1016-1024. IF= 1.328.
Gryn’Ova G, Coote ML. Directionality and the Role of Polarization in Electric Field Effects on Radical Stability. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2017;70(4):367-372. IF= 1.328.
Bullock JP, Lee CY, Hagan B, Madhani H, Ulrich J. Electrochemical Oxidation of W(CO)4(LL): Generation, Characterization, and Reactivity of [W(CO)4(LL)]+ (LL≤α-diimine ligands). Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2017;70(9):1006-1015. IF= 1.328.
Aladejebi OA, Monaghan BJ, Reid MH, in het Panhuis M, Longbottom RJ. Metallic Iron Effects on Coke Analog Carbon Bonding and Reactivity. Steel Research International. 2017;88(10). IF= 1.235.
Aziz S, Naficy S, Foroughi J, Brown HR, Spinks GM. Thermomechanical effects in the torsional actuation of twisted nylon 6 fiber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017;134(47). IF= 1.86.
Sparrow R. Commentary: Moral bioenhancement worthy of the name. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 2017;26(3):411-414. IF= 1.077.
Walker MJ. Patient-specific devices and population-level evidence: evaluating therapeutic interventions with inherent variation. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 2017:1-11. IF= 1.067.
Iplikci S, Coskun MY, Sancak C, Itik M, Alici G. Hybrid force and position control of a conducting tri-layer electro-active polymer actuator. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2017;39(3):288-296. IF= 1.049.
Goddard E. Deep Brain Stimulation Through the “Lens of Agency”: Clarifying Threats to Personal Identity from Neurological Intervention. Neuroethics. 2017;10(3):325-335. IF= 0.984.
Walker MJ, Rogers WA. Reasonableness, Credibility, and Clinical Disagreement. AMA journal of ethics. 2017;19(2):176-182. IF= 0.79.
Rajesh M, Raj CJ, Manikandan R, Kim BC, Park SY, Yu KH. A high performance PEDOT/PEDOT symmetric supercapacitor by facile in-situ hydrothermal polymerization of PEDOT nanostructures on flexible carbon fibre cloth electrodes. Materials Today Energy. 2017;6:96-104. IF= Not available.
Nothling MD, Ganesan A, Condic-Jurkic K, Pressly E, Davalos A, Gotrik MR, Xiao Z, Khoshdel E, Hawker CJ, O’Mara ML, Coote ML, Connal LA. Simple Design of an Enzyme-Inspired Supported Catalyst Based on a Catalytic Triad. Chem. 2017;2(5):732-745. IF= Not available.
Kashif MK, Benesperi I, Milhuisen RA, Meyer S, Hellerstedt J, Zee D, Duffy NW, Halstead B, Fuhrer MS, Cashion J, Cheng YB, Spiccia L, Simonov AN, Bach U. Polypyridyl Iron Complex as a Hole-Transporting Material for Formamidinium Lead Bromide Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Energy Letters. 2017;2(8):1855-1859. IF= Not available.
Jia X, Wang C, Ranganathan V, Napier B, Yu C, Chao Y, Forsyth M, Omenetto FG, MacFarlane DR, Wallace GG. A biodegradable thin-film magnesium primary battery using silk fibroin-ionic liquid polymer electrolyte. ACS Energy Letters. 2017;2(4):831-836. IF= Not available.
Da Costa A, Pereira AM, Gomes AC, Rodriguez-Cabello JC, Sencadas V, Casal M, MacHado R. Single step fabrication of antimicrobial fibre mats from a bioengineered protein-based polymer. Biomedical Materials (Bristol). 2017;12(4). IF= Not available.
Bakarich SE, Gorkin R, III, Gately R, Naficy S, in het Panhuis M, Spinks GM. 3D printing of tough hydrogel composites with spatially varying materials properties. Additive Manufacturing. 2017;14:24-30. IF= Not available.
Kennedy G, Bond A.M., Siminov A, Modelling ac voltammetry with MECSim: Facilitating simulation-experiment comparisons. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2017, 1, 140–147. IF = Not available.* invited paper.
Conference – full written paper-refereed proceedings
Hamilton, G. Alici, G. Spinks, and M. in het Panhuis, “The Suitability of 3-D Printed Eutectic Gallium-Indium Alloy as a Heating Element for Thermally Active Hydrogels”, MRS Advances, Vol.2, No. 6, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.618, pp. 335-340, 2017
A. Bonke, A. M. Bond, L. Spiccia, A. N. Simonov “Parametrization of electrocatalytic water oxidation: understanding the mechanism and guiding in operando spectroscopic studies”, Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology, Ventura, CA USA, 25 Feb – 3 March 2017
D. Than, G. Alici, H. Zhou, S. Harvey, and W. Li, “Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body Transformation”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2719050, June 2017
M. C. M. Anver, R. Mutlu, and G. Alici, “3D Printing of a Thin-Wall Soft and Monolithic Gripper Using Fused Filament Fabrication”, 2017 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.442-447, Munich, Germany, July 2017.
Zhou, and G. Alici, “Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Magnetic Membranes as Soft Smart Actuators for Medical Robotics”, 2017 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp.797 -802, Munich, Germany, July 2017.
Munoz, G. Alici, H. Zhou, W. Li, and M. Sitti, “Analysis of Magnetic Interaction in Remotely Controlled Magnetic Devices and Its Application to a Capsule Robot for Drug Delivery “, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2017.2764902, October 2017
Cabot, JM; Breadmore, MC; and Paull, B, “Fibre based platforms for direct analysis of metabolites in complex samples”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS), 22-26 October 2017, Savannah, USA.
Feng Li, Niall P. Macdonald, Rosanne M. Guijt, Michael C. Breadmore, “Printing orientation influences fluidic behaviour in channels made by fused deposition molding”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS), 22-26 October 2017, Savannah, USA.
Feng Li, Niall P. Macdonald, Petr Smejkal, Rosanne M. Guijt, Michael C. Breadmore, “Fabrication of an integrated microfluidic device using multimaterial 3D printing for point-of-care detection of drugs in body fluids”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS), 22-26 October 2017, Savannah, USA.
Niall P. Macdonald, Sinéad Currivan, Brett Paull and Michael C Breadmore, “3D branching structures for fluidic proportioning and sample handing”, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (microTAS), 22-26 October 2017, Savannah, USA.
Conference refereed abstracts
Hancock, L and N Ralph (2017) ‘Big Energy and the Political Economy of Energy Policy in Australia: Future High Voltage Superpower or Backwater State?’. Paper presented at the International Studies Association (ISA) ‘Understanding Change in World Politics’, 58th Annual Convention, Baltimore, United States, 22-25 February.
Book Chapters
Eight book chapters were published in 2016.
Alici, R. Mutlu, D. Melling, E. W. H. Jager, and K. Kaneto, “Conducting Polymers as EAPs: Device Configurations,” in Electromechanically Active Polymers: A Concise Reference, F. Carpi (Ed) Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 257-291.
Farajollahi, G. Alici, M. S. Sarwar, and J. D.W. Madden, “Conducting polymers as EAPs: Physical Description and Simulation”, in Electromechanically Active Polymers: A Concise Reference, F. Carpi (Ed), Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Dodds, S. ‘Participation and Trust: Conditions and Constraints on Democratic Deliberation’ in Dodds and Ankeny (eds), Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested Domains, Switzerland: Springer Publishing, 2016, pp. 27-36.
Goddard and S. Dodds ‘Consultation, Deliberation and the Review of the National Statement’, in Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested Domains, Dodds S; Ankeny RA (Eds.), Switzerland Springer Publishing, 2016, pp 191-224.
Kaneto, E. W. H. Jager, G. Alici, and H. Okuzaki, “Conducting Polymers as EAPs: Applications”, A Chapter in Electromechanically Active Polymers: A Concise Reference, F. Carpi (Ed), Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Officer DL, Wagner K, Wagner P. Properties and characterization of conductive polymers. Chapter 3 in Conductive Polymers: Electrical Interactions in Cell Biology and Medicine. Zhang Z, Rouabhia M, Moulton S (Eds), 2017; in press.
Sparrow, R. ‘Human enhancement for whom?’ in Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, Alberto Giubilini, and Sagar Sanyal (Eds.) The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, 127-142.
Zhang, W. Li, and G. Alici, “Inertial Microfluidics: Mechanisms and Applications,” in Advanced Mechatronics and MEMS Devices II, Dan Zhang & Bin Wei (Eds), New York: Springer, 2016.
Journal Articles
The journal articles reported within each theme are listed in order from highest journal impact factor.
ACES Journal Article List
As leaders on numerous fronts ACES researchers are often invited to contribute reviews in specific fields.
Taylor DL, in het Panhuis M. Self-Healing Hydrogels. Advanced Materials. 2016;28(41):9060-9093. IF= 18.960.
Haines CS, Li N, Spinks GM, Aliev AE, Di J, Baughman RH. New twist on artificial muscles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016;113(42):11709-11716. IF= 9.674.
Gu Q, Zhu H, Li J, Li X, Hao J, Wallace GG, Zhou Q. Three-dimensional bioprinting speeds up smart regenerative medicine. National Science Review. 2016;3(3):331-344. IF= 8.000.
Jalili R, Aminorroaya-Yamini S, Benedetti TM, Aboutalebi SH, Chao Y, Wallace GG, Officer DL. Processable 2D materials beyond graphene: MoS2 liquid crystals and fibres. Nanoscale. 2016;8(38):16862-16867. IF= 7.760
Stevens LR, Gilmore KJ, Wallace GG, In het Panhuis M. Tissue engineering with gellan gum. Biomaterials Science. 2016;4(9):1276-1290. IF= 3.614.
Kalsoom U, Nesterenko PN, Paull B. Recent developments in 3D printable composite materials. RSC Advances. 2016;6(65):60355-60371. IF= 3.289.
Yue Z, Liu X, Coates PT, Wallace GG. Advances in printing biomaterials and living cells: Implications for islet cell transplantation. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation. 2016;21(5):467-475. IF= 2.680.
Breadmore MC, Wuethrich A, Li F, Phung SC, Kalsoom U, Cabot JM, Tehranirokh M, Shallan AI, Abdul Keyon AS, See HH, Dawod M, Quirino JP. Recent advances in enhancing the sensitivity of electrophoresis and electrochromatography in capillaries and microchips (2014-2016). Electrophoresis. 2016. IF= 2.482.
Forsyth M, Chen F, O’Dell LA, Romanenko K. New insights into ordering and dynamics in organic ionic plastic crystal electrolytes. Solid State Ionics. 2016;288:160-166. IF= 2.380.
Spinks GM. Stretchable artificial muscles from coiled polymer fibers. Journal of Materials Research. 2016;31(19):2917-2927. IF= 1.579.
Throughout 2016, ACES researchers have discovered new catalytic materials, composites and electrolytes. These discoveries combined with nano-micro structured 3D electrodes have enabled us to realise high-performance electrochemical systems. New ink formulations, as well as biomaterials that meet the stringent requirements to enable printing of living cells in mechanically robust 3D structures, have been unearthed.
Aragonès AC, Haworth NL, Darwish N, Ciampi S, Bloomfield NJ, Wallace GG, Diez-Perez I, Coote ML. Electrostatic catalysis of a Diels-Alder reaction. Nature. 2016;531(7592):88-91. IF= 42.351.
Li F, Zhao SF, Chen L, Khan A, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Polyethylenimine promoted electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO in aqueous medium by graphene-supported amorphous molybdenum sulphide. Energy and Environmental Science. 2016;9(1):216-223. IF= 25.427.
Wang Y, Chen Y, Gao J, Yoon HG, Jin L, Forsyth M, Dingemans TJ, Madsen LA. Highly Conductive and Thermally Stable Ion Gels with Tunable Anisotropy and Modulus. Advanced Materials. 2016;28(13):2571-2578. IF= 18.960.
Yu C, Wang C, Liu X, Jia X, Naficy S, Shu K, Forsyth M, Wallace GG. A Cytocompatible Robust Hybrid Conducting Polymer Hydrogel for Use in a Magnesium Battery. Advanced Materials. 2016;28(42):9349-9355. IF= 18.960.
Lozano R, Stevens L, Thompson BC, Gilmore KJ, Gorkin R, Stewart EM, Panhuis MIH, Romero-Ortega M, Wallace GG. Brain on a bench top: Cortical neurons within a 3D printed structure. Materials Today. 2016;19(2):124-125. IF= 17.793.
Zhang Z, Wang Y, Li H, Yuan W, Zhang X, Sun C, Zhang Z. Atomic-scale observation of vapor-solid nanowire growth via oscillatory mass transport. ACS Nano. 2016;10(1):763-769. IF= 13.334.
Liu Y, Zhao SF, Guo SX, Bond AM, Zhang J, Zhu G, Hill CL, Geletii YV. Electrooxidation of Ethanol and Methanol Using the Molecular Catalyst [{Ru4O4(OH)2(H2O)4}(γ-SiW10O36)2]10. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016;138(8):2617-2628. IF= 13.038.
Zhang L, Vogel YB, Noble BB, Gonçales VR, Darwish N, Brun AL, Gooding JJ, Wallace GG, Coote ML, Ciampi S. TEMPO Monolayers on Si(100) Electrodes: Electrostatic Effects by the Electrolyte and Semiconductor Space-Charge on the Electroactivity of a Persistent Radical. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016;138(30):9611-9619. IF= 13.038.
Jiang Y, Li H, Wu Z, Ye W, Zhang H, Wang Y, Sun C, Zhang Z. In Situ Observation of Hydrogen-Induced Surface Faceting for Palladium–Copper Nanocrystals at Atmospheric Pressure. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2016;55(40):12427-12430. IF= 11.709.
Jia X, Wang C, Zhao C, Ge Y, Wallace GG. Toward Biodegradable Mg-Air Bioelectric Batteries Composed of Silk Fibroin-Polypyrrole Film. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016;26(9):1454-1462. IF= 11.382.
Gujral SS, Simonov AN, Higashi M, Fang XY, Abe R, Spiccia L. Highly Dispersed Cobalt Oxide on TaON as Efficient Photoanodes for Long-Term Solar Water Splitting. ACS Catalysis. 2016;6(5):3404-3417. IF= 9.307.
Xia J, Di J, Li H, Xu H, Li H, Guo S. Ionic liquid-induced strategy for carbon quantum dots/BiOX (X=Br, Cl) hybrid nanosheets with superior visible light-driven photocatalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2016;181:260-269. IF= 8.328.
Chowdhury DR, Spiccia L, Amritphale SS, Paul A, Singh A. A robust iron oxyhydroxide water oxidation catalyst operating under near neutral and alkaline conditions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(10):3655-3660. IF= 8.262.
Wang Y, Wang C, Wang Y, Liu H, Huang Z. Superior sodium-ion storage performance of Co3O4@nitrogen-doped carbon: Derived from a metal-organic framework. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(15):5428-5435. IF= 8.262.
Shah AH, Li J, Yang H, Rana UA, Ranganathan V, Siddigi HM, Macfarlane DR, Forsyth M, Zhu H. Enhancement of ‘dry’ proton conductivity by self-assembled nanochannels in all-solid polyelectrolytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(20):7615-7623. IF= 8.262.
Zhao Y, Wang C, Wallace GG. Tin nanoparticles decorated copper oxide nanowires for selective electrochemical reduction of aqueous CO2 to CO. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(27):10710-10718. IF= 8.262.
Wang MY, Zhu W, Ma L, Ma JJ, Zhang DE, Tong ZW, Chen J. Enhanced simultaneous detection of ractopamine and salbutamol – Via electrochemical-facial deposition of MnO2 nanoflowers onto 3D RGO/Ni foam templates. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016;78:259-266. IF= 7.476.
Sayyar S, Bjorninen M, Haimi S, Miettinen S, Gilmore K, Grijpma D, Wallace G. UV cross-linkable graphene/poly(trimethylene carbonate) composites for 3D printing of electrically conductive scaffolds. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(46):31916-31925. IF= 7.145.
Sun W, Hu Z, Wang C, Tao Z, Chou SL, Kang YM, Liu HK. Effects of Carbon Content on the Electrochemical Performances of MoS2-C Nanocomposites for Li-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(34):22168-22174. IF= 7.145.
Wang Y, Wang C, Wang Y, Liu H, Huang Z. Boric Acid Assisted Reduction of Graphene Oxide: A Promising Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(29):18860-18866. IF= 7.145.
Chen L, Guo SX, Li F, Bentley C, Horne M, Bond AM, Zhang J. Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 at Metal Electrodes in a Distillable Ionic Liquid. ChemSusChem. 2016. IF= 7.116.
Guo SX, MacFarlane DR, Zhang J. Bioinspired Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction by Bovine Serum Albumin-Capped Silver Nanoclusters Mediated by [α-SiW12O40]4. ChemSusChem. 2016;9(1):80-87. IF= 7.116.
Karlsson C, Nicholas J, Evans D, Forsyth M, Strømme M, Sjödin M, Howlett PC, Pozo-Gonzalo C. Stable Deep Doping of Vapor-Phase Polymerized Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/Ionic Liquid Supercapacitors. ChemSusChem. 2016;9(16):2112-2121. IF= 7.116.
Kar M, Ma Z, Azofra LM, Chen K, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR. Ionic liquid electrolytes for reversible magnesium electrochemistry. Chemical Communications. 2016;52(21):4033-4036. IF= 6.567.
Rao J, Vijayaraghavan R, Chen F, Zhu H, Howlett PC, Macfarlane DR, Forsyth M. Protic organic ionic plastic crystals based on a difunctional cation and the triflate anion: A new solid-state proton conductor. Chemical Communications. 2016;52(98):14097-14100. IF= 6.567.
Lozano R, Gilmore KJ, Thompson BC, Stewart EM, Waters AM, Romero-Ortega M, Wallace GG. Electrical stimulation enhances the acetylcholine receptors available for neuromuscular junction formation. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016;45:328-339. IF= 6.008.
Choi J, Benedetti TM, Jalili R, Walker A, Wallace GG, Officer DL. High Performance Fe Porphyrin/Ionic Liquid Co-catalyst for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2016;22(40):14158-14161. IF= 5.771.
Gu Q, Tomaskovic-Crook E, Lozano R, Chen Y, Kapsa RM, Zhou Q, Wallace GG, Crook JM. Functional 3D Neural Mini-Tissues from Printed Gel-Based Bioink and Human Neural Stem Cells. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2016;5(12):1429-1438. IF= 5.760.
Singh Gujral S, Simonov AN, Fang XY, Higashi M, Gengenbach T, Abe R, Spiccia L. Photo-assisted electrodeposition of manganese oxide on TaON anodes: Effect on water photooxidation capacity under visible light irradiation. Catalysis Science and Technology. 2016;6(11):3745-3757. IF= 5.287.
Hasan SW, Said SM, Sabri MFM, Bakar ASA, Hashim NA, Hasnan MMIM, Pringle JM, MacFarlane DR. High Thermal Gradient in Thermo-electrochemical Cells by Insertion of a Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membrane. Scientific Reports. 2016;6. IF= 5.228.
Mehrali M, Sadeghinezhad E, Akhiani AR, Tahan Latibari S, Talebian S, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A, Metselaar HSC, Mehrali M. An ecofriendly graphene-based nanofluid for heat transfer applications. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016;137:555-566. IF= 4.959.
Zhang B, Molino PJ, Harris AR, Yue Z, Moulton SE, Wallace GG. Conductive and protein resistant polypyrrole films for dexamethasone delivery. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2016;4(15):2570-2577. IF= 4.872.
Cabral DM, Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR. Electrochemistry of the tris(2,2‘-bipyridine) complex of iron(II) in ionic liquids and aprotic molecular solvents. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;220:347-353. IF= 4.803.
Hoogeveen DA, Fournier M, Bonke SA, Fang XY, Mozer AJ, Mishra A, Bäuerle P, Simonov AN, Spiccia L. Photo-electrocatalytic hydrogen generation at dye-sensitised electrodes functionalised with a heterogeneous metal catalyst. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;219:773-780. IF= 4.803.
Kar M, Winther-Jensen B, Armand M, Simons TJ, Winther-Jensen O, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR. Stable zinc cycling in novel alkoxy-ammonium based ionic liquid electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;188:461-471. IF= 4.803.
Pozo-Gonzalo C, Kar M, Jónsson E, Howlett PC, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M. Reduction of oxygen in a trialkoxy ammonium-based ionic liquid and the role of water. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;196:727-734. IF= 4.803.
Shu K, Wang C, Zhao C, Ge Y, Wallace GG. A Free-standing Graphene-Polypyrrole Hybrid Paper via Electropolymerization with an Enhanced Areal Capacitance. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;212:561-571. IF= 4.803.
Basile A, Yoon H, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, Howlett PC. Investigating non-fluorinated anions for sodium battery electrolytes based on ionic liquids. Electrochemistry Communications. 2016;71:48-51. IF= 4.569.
Schnegg A, Nehrkorn J, Singh A, Calafell IA, Bonke SA, Hocking RK, Lips K, Spiccia L. Probing the Fate of Mn Complexes in Nafion: A Combined Multifrequency EPR and XAS Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(2):853-861. IF= 4.509.
Xiao C, Zhang X, Mendes T, Knowles GP, Chaffee A, Macfarlane DR. Highly Ordered Hierarchical Mesoporous MnCo2O4 with Cubic Iα3d Symmetry for Electrochemical Energy Storage. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(42):23976-23983. IF= 4.509.
Zhang G, Clarke TM, Mozer AJ. Bimolecular Recombination in a Low Bandgap Polymer:PCBM Blend Solar Cell with a High Dielectric Constant. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(13):7033-7043. IF= 4.509.
Zhao SF, Horne M, Bond AM, Zhang J. Is the Imidazolium Cation a Unique Promoter for Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide? Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(42):23989-24001. IF= 4.509.
Lazar MA, Al-Masri D, Macfarlane DR, Pringle JM. Enhanced thermal energy harvesting performance of a cobalt redox couple in ionic liquid-solvent mixtures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(3):1404-1410. IF= 4.449.
Oza YV, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, O’Dell LA. Unexpected effect of tetraglyme plasticizer on lithium ion dynamics in PAMPS based ionomers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(28):19011-19019. IF= 4.449.
He J, Al-Masri D, MacFarlane DR, Pringle JM. Temperature dependence of the electrode potential of a cobalt-based redox couple in ionic liquid electrolytes for thermal energy harvesting. Faraday Discussions. 2016;190:205-218. IF= 3.858
Yildirim T, Ghayesh MH, Li W, Alici G. Experimental nonlinear dynamics of a geometrically imperfect magneto-rheological elastomer sandwich beam. Composite Structures. 2016;138:381-390. IF= 3.853.
Shubha N, Zhu H, Forsyth M, Srinivasan M. Study of lithium conducting single ion conductor based on polystyrene sulfonate for lithium battery application. Polymer (United Kingdom). 2016;99:748-755. IF= 3.586.
Yang J, Zhu H, Zhang C, Jiang Q, Zhao Y, Chen P, Wang D. Transesterification induced mechanical properties enhancement of PLLA/PHBV bio-alloy. Polymer (United Kingdom). 2016;83:230-238. IF= 3.586.
Xin H, Brown HR, Naficy S, Spinks GM. Mechanical recoverability and damage process of ionic-covalent PAAm-alginate hybrid hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2016;54(1):53-63. IF= 3.318.
Brzeczek A, Piwowar K, Domagala W, Mikołajczyk MM, Walczak K, Wagner P. Systematic elongation of thienyl linkers and their effect on optical and electrochemical properties in carbazole-BODIPY donor-acceptor systems. RSC Advances. 2016;6(43):36500-36509. IF= 3.289.
Gopinathan J, Quigley AF, Bhattacharyya A, Padhye R, Kapsa RMI, Nayak R, Shanks RA, Houshyar S. Preparation, characterisation, and in vitro evaluation of electrically conducting poly(ε-caprolactone)-based nanocomposite scaffolds using PC12 cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A. 2016;104(4):853-865. IF= 3.263.
Wang Z, Yin Y, Williams T, Wang H, Sun C, Zhang X. Metal link: A strategy to combine graphene and titanium dioxide for enhanced hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016. IF= 3.205.
Pope CR, Kar M, MacFarlane DR, Armand M, Forsyth M, O’Dell LA. Ion Dynamics in a Mixed-Cation Alkoxy-Ammonium Ionic Liquid Electrolyte for Sodium Device Applications. ChemPhysChem. 2016;17(20):3187-3195. IF= 3.138.
Chen L, Zhao S, Liu Y, Horne M, Bond AM, Zhang J. Room temperature electrodeposition of metallic magnesium from ethylmagnesium bromide in tetrahydrofuran and ionic liquid mixtures. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2016;163(4):H3043-H3051. IF= 3.014.
Esfahani M, Zhang J, Durandet Y, Wang J, Wong YC. Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline zinc from sulfate and sulfate-gluconate electrolytes in the presence of additives. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2016;163(9):D476-D484. IF= 3.014.
Björninen M, Gilmore K, Pelto J, Seppänen-Kaijansinkko R, Kellomäki M, Miettinen S, Wallace G, Grijpma D, Haimi S. Electrically Stimulated Adipose Stem Cells on Polypyrrole-Coated Scaffolds for Smooth Muscle Tissue Engineering. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2016:1-12. IF= 2.887.
Brudvig GW, Reek JNH, Sakai K, Spiccia L, Sun L. Catalytic Systems for Water Splitting. ChemPlusChem. 2016;81(10):1017-1019. IF= 2.836.
Detz RJ, Sakai K, Spiccia L, Brudvig GW, Sun L, Reek JNH. Towards a Bioinspired-Systems Approach for Solar Fuel Devices. ChemPlusChem. 2016;81(10):1024-1027. IF= 2.836.
Gujral SS, Simonov AN, Fang X, Higashi M, Abe R, Spiccia L. Solar Water Oxidation by Multicomponent TaON Photoanodes Functionalized with Nickel Oxide. ChemPlusChem. 2016;81(10):1107-1115. IF= 2.836.
Czichy M, Wagner P, Łapkowski M, Officer DL. Effect of π-conjugation on electrochemical properties of poly(terthiophene)s 3′-substituted with fullerene C60. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2016;772:103-109. IF= 2.822.
Yildirim T, Ghayesh MH, Li W, Alici G. Nonlinear dynamics of a parametrically excited beam with a central magneto-rheological elastomer patch: An experimental investigation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016;106:157-167. IF= 2.481.
Yamamoto S, Mori S, Wagner P, Mozer AJ, Kimura M. A Novel Covalently Linked Zn Phthalocyanine-Zn Porphyrin Dyad for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 2016;56(2-3):175-180. IF= 2.425.
Lee WG, Cho WJ, Whang YH, Raj CJ, Kim BC, Park JH, Yu KH. Feasible study of polypyrrole film in single and double cationic ionic liquids as novel electrolytes for energy storage applications. Synthetic Metals. 2016;222:274-284. IF= 2.299.
Yan S, Zhang J, Chen H, Yuan D, Alici G, Du H, Zhu Y, Li W. Development of a novel magnetophoresis-assisted hydrophoresis microdevice for rapid particle ordering. Biomedical Microdevices. 2016;18(4). IF= 2.227.
Zhang Y, Liu X, Jamal SS, Hinton BRW, Moulton SE, Wallace GG, Forsyth M. The effect of treatment time on the ionic liquid surface film formation: Promising surface coating for Mg alloy AZ31. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2016;296:192-202. IF= 2.139.
Sangian D, Naficy S, Spinks GM. Thermally activated paraffin-filled McKibben muscles. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2016;27(18):2508-2516. IF= 1.975.
Sayyar S, Murray E, Gambhir S, Spinks G, Wallace GG, Officer DL. Synthesis and Characterization of Covalently Linked Graphene/Chitosan Composites. Jom. Jan 2016;68(1):384-390. IF= 1.757.
Wang M, Hou Y, Slade RCT, Wang J, Shi D, Wexler D, Liu H, Chen J. Core-shell Co/CoO integrated on 3D nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide aerogel as an enhanced electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2016;4(AUG). IF= not until 2017
Protocols that realise the ability to distribute appropriate mechanical properties, as well as active centres have been developed. Integration of advanced electromaterials into such structures has also been realised.
Lee JA, Aliev AE, Bykova JS, de Andrade MJ, Kim D, Sim HJ, Lepró X, Zakhidov AA, Lee JB, Spinks GM, Roth S, Kim SJ, Baughman RH. Woven-Yarn Thermoelectric Textiles. Advanced Materials. 2016:5038-5044. IF= 18.960.
Choi C, Sim HJ, Spinks GM, Lepró X, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Elastomeric and Dynamic MnO2/CNT Core-Shell Structure Coiled Yarn Supercapacitor. Advanced Energy Materials. 2016;6(5). IF= 15.23.
Liu G, Karuturi SK, Simonov AN, Fekete M, Chen H, Nasiri N, Le NH, Reddy Narangari P, Lysevych M, Gengenbach TR, Lowe A, Tan HH, Jagadish C, Spiccia L, Tricoli A. Robust Sub-Monolayers of Co3O4 Nano-Islands: A Highly Transparent Morphology for Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysis. Advanced Energy Materials. 2016. IF= 15.23.
Foroughi J, Spinks GM, Aziz S, Mirabedini A, Jeiranikhameneh A, Wallace GG, Kozlov ME, Baughman RH. Knitted Carbon-Nanotube-Sheath/Spandex-Core Elastomeric Yarns for Artificial Muscles and Strain Sensing. ACS Nano. 2016;10(10):9129-9135. IF= 13.334.
Esrafilzadeh D, Jalili R, Stewart EM, Aboutalebi SH, Razal JM, Moulton SE, Wallace GG. High-Performance Multifunctional Graphene-PLGA Fibers: Toward Biomimetic and Conducting 3D Scaffolds. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016;26(18):3105-3117. IF= 11.382
Choi C, Kim KM, Kim KJ, Lepró X, Spinks GM, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Improvement of system capacitance via weavable superelastic biscrolled yarn supercapacitors. Nature Communications. 2016;7. IF= 11.329.
Andersen TR, Almyahi F, Cooling NA, Elkington D, Wiggins L, Fahy A, Feron K, Vaughan B, Griffith MJ, Mozer AJ, Sae-Kung C, Wallace GG, Belcher WJ, Dastoor PC. Comparison of inorganic electron transport layers in fully roll-to-roll coated/printed organic photovoltaics in normal geometry. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(41):15986-15996. IF= 8.262.
Kim KM, Lee JA, Sim HJ, Kim KA, Jalili R, Spinks GM, Kim SJ. Shape-engineerable composite fibers and their supercapacitor application. Nanoscale. 2016;8(4):1910-1914. IF= 7.760.
Apollo NV, Lau D, Ahnood A, Stacey A, Ganesan K, Lichter SG, Fox K, Foroughi J, Meffin H, Wallace GG, Baughman R, Prawer S, Garrett DJ. Brazing techniques for the fabrication of biocompatible carbon-based electronic devices. Carbon. 2016;107:180-189. IF= 6.198.
Mutlu R, Alici G, In het Panhuis M, Spinks GM. 3D Printed Flexure Hinges for Soft Monolithic Prosthetic Fingers. Soft Robotics. 2016;3(3):120-133. IF= 6.130.
Waheed S, Cabot JM, Macdonald NP, Lewis T, Guijt RM, Paull B, Breadmore MC. 3D printed microfluidic devices: Enablers and barriers. Lab on a Chip – Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. 2016;16(11):1993-2013. IF= 5.586.
Esrafilzadeh D, Jalili R, Liu X, Gilmore KJ, Razal JM, Moulton SE, Wallace GG. A novel and facile approach to fabricate a conductive and biomimetic fibrous platform with sub-micron and micron features. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2016;4(6):1056-1063. IF= 4.872.
Schirmer KSU, Esrafilzadeh D, Thompson BC, Quigley AF, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG. Conductive composite fibres from reduced graphene oxide and polypyrrole nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2016;4(6):1142-1149. IF= 4.872.
Khaldi A, Maziz A, Alici G, Spinks GM, Jager EWH. Bottom-up microfabrication process for individually controlled conjugated polymer actuators. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2016;230:818-824. IF= 4.758.
Muller R, Yue Z, Ahmadi S, Ng W, Grosse WM, Cook MJ, Wallace GG, Moulton SE. Development and validation of a seizure initiated drug delivery system for the treatment of epilepsy. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2016;236:732-740. IF= 4.758.
Gupta V, Talebi M, Deverell J, Sandron S, Nesterenko PN, Heery B, Thompson F, Beirne S, Wallace GG, Paull B. 3D printed titanium micro-bore columns containing polymer monoliths for reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2016;910:84-94. IF= 4.712.
O’Connell CD, Di Bella C, Thompson F, Augustine C, Beirne S, Cornock R, Richards CJ, Chung J, Gambhir S, Yue ZL, Bourke J, Zhang BB, Taylor A, Quigley A, Kapsa R, Choong P, Wallace GG. Development of the Biopen: a handheld device for surgical printing of adipose stem cells at a chondral wound site. Biofabrication. Mar 2016;8(1):13. IF= 4.702.
Schirmer KSU, Gorkin R, Beirne S, Stewart E, Thompson BC, Quigley AF, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG. Cell compatible encapsulation of filaments into 3D hydrogels. Biofabrication. 2016;8(2). IF= 4.702.
Cabot JM, Macdonald NP, Phung SC, Breadmore MC, Paull B. Fibre-based electrofluidics on low cost versatile 3D printed platforms for solute delivery, separations and diagnostics; from small molecules to intact cells. Analyst. 2016;141(23):6422-6431. IF= 4.033.
Mutlu R, Alici G, Li W. A Soft Mechatronic Microstage Mechanism Based on Electroactive Polymer Actuators. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2016;21(3):1467-1478. IF= 3.851.
Martin AD, Wojciechowski JP, Warren H, In Het Panhuis M, Thordarson P. Effect of heterocyclic capping groups on the self-assembly of a dipeptide hydrogel. Soft Matter. 2016;12(10):2700-2707. IF= 3.798.
Li XJ, Song ZW, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Zhao XC, Liang M, Chu WG, Jiang P, Liu Y. Vertically porous nickel thin film supported Mn3O4 for enhanced energy storage performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2016;483:17-25. IF= 3.782.
Seyedin S, Razal JM, Innis PC, Jalili R, Wallace GG. Compositional Effects of Large Graphene Oxide Sheets on the Spinnability and Properties of Polyurethane Composite Fibers. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2016;3(5). IF= 3.365.
Aziz S, Naficy S, Foroughi J, Brown HR, Spinks GM. Controlled and scalable torsional actuation of twisted nylon 6 fiber. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2016;54(13):1278-1286. IF= 3.318.
Foroughi J, Antiohos D, Wallace GG. Effect of post-spinning on the electrical and electrochemical properties of wet spun graphene fibre. RSC Advances. 2016;6(52):46427-46432. IF= 3.289.
Kalsoom U, Peristyy A, Nesterenko PN, Paull B. A 3D printable diamond polymer composite: A novel material for fabrication of low cost thermally conducting devices. RSC Advances. 2016;6(44):38140-38147. IF= 3.289.
Kongahge D, Foroughi J, Gambhir S, Spinks GM, Wallace GG. Fabrication of a graphene coated nonwoven textile for industrial applications. RSC Advances. 2016;6(77):73203-73209. IF= 3.289.
Mirabedini A, Foroughi J, Wallace GG. Developments in conducting polymer fibres: From established spinning methods toward advanced applications. RSC Advances. 2016;6(50):44687-44716. IF= 3.289.
Jin H, Dong E, Alici G, Mao S, Min X, Liu C, Low KH, Yang J. A starfish robot based on soft and smart modular structure (SMS) actuated by SMA wires. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. 2016;11(5). IF= 2.891.
Naficy S, Gately R, Gorkin R, Xin H, Spinks GM. 4D Printing of Reversible Shape Morphing Hydrogel Structures. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2016. IF= 2.834.
Seyedin S, Razal JM, Innis PC, Wallace GG. A facile approach to spinning multifunctional conductive elastomer fibres with nanocarbon fillers. Smart Materials and Structures. 2016;25(3). IF= 2.796.
Glennon T, O’Quigley C, McCaul M, Matzeu G, Beirne S, Wallace GG, Stroiescu F, O’Mahoney N, White P, Diamond D. ‘SWEATCH’: A Wearable Platform for Harvesting and Analysing Sweat Sodium Content. Electroanalysis. 2016;28(6):1283-1289. IF= 2.471.
Kumbay Yildiz S, Mutlu R, Alici G. Fabrication and characterisation of highly stretchable elastomeric strain sensors for prosthetic hand applications. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 2016;247:514-521. IF= 2.201.
Wanawananon K, Moulton SE, Wallace GG, Liawruangrath S. Fabrication of novel core-shell PLGA and alginate fiber for dual-drug delivery system. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2016. IF= 1.823.
Mirabedini A, Foroughi J, Thompson B, Wallace GG. Fabrication of Coaxial Wet-Spun Graphene-Chitosan Biofibers. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2016;18(2):284-293. IF= 1.817.
Chung JHY, Naficy S, Wallace GG, Naficy S, O’Leary S. Inkjet-Printed Alginate Microspheres as Additional Drug Carriers for Injectable Hydrogels. Advances in Polymer Technology. 2016;35(4):439-446. IF= 1.114.
Bauquier SH, Jiang JL, Yue Z, Lai A, Chen Y, Moulton SE, McLean KJ, Vogrin S, Halliday AJ, Wallace G, Cook MJ. Antiepileptic effects of lacosamide loaded polymers implanted subdurally in GAERS. International Journal of Polymer Science. 2016;2016. IF= 1.000.
Modification of traditional tools such as AFM and AC voltammetry have enabled unprecedented insights into electrochemical properties and material surface properties. A contactless method for in-line conductivity measurement has been developed.
Yuan W, Wang Y, Li H, Wu H, Zhang Z, Selloni A, Sun C. Real-Time Observation of Reconstruction Dynamics on TiO2(001) Surface under Oxygen via an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope. Nano Letters. 2016;16(1):132-137. IF= 13.779.
Bonke SA, Bond AM, Spiccia L, Simonov AN. Parameterization of Water Electrooxidation Catalyzed by Metal Oxides Using Fourier Transformed Alternating Current Voltammetry. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016;138(49):16095-16104. IF= 13.038.
Poulin P, Jalili R, Neri W, Nallet F, Divoux T, Colin A, Aboutalebi SH, Wallace G, Zakri C. Superflexibility of graphene oxide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016;113(40):11088-11093. IF= 9.674.
Romanenko K, Jin L, Howlett P, Forsyth M. In Situ MRI of Operating Solid-State Lithium Metal Cells Based on Ionic Plastic Crystal Electrolytes. Chemistry of Materials. 2016;28(8):2844-2851. IF= 9.407.
Zhao L, Wagner P, Barnsley JE, Clarke TM, Gordon KC, Mori S, Mozer AJ. Enhancement of dye regeneration kinetics in dichromophoric porphyrin-carbazole triphenylamine dyes influenced by more exposed radical cation orbitals. Chemical Science. 2016;7(6):3506-3516. IF= 9.144.
Yuan W, Yu J, Li H, Zhang Z, Sun C, Wang Y. In situ TEM observation of dissolution and regrowth dynamics of MoO2 nanowires under oxygen. Nano Research. 2016:1-8. IF= 8.893.
Knittel P, Zhang H, Kranz C, Wallace GG, Higgins MJ. Probing the PEDOT:PSS/cell interface with conductive colloidal probe AFM-SECM. Nanoscale. 2016;8(8):4475-4481. IF= 7.760.
Forsyth M, Yoon H, Chen F, Zhu H, MacFarlane DR, Armand M, Howlett PC. Novel Na+ Ion Diffusion Mechanism in Mixed Organic-Inorganic Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Leading to High Na+ Transference Number and Stable, High Rate Electrochemical Cycling of Sodium Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(8):4276-4286. IF= 4.509.
Begić S, Li H, Atkin R, Hollenkamp AF, Howlett PC. A comparative AFM study of the interfacial nanostructure in imidazolium or pyrrolidinium ionic liquid electrolytes for zinc electrochemical systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(42):29337-29347. IF= 4.449.
Cabot JM, Duffy E, Currivan S, Ruland A, Jalili R, Mozer AJ, Innis PC, Wallace GG, Breadmore M, Paull B. Characterisation of graphene fibres and graphene coated fibres using capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector. Analyst. 2016;141(9):2774-2782. IF= 4.033.
Tham YY, Stack KR, Richardson DE, Molino PJ, Higgins MJ, Lewis TW. Development of in situ soft colloidal probe atomic force microscopy for probing the adhesion between wood extractives and model surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2016;500:203-213. IF= 2.760.
Tham YY, Molino PJ, Higgins MJ, Stack KR, Richardson DE, Lewis TW. The study of deposition of wood extractives and model compound colloids onto chromium and cellulose surfaces using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2016;491:1-11. IF= 2.760.
Our modelling team has engaged in projects to provide unprecedented insights into catalytic and electrochemical systems, electrolyte behavior and the electrode-electrolyte interface.
Azofra LM, Li N, Macfarlane DR, Sun C. Promising prospects for 2D d2-d4 M3C2 transition metal carbides (MXenes) in N2 capture and conversion into ammonia. Energy and Environmental Science. 2016;9(8):2545-2549. IF= 25.427.
Pahnke K, Brandt J, Gryn’ova G, Lin CY, Altintas O, Schmidt FG, Lederer A, Coote ML, Barner-Kowollik C. Entropy-Driven Selectivity for Chain Scission: Where Macromolecules Cleave. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2016;55(4):1514-1518. IF= 11.709.
Qiu S, Azofra LM, MacFarlane DR, Sun C. Unraveling the Role of Ligands in the Hydrogen Evolution Mechanism Catalyzed by [NiFe] Hydrogenases. ACS Catalysis. 2016;6(8):5541-5548. IF= 9.307.
Azofra LM, MacFarlane DR, Sun C. An intensified π-hole in beryllium-doped boron nitride meshes: Its determinant role in CO2 conversion into hydrocarbon fuels. Chemical Communications. 2016;52(17):3548-3551. IF= 6.567.
Noble BB, Mater AC, Smith LM, Coote ML. The effects of Lewis acid complexation on type i radical photoinitiators and implications for pulsed laser polymerization. Polymer Chemistry. 2016;7(41):6400-6412. IF= 5.687.
Frick E, Schweigert C, Noble BB, Ernst HA, Lauer A, Liang Y, Voll D, Coote ML, Unterreiner AN, Barner-Kowollik C. Toward a Quantitative Description of Radical Photoinitiator Structure-Reactivity Correlations. Macromolecules. 2016;49(1):80-89. IF= 5.554.
Azofra LM, MacFarlane DR, Sun C. A DFT study of planar: Vs. corrugated graphene-like carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and its role in the catalytic performance of CO2 conversion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(27):18507-18514. IF= 4.449.
Chen F, Forsyth M. Elucidation of transport mechanism and enhanced alkali ion transference numbers in mixed alkali metal-organic ionic molten salts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(28):19336-19344. IF= 4.449.
Chen X, Kong Z, Li N, Zhao X, Sun C. Proposing the prospects of Ti3CN transition metal carbides (MXenes) as anodes of Li-ion batteries: A DFT study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(48):32937-32943. IF= 4.449.
Qiu S, Azofra LM, MacFarlane DR, Sun C. Why is a proton transformed into a hydride by [NiFe] hydrogenases? An intrinsic reactivity analysis based on conceptual DFT. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(22):15369-15374. IF= 4.449.
Chen X, Chen F, Jónsson E, Forsyth M. Molecular Dynamics Study of a Dual-Cation Ionomer Electrolyte. ChemPhysChem. 2016. IF= 3.138.
Chen R, Lu D, Xie Z, Feng J, Jia Z, Ho J, Coote ML, Wu Y, Monteiro MJ, Chung SH. Peptidomimetic star polymers for targeting biological ion channels. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3). IF= 3.057.
Mohamed AE, Ahmed FH, Arulmozhiraja S, Lin CY, Taylor MC, Krausz ER, Jackson CJ, Coote ML. Protonation state of F420H2 in the prodrug-activating deazaflavin dependent nitroreductase (Ddn) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Molecular BioSystems. 2016;12(4):1110-1113. IF= 2.829.
Coote ML, Zavitsas AA. Using inherent radical stabilization energies to predict unknown enthalpies of formation and associated bond dissociation energies of complex molecules. Tetrahedron. 2016;72(48):7749-7756. IF= 2.645.
Chen X, Chen F, Liu MS, Forsyth M. Polymer architecture effect on sodium ion transport in PSTFSI-based ionomers: A molecular dynamics study. Solid State Ionics. 2016;288:271-276. IF= 2.380.
Ethics, Public Policy and Engagement
Being at the forefront of advanced materials research targeted towards energy and health (including diagnostic and prosthetic systems) requires us to keep ethical and regulatory issues front of mind. ACES researchers provide information that assists with the development of appropriate policy and keeps the communities we work for informed and engaged.
Freeman J, Hancock L. Energy and Communication Infrastructure for Disaster Resilience in Rural and Regional Australia. Regional Studies. 2016:1-13. IF= 1.987.
Hutchison K, Johnson J, Carter D. Justice and Surgical Innovation: The Case of Robotic Prostatectomy. Bioethics. 2016;30(7):536-546. IF= 1.750.
Sparrow R. Robots and Respect: Assessing the Case Against Autonomous Weapon Systems. Ethics and International Affairs. 2016;30(1):93-116. IF= 0.576.
Sparrow R. Robots in aged care: a dystopian future? AI and Society. 2016;31(4):445-454. IF= 0.47.
ACES researchers bring core knowledge and world class expertise and facilities for use in other areas of interest that are complementary to the core activities described above. Also captured in this section are papers arising from core activities of ACES 2005-2013.
Jia Y, Zhang L, Du A, Gao G, Chen J, Yan X, Brown CL, Yao X. Defect Graphene as a Trifunctional Catalyst for Electrochemical Reactions. Advanced Materials. 2016;28(43):9532-9538. IF= 18.960.
Gao H, Zhou T, Zheng Y, Liu Y, Chen J, Liu H, Guo Z. Integrated Carbon/Red Phosphorus/Graphene Aerogel 3D Architecture via Advanced Vapor-Redistribution for High-Energy Sodium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials. 2016;6(21). IF= 15.23.
Nattestad A, Perera I, Spiccia L. Developments in and prospects for photocathodic and tandem dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews. 2016;28:44-71. IF= 12.162.
Zhu B, Lee R, Li J, Ye X, Hong SN, Qiu S, Coote ML, Jiang Z. Chemoselective Switch in the Asymmetric Organocatalysis of 5H-Oxazol-4-ones and N-Itaconimides: Addition-Protonation or [4+2] Cycloaddition. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2016;55(4):1299-1303. IF= 11.709.
Lee CY, Park HS, Fontecilla-Camps JC, Reisner E. Photoelectrochemical H2 Evolution with a Hydrogenase Immobilized on a TiO2-Protected Silicon Electrode. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2016;55(20):5971-5974. IF= 11.709.
Ren L, Zhuang J, Casillas G, Feng H, Liu Y, Xu X, Liu Y, Chen J, Du Y, Jiang L, Dou SX. Nanodroplets for Stretchable Superconducting Circuits. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016;26(44):8111-8118. IF= 11.382.
Zhang C, Li S, Bureš F, Lee R, Ye X, Jiang Z. Visible Light Photocatalytic Aerobic Oxygenation of Indoles and pH as a Chemoselective Switch. ACS Catalysis. 2016;6(10):6853-6860. IF= 9.307.
Zhu B, Qiu S, Li J, Coote ML, Lee R, Jiang Z. Asymmetric [4 + 2] annulation of 5: H -thiazol-4-ones with a chiral dipeptide-based Brønsted base catalyst. Chemical Science. 2016;7(9):6060-6067. IF= 9.144.
Cheng YY, Nattestad A, Schulze TF, MacQueen RW, Fuckel B, Lips K, Wallace GG, Khoury T, Crossley MJ, Schmidt TW. Increased upconversion performance for thin film solar cells: a trimolecular composition. Chemical Science. 2016;7(1):559-568. IF= 9.144.
Guo G, Sun J, Zhao C, Liu Y, Liu CM. Phosphorus-containing polymers from THPS. VII. Synthesis of phosphorus-containing trialkynes and their metal-free 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction with azidated soybean-oil. Green Chemistry. 2016;18(5):1278-1286. IF= 8.506.
Mahmoudzadeh MA, Usgaocar AR, Giorgio J, Officer DL, Wallace GG, Madden JDW. A high energy density solar rechargeable redox battery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016;4(9):3446-3452. IF= 8.262.
Weng B, Ding A, Liu Y, Diao J, Razal J, Lau KT, Shepherd R, Li C, Chen J. Hierarchical Nafion enhanced carbon aerogels for sensing applications. Nanoscale. 2016;8(6):3416-3424. IF= 7.760.
Li H, Sun C, Vijayaraghavan R, Zhou F, Zhang X, MacFarlane DR. Long lifetime photoluminescence in N, S co-doped carbon quantum dots from an ionic liquid and their applications in ultrasensitive detection of pesticides. Carbon. 2016;104:33-39. IF= 6.918.
Lee CY, Reuillard B, Sokol KP, Laftsoglou T, Lockwood CWJ, Rowe SF, Hwang ET, Fontecilla-Camps JC, Jeuken LJC, Butt JN, Reisner E. A decahaem cytochrome as an electron conduit in protein-enzyme redox processes. Chemical Communications. 2016;52(46):7390-7393. IF= 6.567.
Li J, Bentley CL, Bond AM, Zhang J. Dual-Frequency Alternating Current Designer Waveform for Reliable Voltammetric Determination of Electrode Kinetics Approaching the Reversible Limit. Analytical Chemistry. 2016;88(4):2367-2374. IF= 5.886.
Brandt J, Haworth NL, Schmidt FG, Voit B, Coote ML, Barner-Kowollik C, Lederer A. Quantitative Analysis of Step-Growth Polymers by Size Exclusion Chromatography. ACS Macro Letters. 2016;5(9):1023-1028. IF= 5.766.
Pahnke K, Haworth NL, Brandt J, Paulmann U, Richter C, Schmidt FG, Lederer A, Coote ML, Barner-Kowollik C. A mild, efficient and catalyst-free thermoreversible ligation system based on dithiooxalates. Polymer Chemistry. 2016;7(19):3244-3250. IF= 5.687.
Maximiano P, Mendonça PV, Costa JRC, Haworth NL, Serra AC, Guliashvili T, Coote ML, Coelho JFJ. Ambient Temperature Transition-Metal-Free Dissociative Electron Transfer Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization (DET-RAFT) of Methacrylates, Acrylates, and Styrene. Macromolecules. 2016;49(5):1597-1604. IF= 5.554.
Abreu CMR, Mendonça PV, Serra AC, Noble BB, Guliashvili T, Nicolas J, Coote ML, Coelho JFJ. Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride at Low Temperature: Kinetic and Computational Studies. Macromolecules. 2016;49(2):490-498. IF= 5.554.
Kim SH, Kwon CH, Park K, Mun TJ, Lepró X, Baughman RH, Spinks GM, Kim SJ. Bio-inspired, moisture-powered hybrid carbon nanotube yarn muscles. Scientific Reports. 2016;6. IF= 5.228.
Ledwon P, Zassowski P, Jarosz T, Lapkowski M, Wagner P, Cherpak V, Stakhira P. A novel donor-acceptor carbazole and benzothiadiazole material for deep red and infrared emitting applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2016;4(11):2219-2227. IF= 5.066.
Wu Y, Kashi MB, Yang Y, Gonçales VR, Ciampi S, Tilley RD, Gooding JJ. Light-activated electrochemistry on alkyne-terminated Si(100) surfaces towards solution-based redox probes. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;213:540-546. IF= 4.803.
Rajesh M, Raj CJ, Kim BC, Cho BB, Ko JM, Yu KH. Supercapacitive studies on electropolymerized natural organic phosphate doped polypyrrole thin films. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;220:373-383. IF= 4.803.
Li J, Guo SX, Bentley CL, Bano K, Bond AM, Zhang J, Ueda T. Electrode Material Dependence of the Electron Transfer Kinetics Associated with the [SVW11O40]3-/4- (VV/IV) and [SVW11O40]4-/5- (WVI/V) Processes in Dimethylformamide. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;201:45-56. IF= 4.803.
Harris AR, Molino PJ, Paolini AG, Wallace GG. Effective Area and Charge Density of Chondroitin Sulphate Doped PEDOT Modified Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2016;197:99-106. IF= 4.803.
Qiu S, Lee R, Zhu B, Coote ML, Zhao X, Jiang Z. Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective [4 + 2] Cycloaddition of 5H-oxazol-4-ones with N-Maleimides. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2016;81(17):8061-8069. IF= 4.785.
Kazarian AA, Sanz Rodriguez E, Deverell JA, McCord J, Muddiman DC, Paull B. Wall modified photonic crystal fibre capillaries as porous layer open tubular columns for in-capillary micro-extraction and capillary chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2016;905:1-7. IF= 4.712.
Nakamura Y, Lee R, Coote ML, Yamago S. Termination Mechanism of the Radical Polymerization of Acrylates. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2016;37(6):506-513. IF= 4.638.
Bentley CL, Li J, Bond AM, Zhang J. Mass-transport and heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics associated with the ferrocene/ferrocenium process in ionic liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016;120(30):16516-16525. IF= 4.509.
Lee R, Gryn’Ova G, Ingold KU, Coote ML. Why are: Sec -alkylperoxyl bimolecular self-reactions orders of magnitude faster than the analogous reactions of tert -alkylperoxyls? the unanticipated role of CH hydrogen bond donation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(34):23673-23679. IF= 4.449.
Lee R, Coote ML. Mechanistic insights into ozone-initiated oxidative degradation of saturated hydrocarbons and polymers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016;18(35):24663-24671. IF= 4.449.
Alshehri SM, Aldalbahi A, Al-Hajji AB, Chaudhary AA, Panhuis MIH, Alhokbany N, Ahamad T. Development of carboxymethyl cellulose-based hydrogel and nanosilver composite as antimicrobial agents for UTI pathogens. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016;138:229-236. IF= 4.219.
Ahmad A, Jamshed F, Riaz T, Sabad EG, Waheed S, Sabir A, Alanezi AA, Adrees M, Jamil T. Self-sterilized composite membranes of cellulose acetate/polyethylene glycol for water desalination. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016;149:207-216. IF= 4.219.
Greene GW, Duffy E, Shallan A, Wuethrich A, Paull B. Electrokinetic Properties of Lubricin Antiadhesive Coatings in Microfluidic Systems. Langmuir. 2016;32(7):1899-1908. IF= 3.993.
Wang J, Gu Q, Hao J, Bai D, Wang L, Liu Z, Zhou Q. Efficient Derivation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with a c-Myc-Free Non-Integrating Episomal Vector. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2016;43(3):161-164. IF= 3.981.
Martin LL, Kubeil C, Simonov AN, Kuznetsov VL, Corbin CJ, Auchus RJ, Conley AJ, Bond AM, Rodgers RJ. Electrochemistry of cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase (P450c17). Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2016. IF= 3.859.
Gu Q, Zhu H, Chen L, Shuai L, Fang J, Wu J, Liu L, Li W, Dai J, Hao J, Zhou Q. Three dimensional collagen scaffolds promote iPSC induction with higher pluripotency. Protein and Cell. 2016;7(11):844-848. IF= 3.817.
Stewart EM, Wu Z, Huang XF, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG. Use of conducting polymers to facilitate neurite branching in schizophrenia-related neuronal development. Biomaterials Science. 2016;4(8):1244-1251. IF= 3.614.
Allitt BJ, Harris AR, Morgan SJ, Clark GM, Paolini AG. Thin-film micro-electrode stimulation of the cochlea in rats exposed to aminoglycoside induced hearing loss. Hearing Research. 2016;331:13-26. IF= 3.565.
Mohamed AE, Condic-Jurkic K, Ahmed FH, Yuan P, O’Mara ML, Jackson CJ, Coote ML. Hydrophobic Shielding Drives Catalysis of Hydride Transfer in a Family of F420H2 Dependent Enzymes. Biochemistry. 2016;55(49):6908-6918. IF= 3.562.
Mabbitt PD, Correy GJ, Meirelles T, Fraser NJ, Coote ML, Jackson CJ. Conformational Disorganization within the Active Site of a Recently Evolved Organophosphate Hydrolase Limits Its Catalytic Efficiency. Biochemistry. 2016;55(9):1408-1417. IF= 3.562.
Gonçalves R, Larrea A, Zheng T, Higgins MJ, Sebastian V, Lanceros-Mendez S, Martins P. Synthesis of highly magnetostrictive nanostructures and their application in a polymer-based magnetoelectric sensing device. European Polymer Journal. 2016;84:685-692. IF= 3.485.
Mustapić M, Al Hossain MS, Horvat J, Wagner P, Mitchell DRG, Kim JH, Alici G, Nakayama Y, Martinac B. Controlled delivery of drugs adsorbed onto porous Fe3O4 structures by application of AC/DC magnetic fields. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2016;226:243-250. IF= 3.349.
Seok Jang H, Justin Raj C, Lee WG, Chul Kim B, Hyun Yu K. Enhanced supercapacitive performances of functionalized activated carbon in novel gel polymer electrolytes with ionic liquid redox-mediated poly(vinyl alcohol)/phosphoric acid. RSC Advances. 2016;6(79):75376-75383. IF= 3.289.
Rajesh M, Raj CJ, Kim BC, Manikandan R, Kim SJ, Park SY, Lee K, Yu KH. Expeditious and eco-friendly hydrothermal polymerization of PEDOT nanoparticles for binder-free high performance supercapacitor electrodes. RSC Advances. 2016;6(111):110433-110443. IF= 3.289.
Li C, Zhu H, She X, Wang T, She F, Kong L. Selective removal of anionic dyes using poly(: N, N -dimethyl amino ethylmethacrylate) functionalized graphene oxide. RSC Advances. 2016;6(71):67242-67251. IF= 3.289.
Ghayesh MH, Farokhi H, Alici G. Size-dependent performance of microgyroscopes. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2016;100:99-111. IF= 3.165.
Ahnood A, Simonov AN, Laird JS, Maturana MI, Ganesan K, Stacey A, Ibbotson MR, Spiccia L, Prawer S. Transient photoresponse of nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond electrodes in saline solution. Applied Physics Letters. 2016;108(10). IF= 3.142.
Murakami T, Brown HR, Hawker CJ. One-pot fabrication of robust interpenetrating hydrogels via orthogonal click reactions. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2016;54(11):1459-1467. IF= 3.114.
Kim BC, Rajesh M, Jang HS, Yu KH, Kim SJ, Park SY, Raj CJ. Facile synthesis and capacitive properties of nickel-cobalt binary metal oxide nanoaggregates via oxalate route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016;674:376-383. IF= 3.014.
Harris AR, Hutchinson R, Molino PJ, Kapsa RMI, Clark GM, Paolini AG, Wallace GG. Correlation of impedance and effective electrode area of dextran sulfate doped PEDOT modified electrodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2016;163(7):H534-H540. IF= 3.014.
Degirmenci I, Coote ML. Comparison of Thiyl, Alkoxyl, and Alkyl Radical Addition to Double Bonds: The Unusual Contrasting Behavior of Sulfur and Oxygen Radical Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;120(10):1750-1755. IF= 2.883.
Degirmenci I, Coote ML. Effect of Substituents on the Stability of Sulfur-Centered Radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;120(37):7398-7403. IF= 2.883.
Degirmenci I, Coote ML. Comparison of Thiyl, Alkoxyl, and Alkyl Radical Addition to Double Bonds: The Unusual Contrasting Behavior of Sulfur and Oxygen Radical Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;120(10):1750-1755. IF= 2.883.
Li J, Bentley CL, Bond AM, Zhang J, Ueda T. Influence of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium on the electron transfer kinetics associated with the [SVW11O40]3-/4- (VV/IV) and [SVW11O40]4-/5- (WVI/V) processes in dimethylformamide. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2016. IF= 2.822.
Yildirim T, Ghayesh MH, Li WH, Alici G. An experimental investigation into nonlinear dynamics of a magneto-rheological elastomer sandwich beam. Smart Materials and Structures. Jan 2016;25(1):9. IF= 2.796.
Hou T, Martin LL, Horn RG, Greene GW. Use of optical interferometry to measure gold nanoparticle adsorption on silica. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2016;506:383-392. IF= 2.760.
Zhang BGX, Quigley AF, Bourke JL, Nowell CJ, Myers DE, Choong PFM, Kapsa RMI. Combination of agrin and laminin increase acetylcholine receptor clustering and enhance functional neuromuscular junction formation In vitro. Developmental Neurobiology. May 2016;76(5):551-565. IF= 2.529.
Lisak G, Wagner K, Wagner P, Barnsley JE, Gordon KC, Bobacka J, Wallace GG, Ivaska A, Officer DL. A novel modified terpyridine derivative as a model molecule to study kinetic-based optical spectroscopic ion determination methods. Synthetic Metals. 2016;219:101-108. IF= 2.299.
Harris AR, Molino PJ, Paolini AG, Wallace GG. Correlation of impedance and effective electrode area of chondroitin sulphate doped PEDOT modified electrodes. Synthetic Metals. 2016;222:338-343. IF= 2.299.
Harris AR, Molino PJ, Kapsa RMI, Clark GM, Paolini AG, Wallace GG. Effective area and charge density of dextran sulphate doped PEDOT modified electrodes. Synthetic Metals. 2016;220:394-401. IF= 2.299.
Clarke S, Giubilini A, Walker MJ. Conscientious Objection to Vaccination. Bioethics. 2016. IF= 1.750.
Lee R, Coote ML. Theoretical Investigation of Oxidative Cleavage of Cholesterol by Dual O2 Activation and Sulfide Reduction. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2016;69(9):933-942. IF= 1.427.
Sader JE, Borgani R, Gibson CT, Haviland DB, Higgins MJ, Kilpatrick JI, Lu J, Mulvaney P, Shearer CJ, Slattery AD, Thorén PA, Tran J, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zheng T. A virtual instrument to standardise the calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2016;87(9). IF= 1.336.
Munoz F, Alici G, Li W, Sitti M. Size Optimization of a Magnetic System for Drug Delivery with Capsule Robots. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2016;52(5). IF= 1.277.
Abdul-Halim NS, Whitten PG, Nghiem LD. The effect of aging on thermomechanical and metal extraction properties of poly (vinyl chloride)/Aliquat 336 polymer inclusion membranes. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016;57(7):3298-3303. IF= 1.272.
Abdul-Halim NS, Whitten PG, Nghiem LD. Characteristics and cadmium extraction performance of PVC/Aliquat 336 electrospun fibres in comparison with polymer inclusion membranes. Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia). 2016;51(9):1515-1522. IF= 1.24
Munoz F, Alici G, Li WH. A Magnetically Actuated Drug Delivery System for Robotic Endoscopic Capsules. Journal of Medical Devices-Transactions of the Asme. Mar 2016;10(1):11. IF= 0.450.
Refereed Conference Papers or Extracts
ACES members had 6 refereed conference papers and 5 refereed conference extracts published in 2016.
Refereed Conference Papers
Hancock, L and N Ralph ‘Governance and Regulatory Issues for Ethical Supply Chains in New Alternative Energy Technology’. Paper presented at the Emerging Paradigms of Corporate Social Responsibility, Regulation and Governance conference, Special Thematic Symposium & Multidisciplinary Academic Dialogue, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIML), Uttar Pradesh, India, 14-15 November, 2016.
Munoz F, Alici G, Zhou H, Li W and Sitti M, “Analysis of the Magnetic Torque on a Tilted Permanent Magnet for Drug Delivery in Capsule Robots”, Paper presented at: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2016. pp.1386-1391, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
Mutlu R, Yildiz SK, Alici G, In Het Panhuis M, Spinks GM. Mechanical stiffness augmentation of a 3D printed soft prosthetic finger. Paper presented at: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2016. pp.7-12, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
Viaña JNM, Vickers J, Gilbert F. Ethical considerations for clinical trials of fornix DBS for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Paper presented at the 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2-6 July 2016.
Yildiz SK, Mutlu R, Alici G. Performance quantification of strain sensors for flexible manipulators. Paper presented at: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, 2016, pp.584 -589, Banff, Canada, July 2016.
Zhang J, Yan S, Yuan D, Alici G, Nguyen N. T., and Li W. H., “On-chip manipulation of micro-particles by a novel viscoelastic-based ferrofluid”. Paper presented at: 2016 International Conference on Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-Chip, pp., Dalian, China, June 2016.
Zhang J, Yan S, Yuan D, Alici G, Nguyen N. T., and Li W. H. “High Throughput Cell-Free Extraction of Plasma by an Integrated Microfluidic Device Combining Inertial Microfluidics and Membrane”. Paper presented at: ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. V001T01A012; 6 pages, Singapore, January 4–6, 2016. doi:10.1115/MNHMT2016-6717
Zhang Y, Ogunbona PO, Li W, Wallace GG. Learning structured dictionary based on inter-class similarity and representative margins. Paper presented at: ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – Proceedings, 2016.
Refereed Conference Extracts
Xiujuan J. Dai, Zhiqiang Chen, Gayathri D. Rajmohan, David R. de Celis, Sri B. Ponraj, Mohammad Maniruzzaman, Arun T. Ambujakshan, Xiao Chen, Peter R. Lamb, Kevin Magniez, Ladge Kviz, Robert Lovett, Marion L. Wright, Xungai Wang, Plasma Research at Deakin University, Gaseous Electronics Meeting GEM2016 Geelong, Australia, February 14-17, 2016.
Gu, Tomaskovic-Crook, et al. 3D printing human iPSCs for neural tissue engineering. World Life Science Conference (WLSC), Beijing, China, Nov 2016.
Tomaskovic-Crook et al. Defined induction of human neural organoids from induced pluripotent stem cells using gelatin methacrylate: a three-dimensional model for studying development, disease and regenerative medicine. Australasian Society for Neuroscience (ANS), Hobart, Dec 2016.
Rangam Rajkhow, Mehdi Kazemimostaghim, Xungai Wang Characteristics and Prospective Applications of Powders Derived from Natural Fibers, Fiber Society Spring Conference, ENSISA, Mulhouse, France, May 25-27, 2016.
Saeed Dadvar, Rangam Rajkhowa, Xungai Wang, Bio-renewable feedstock for 3D printing of carbon composites, The International Conference on Design and Technology (DesTech), Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, 5-8 December 2016.
Book Chapters
Six book chapters were published in 2015.
Chinese set to read about ACES innovator Prof Gordon Wallace
The Chinese will be captivated reading ACES Director Professor Gordon Wallace’s rumination on innovation following the imminent translation of the book Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World. Prof Wallace was one of more than 100 international “thought leaders” to contribute to the book by Kim Chandler McDonald, who set about to reveal the creativity, motivations and expertise of innovation leaders in a multitude of fields. An innovator in electromaterials, Prof Wallace shares his thoughts on building an integrated team over 30 years at the University of Wollongong and touches on his many research endeavours including nerve/muscle regeneration, implantable bionics, biofabrication and sports bras.
Other book chapters published in 2015, include:
- Noble BB, Coote ML.(2015) Mechanistic Perspectives on Stereocontrol in Lewis Acid-Mediated Radical Polymerization: Lessons from Small-Molecule Synthesis in Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry. Vol 49: Academic Press Inc.; 189-258.
- Pozo-Gonzalo C.(2015) Oxygen reduction reaction in ionic liquids: An overview in Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids: Volume 2: Applications: Springer International Publishing;507-529.
- Molino PJ, Zhang B, Higgins MJ. (2015) Electroactive Anti-Microbial Surfaces in Antibacterial Surfaces, Editors: Elena Ivanova, Russell Crawford, ISBN: 978-3-319-18593-4 (Print) 978-3-319-18594-1 (Online); 41-60.
- Higgins MJ, Wallace GG, Molino PJ, Gelmi A, Zhang H (2015) Conducting Polymers: Their Route to Nanobionics Applications via Atomic Force Microscopy in Innovations in Nanomaterials, Editors: Al-Nakib Chowdhury, Joe Shapter, Abu Bin Imran, Nova Science Publishers, Chapter3; 41 – 76.
- Gilbert F., Dodds S. (Accepted Manuscript 2015) Predictive Brain Devices and Automated Therapeutic Activation: Ethical Problems Ahead Chapter in “Neuro-Interventions and The Law: Regulating Human Mental Capacity” edited by N Vincent.
Journal Articles
190 Journal articles were published in 2015 with ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science in the address line.
ACES Journal Article List
Abdullah N, Noor NLM, Nordin AR, Halcrow MA, MacFarlane DR, Lazar MA, Pringle JM, Bruce DW, Donnio B, Heinrich B. Spin-crossover, mesomorphic and thermoelectrical properties of cobalt(II) complexes with alkylated N-3-Schiff bases. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015;3(11):2491-2499. IF= 4.696.
Abeysinghe HCS, Bokhari L, Quigley A, Choolani M, Chan J, Dusting GJ, Crook JM, Kobayashi NR, Roulston CL. Pre-differentiation of human neural stem cells into GABAergic neurons prior to transplant results in greater repopulation of the damaged brain and accelerates functional recovery after transient ischemic stroke. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Sep 2015;6:19. IF= 6.233.
Ahmed R, Zhao L, Mozer AJ, Will G, Bell J, Wang HX. Enhanced Electron Lifetime of CdSe/CdS Quantum Dot (QD) Sensitized Solar Cells Using ZnSe Core-Shell Structure with Efficient Regeneration of Quantum Dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Feb 2015;119(5):2297-2307. IF= 4.385.
Alsmadi NZ, Patil LS, Hor EM, Lofti P, Razal JM, Chuong CJ, Wallace GG, Romero-Ortega MI. Coiled polymeric growth factor gradients for multi-luminal neural chemotaxis. Brain Research. Sep 2015;1619:72-83. IF= 3.028.
Andrews PW, Baker D, Benvinisty N, Miranda B, Bruce K, Brustle O, Choi M, Choi YM, Crook JM, de Sousa PA, Dvorak P, Freund C, Firpo M, Furue MK, Gokhale P, Ha HY, Han E, Haupt S, Healy L, Hei DJ, Hovatta O, Hunt C, Hwang SM, Inamdar MS, Isasi RM, Jaconi M, Jekerle V, Kamthorn P, Kibbey MC, Knezevic I, Knowles BB, Koo SK, Laabi Y, Leopoldo L, Liu P, Lomax GP, Loring JF, Ludwig TE, Montgomery K, Mummery C, Nagy A, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Oh S, Oh SK, Otonkoski T, Pera M, Peschanski M, Pranke P, Rajala KM, Rao M, Ruttachuk R, Reubinoff B, Ricco L, Rooke H, Sipp D, Stacey GN, Suemori H, Takahashi TA, Takada K, Talib S, Tannenbaum S, Yuan BZ, Zeng F, Zhou Q. Points to consider in the development of seed stocks of pluripotent stem cells for clinical applications: International Stem Cell Banking Initiative (ISCBI). Regenerative Medicine. 2015;10(2):1-44. IF= 3.5.
Apollo NV, Maturana MI, Tong W, Nayagam DAX, Shivdasani MN, Foroughi J, Wallace GG, Prawer S, Ibbotson MR, Garrett DJ. Soft, Flexible Freestanding Neural Stimulation and Recording Electrodes Fabricated from Reduced Graphene Oxide. Advanced Functional Materials. Jun 2015;25(23):3551-3559. IF= 11.805.
Arena F, Gumina B, Cannilla C, Spadaro L, Patti A, Spiccia L. Nanostructured MnOx catalysts in the liquid phase selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol with oxygen Part II. Reaction mechanism, kinetics and deactivation pattern. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. Jul 2015;170:233-240. IF= 6.007.
Arena F, Gumina B, Lombardo AF, Espro C, Patti A, Spadaro L, Spiccia L. Nanostructured MnOx catalysts in the liquid phase selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol, with oxygen: Part I. Effects of Ce and Fe addition on structure and reactivity. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental. Jan 2015;162:260-267. IF= 6.007.
Arulmozhiraja S, Coote ML, Hasegawa JY. Electronic spectra of azaindole and its excited state mixing: A symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interaction study. Journal of Chemical Physics. Nov 2015;143(20):8. IF= 2.95.
Aziz S, Naficy S, Foroughi J, Brown HR, Spinks GM. Characterisation of torsional actuation in highly twisted yarns and fibres. Polymer Testing. Sep 2015;46:88-97. IF= 2.24.
Bakarich SE, Gorkin R, Panhuis MIH, Spinks GM. 4D Printing with Mechanically Robust, Thermally Actuating Hydrogels. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. Jun 2015;36(12):1211-1217. IF= 4.608.
Bano K, Bond AM, Zhang J. Determination of Fast Electrode Kinetics Facilitated by Use of an Internal Reference. Analytical Chemistry. 2015;87(16):8387-8393. IF= 5.636.
Bano K, Zhang J, Bond AM, Unwin PR, Macpherson JV. Diminished Electron Transfer Kinetics for [Ru(NH3) 6]3+/2+, [α-SiW12O40]4-/5-, and [α-SiW12O40]5-/6- Processes at Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015;119(22):12464-12472. IF= 4.385.
Bentley CL, Bond AM, Hollenkamp AF, Mahon PJ, Zhang J. Electrochemical Proton Reduction and Equilibrium Acidity (pK(a)) in Aprotic Ionic Liquids: Protonated Amines and Sulfonamide Acids. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Sep 2015;119(38):21828-21839. IF= 4.385.
Bentley CL, Bond AM, Hollenkamp AF, Mahon PJ, Zhang J. Electrochemical Proton Reduction and Equilibrium Acidity (pK(a)) in Aprotic Ionic Liquids: Phenols, Carboxylic Acids, and Sulfonic Acids. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Sep 2015;119(38):21840-21851. IF= 4.385.
Bentley CL, Bond AM, Hollenkamp AF, Mahon PJ, Zhang J. Voltammetric Determination of the Iodide/Iodine Formal Potential and Triiodide Stability Constant in Conventional and Ionic Liquid Media. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Oct 2015;119(39):22392-22403. IF= 4.385.
Beznosov SN, Veluri PS, Pyatibratov MG, Chatterjee A, MacFarlane DR, Fedorov OV, Mitra S. Flagellar filament bio-templated inorganic oxide materials – towards an efficient lithium battery anode. Scientific Reports. Jan 2015;5:7. IF= 5.578.
Bonke SA, Wiechen M, Hocking RK, Fang XY, Lupton DW, MacFarlane DR, Spiccia L. Electrosynthesis of Highly Transparent Cobalt Oxide Water Oxidation Catalyst Films from Cobalt Aminopolycarboxylate Complexes. ChemSusChem. Apr 2015;8(8):1394-1403. IF= 7.657.
Bonke SA, Wiechen M, MacFarlane DR, Spiccia L. Renewable fuels from concentrated solar power: towards practical artificial photosynthesis. Energy & Environmental Science. 2015;8(9):2791-2796. IF= 11.65.
Borgwardt M, Wilke M, Kampen T, Mahl S, Xiang WC, Spiccia L, Lange KM, Kiyan IY, Aziz EF. Injection Kinetics and Electronic Structure at the N719/TiO2 Interface Studied by Means of Ultrafast XUV Photoemission Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Apr 2015;119(17):9099-9107. IF= 4.385.
Burger R, Kurzbuch D, Gorkin R, Kijanka G, Glynn M, McDonagh C, Ducrée J. An integrated centrifugo-opto-microfluidic platform for arraying, analysis, identification and manipulation of individual cells. Lab on a Chip – Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. 2015;15(2):378-381. IF= 6.115.
Cabral D, Howlett PC, Pringle JM, Zhang XY, MacFarlane D. Electrochemistry of tris(2,2 ‘-bipyridyl) cobalt(II) in ionic liquids and aprotic molecular solvents on glassy carbon and platinum electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. Oct 2015;180:419-426. IF= 4.504.
Chen J, Huang ZG, Wang CY, Porter S, Wang BF, Lie W, Liu HK. Sodium-difluoro(oxalato)borate (NaDFOB): a new electrolyte salt for Na-ion batteries. Chemical Communications. 2015;51(48):9809-9812. IF= 6.834.
Chen Y, Yue ZL, Moulton SE, Hayes P, Cook MJ, Wallace GG. A simple and versatile method for microencapsulation of anti-epileptic drugs for focal therapy of epilepsy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(36):7255-7261. IF= 4.726.
Cheng YY, Nattestad A, Schulze TF, Macqueen RW, Fückel B, Lips K, Wallace GG, Khoury T, Crossley MJ, Schmidt TW. Increased upconversion performance for thin film solar cells: A trimolecular composition. Chemical Science. 2015;7(1):559-568. IF= 9.211.
Cho I, Choi J, Kim K, Ryou MH, Lee YM. A comparative investigation of carbon black (Super-P) and vapor-grown carbon fibers (VGCFs) as conductive additives for lithium-ion battery cathodes. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(115):95073-95078. IF= 3.84.
Choi C, Kim SH, Sim HJ, Lee JA, Choi AY, Kim YT, Lepro X, Spinks GM, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Stretchable, Weavable Coiled Carbon Nanotube/MnO2/Polymer Fiber Solid-State Supercapacitors. Scientific Reports. Mar 2015;5:6. IF= 5.578.
Choi J, Kim K, Jeong J, Cho KY, Ryou MH, Lee YM. Highly Adhesive and Soluble Copolyimide Binder: Improving the Long-Term Cycle Life of Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Jul 2015;7(27):14851-14858. IF= 6.723.
Chung JHY, Naficy S, Wallace GG, Naficy S, O’Leary S. Inkjet-Printed Alginate Microspheres as Additional Drug Carriers for Injectable Hydrogels. Advances in Polymer Technology. 2015. IF= 1.045
Ciampi S, Choudhury MH, Ahmad S, Darwish N, Le Brun A, Gooding JJ. The impact of surface coverage on the kinetics of electron transfer through redox monolayers on a silicon electrode surface. Electrochimica Acta. Dec 2015;186:216-222. IF= 4.504.
Ciampi S, Eggers PK, Haworth NL, Darwish N, Wagner P, Coote ML, Wallace GG, Raston CL. Decoloration rates of a photomerocyanine dye as a visual probe into hydrogen bonding interactions. Chemical Communications. 2015;51(23):4815-4818. IF= 6.834.
Clarke TM, Lungenschmied C, Peet J, Drolet N, Mozer AJ. A Comparison of Five Experimental Techniques to Measure Charge Carrier Lifetime in Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials. Feb 2015;5(4):11. IF= 16.146.
Clarke TM, Lungenschmied C, Peet J, Drolet N, Mozer AJ. Tuning Non-Langevin Recombination in an Organic Photovoltaic Blend Using a Processing Additive. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Apr 2015;119(13):7016-7021. IF= 4.385.
Crook JM, Wallace G, Tomaskovic-Crook E. The potential of induced pluripotent stem cells in models of neurological disorders: implications on future therapy. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. Mar 2015;15(3):295-304. IF= 2.783.
Currivan S, Connolly D, Paull B. Stepped gradients on polymeric monolithic columns by photoinitiated grafting. Journal of Separation Science. Nov 2015;38(21):3795-3802. IF= 2.737.
De Silva DA, Martens PJ, Gilmore KJ, Panhuis MIH. Degradation Behavior of Ionic-Covalent Entanglement Hydrogels. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Jan 2015;132(1):10. IF= 1.768.
Deacon GB, Junk PC, Lee WW, Forsyth M, Wang J. Rare earth 3-(4 ‘-hydroxyphenyl)propionate complexes. New Journal of Chemistry. 2015;39(10):7688-7695. IF= 3.086.
Ding J, Peng GR, Shu KW, Wang CY, Tian TF, Yang WR, Zhang YC, Wallace GG, Li WH. Novel reversible and switchable electrolytes based on magnetorheology. Scientific Reports. Oct 2015;5:11. IF= 5.578.
Duffy E, He X, Nesterenko EP, Brabazon D, Dey A, Krishnamurthy S, Nesterenko PN, Paull B. Thermally controlled growth of carbon onions within porous graphitic carbon-detonation nanodiamond monolithic composites. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(29):22906-22915. IF= 3.84.
Duffy E, He XY, Nesterenko PN, Paull B. Hierarchical porous graphitic carbon monoliths with detonation nanodiamonds: synthesis, characterisation and adsorptive properties. Journal of Materials Science. Oct 2015;50(19):6245-6259. IF= 2.37.
Duffy E, Mitev DP, Thickett SC, Townsend AT, Paull B, Nesterenko PN. Assessing the extent, stability, purity and properties of silanised detonation nanodiamond. Applied Surface Science. Dec 2015;357:397-406. IF= 2.711.
Dyer T, Thamwattana N, Jalili R. Modelling the interaction of graphene oxide using an atomistic-continuum model. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(94):77062-77070. IF= 3.84.
Ferris CJ, Stevens LR, Gilmore KJ, Mume E, Greguric I, Kirchmajer DM, Wallace GG, Panhuis MIH. Peptide modification of purified gellan gum. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(6):1106-1115. IF= 4.726.
Forsyth M, Chen F, O’Dell LA, Romanenko K. New insights into ordering and dynamics in organic ionic plastic crystal electrolytes. Solid State Ionics. 2015. IF= 2.561.
Forsyth M, MacFarlane D, Pringle J. Foreword. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:1-4. IF= 4.504.
Fujioka T, Oshima N, Suzuki R, Higgins M, Price WE, Henderson RK, Nghiem LD. Effect of heat treatment on fouling resistance and the rejection of small and neutral solutes by reverse osmosis membranes. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2015;15(3):510-516. IF= 0.39.
Gambhir S, Jalili R, Officer DL, Wallace GG. Chemically converted graphene: scalable chemistries to enable processing and fabrication. Npg Asia Materials. Jun 2015;7:15. IF= 10.118.
Gately RD, Panhuis MIH. Filling of carbon nanotubes and nanofibres. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. Feb 2015;6:508-516. IF= 2.670.
Gately RD, Warren H, Scardamaglia M, Romeo T, Bittencourt C, Panhuis MIH. Sonication-induced effects on carbon nanofibres in composite materials. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(25):19587-19595. IF= 3.84.
Ge Y, Wang CY, Shu KW, Zhao C, Jia XT, Gambhir S, Wallace GG. A facile approach for fabrication of mechanically strong graphene/polypyrrole films with large areal capacitance for supercapacitor applications. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(124):102643-102651. IF= 3.84.
Ghayesh MH, Farokhi H, Alici G. Size-dependent electro-elasto-mechanics of MEMS with initially curved deformable electrodes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. Nov 2015;103:247-264. IF= 2.034.
Gilbert F. State of the Concussion Debate: From Sceptical to Alarmist Claims. Neuroethics. Apr 2015;8(1):47-53. IF= 1.311.
Gilbert F. Self-Estrangement & Deep Brain Stimulation: Ethical Issues Related to Forced Explantation. Neuroethics. Aug 2015;8(2):107-114. IF= 1.311.
Gilbert F, Focquaert F. Rethinking responsibility in offenders with acquired paedophilia: Punishment or treatment? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Jan-Feb 2015;38:51-60. IF= 0.934.
Gilbert F, Vranic A. Paedophilia, Invasive Brain Surgery, and Punishment. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. Sep 2015;12(3):521-526. IF= 0.747.
Goujon N, Byrne N, Walsh TR, Forsyth M. The Influence of Water and Metal Salt on the Transport and Structural Properties of 1-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2015;68(3):420-425. IF= 1.558.
Goujon N, Forsyth M, Dumee LF, Bryant G, Byrne N. Characterization of the phase behaviour of a novel polymerizable lyotropic ionic liquid crystal. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(35):23059-23068. IF= 4.493.
Greene GW, Ponzio F, Iranipour N, Zhu H, Seeber A, Forsyth M, Howlett PC. Enhanced ionic mobility in Organic Ionic Plastic Crystal – Dendrimer solid electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:214-223. IF= 4.504.
Gryn’ova G, Coote ML, Corminboeuf C. Theory and practice of uncommon molecular electronic configurations. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science. 2015;5(6):440-459. IF= 11.885.
Gu Q, Hao J, Lu YJ, Wang L, Wallace GG, Zhou Q. Three-dimensional bio-printing. Science China-Life Sciences. May 2015;58(5):411-419. IF= 1.688.
Gujral SS, Simonov AN, Higashi M, Abe R, Spiccia L. Optimization of Titania Post-Necking Treatment of TaON Photoanodes to Enhance Water-Oxidation Activity under Visible-Light Irradiation. Chemelectrochem. Sep 2015;2(9):1270-1278. IF= 7.657.
Hackett AJ, Malmstroem J, Molino PJ, Gautrot JE, Zhang HR, Higgins MJ, Wallace GG, Williams DE, Travas-Sejdic J. Conductive surfaces with dynamic switching in response to temperature and salt. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(48):9285-9294. IF= 4.726.
Han JP, Xu GY, Dou H, MacFarlane DR. Porous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Microspheres Derived from Microporous Polymeric Organic Frameworks for High Performance Electric Double-Layer Capacitors. Chemistry-a European Journal. Feb 2015;21(6):2310-2314. IF= 5.731.
Han Y, Meyer S, Dkhissi Y, Weber K, Pringle JM, Bach U, Spiccia L, Cheng YB. Degradation observations of encapsulated planar CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells at high temperatures and humidity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(15):8139-8147. IF= 7.443.
Han Y, Pringle JM, Cheng YB. Improved Efficiency and Stability of Flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cells on ITO/PEN Substrates Using an Ionic Liquid Electrolyte. Photochemistry and Photobiology. Mar-Apr 2015;91(2):315-322. IF= 2.266.
Hancock AN, Lobachevsky S, Haworth NL, Coote ML, Schiesser CH. The effect of leaving radical on the formation of tetrahydroselenophene by S(H)i ring closure: an experimental and computational study. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2015;13(8):2310-2316. IF= 3.562.
Harman DG, Gorkin R, Stevens L, Thompson B, Wagner K, Weng B, Chung JHY, Panhuis MIH, Wallace GG. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):dextran sulfate (PEDOT:DS) – A highly processable conductive organic biopolymer. Acta Biomaterialia. Mar 2015;14:33-42. IF= 6.025.
Hocking RK, King HJ, Hesson A, Bonke SA, Johannessen B, Fekete M, Spiccia L, Chang SLY. Engineering Disorder at a Nanoscale: A Combined TEM and XAS Investigation of Amorphous versus Nanocrystalline Sodium Birnessite. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 2015;68(11):1715-1722. IF= 1.558.
Ihsan M, Meng Q, Li L, Li D, Wang HQ, Seng KH, Chen ZX, Kennedy SJ, Guo ZP, Liu HK. V2O5/Mesoporous Carbon Composite as a Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries. Electrochimica Acta. Aug 2015;173:172-177. IF= 4.504.
Iranipour N, Gunzelmann DJ, Seeber A, Vongsvivut J, Doherty C, Ponzio F, O’Dell LA, Hollenkamp AF, Forsyth M, Howlett PC. Ionic transport through a composite structure of N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate organic ionic plastic crystals reinforced with polymer nanofibres. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(11):6038-6052. IF= 7.443.
Jamali SS, Moulton SE, Tallman DE, Forsyth M, Weber J, Mirabedini A, Wallace GG. Corrosion protection afforded by praseodymium conversion film on Mg alloy AZNd in simulated biological fluid studied by scanning electrochemical microscopy. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Feb 2015;739:211-217. IF= 2.729.
Jamali SS, Moulton SE, Tallman DE, Forsyth M, Weber J, Wallace GG. Evaluating the corrosion behaviour of Magnesium alloy in simulated biological fluid by using SECM to detect hydrogen evolution. Electrochimica Acta. Jan 2015;152:294-301. IF= 4.504.
Jeong HT, Kim BC, Higgins MJ, Wallace GG. Highly stretchable reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) electrodes for energy storage devices. Electrochimica Acta. May 2015;163:149-160. IF= 4.504.
Jiang FZ, Wang XZ, He CC, Saricilar S, Wang HL. Mechanical properties of tough hydrogels synthesized with a facile simultaneous radiation polymerization and cross-linking method. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Jan 2015;106:7-15. IF= 1.380.
Jiang JL, Yue Z, Bauquier SH, Lai A, Chen Y, McLean KJ, Halliday AJ, Sui Y, Moulton S, Wallace GG, Cook MJ. Injectable phenytoin loaded polymeric microspheres for the control of temporal lobe epilepsy in rats. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 2015;33(6):823-834. IF= 2.49.
Johnson LSM, Partridge B, Gilbert F. Framing the Debate: Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Neuroethics. Apr 2015;8(1):1-4. IF= 1.311.
Jourdin L, Grieger T, Monetti J, Flexer V, Freguia S, Lu Y, Chen J, Romano M, Wallace GG, Keller J. High Acetic Acid Production Rate Obtained by Microbial Electrosynthesis from Carbon Dioxide. Environmental Science & Technology. Nov 2015;49(22):13566-13574. IF= 5.330.
Justin Raj C, Kim BC, Cho WJ, Park S, Jeong HT, Yoo K, Yu KH. Rapid hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt oxyhydroxide nanorods for supercapacitor applications. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2015;747:130-135. IF= 2.729.
Kapsa RMI. Autologous Cell Replacement for Hereditary Muscle Disease. Journal of Gene Medicine. Aug-Sep 2015;17(8-9):192-193. IF= 2.472.
Khaldi A, Maziz A, Alici G, Spinks GM, Jager EWH. Soft, flexible micromanipulators comprising polypyrrole trilayer microactuators. Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (Eapad) 2015. 2015;9430:7. IF= 1.94.
Khan M, Xiao J, Zhou FL, Yablonskikh M, MacFarlane DR, Spiccia L, Aziz EF. On the Origin of the Improvement of Electrodeposited MnOx Films in Water Oxidation Catalysis Induced by Heat Treatment. Chemsuschem. Jun 2015;8(11):1980-1985. IF= 7.657.
Kianzad S, Pandit M, Bahi A, Ravandi AR, Ko F, Spinks GM, Madden JDW. Nylon coil actuator operating temperature range and stiffness. Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (Eapad) 2015. 2015;9430:6. IF= 1.94.
Kim BC, Hong JY, Wallace GG, Park HS. Recent Progress in Flexible Electrochemical Capacitors: Electrode Materials, Device Configuration, and Functions. Advanced Energy Materials. Nov 2015;5(22):33. IF= 16.146.
Kim BC, Jeong HT, Higgins MJ, Yu KH, Wallace GG. Dynamic Electrochemical Properties of Extremely Stretchable Electrochemical Capacitor Using Reduced Graphene Oxide/Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Composite. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2015;162(12):A2351-A2355. IF= 3.266.
Kim SH, Lima MD, Kozlov ME, Haines CS, Spinks GM, Aziz S, Choi C, Sim HJ, Wang XM, Lu HB, Qian D, Madden JDW, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Harvesting temperature fluctuations as electrical energy using torsional and tensile polymer muscles. Energy & Environmental Science. 2015;8(11):3336-3344. IF= 11.65.
Kirchmajer DM, Gorkin R, Panhuis MIH. An overview of the suitability of hydrogel-forming polymers for extrusion-based 3D-printing. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(20):4105-4117. IF= 4.726.
Klein A, Whitten PG, Resch K, Pinter G. Nanocomposite hydrogels: Fracture toughness and energy dissipation mechanisms. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. Dec 2015;53(24):1763-1773. IF= 3.830.
Klinska M, Smith LM, Gryn’ova G, Banwell MG, Coote ML. Experimental demonstration of pH-dependent electrostatic catalysis of radical reactions. Chemical Science. 2015;6(10):5623-5627. IF= 9.211.
Koerver R, MacFarlane DR, Pringle JM. Evaluation of Electrochemical Methods for Determination of the Seebeck Coefficient of Redox Electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. Dec 2015;184:186-192. IF= 4.504.
Kwon CH, Lee JA, Choi YB, Kim HH, Spinks GM, Lima MD, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Stability of carbon nanotube yarn biofuel cell in human body fluid. Journal of Power Sources. Jul 2015;286:103-108. IF= 6.217.
Lederhose P, Haworth NL, Thomas K, Bottle SE, Coote ML, Barner-Kowollik C, Blinco JP. Design of Redox/Radical Sensing Molecules via Nitrile Imine-Mediated Tetrazole-ene Cycloaddition (NITEC). Journal of Organic Chemistry. Aug 2015;80(16):8009-8017. IF= 4.721.
Li CP, Zhu HJ, Hou TT, Vongsvivut J, Dai JX, She FH, Kong LX. Simultaneous polymerization and crosslinking for the synthesis of molecular-level graphene oxide-polyacryl amide-CeOx composites. Chemical Engineering Journal. Mar 2015;263:27-37. IF= 4.321.
Li HT, Sun CH, Ali MT, Zhou FL, Zhang XY, MacFarlane DR. Sulfated Carbon Quantum Dots as Efficient Visible-Light Switchable Acid Catalysts for Room-Temperature Ring-Opening Reactions. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. Jul 2015;54(29):8420-8424. IF= 11.261.
Li HT, Zhang XY, MacFarlane DR. Carbon Quantum Dots/Cu2O Heterostructures for Solar-Light-Driven Conversion of CO2 to Methanol. Advanced Energy Materials. Mar 2015;5(5):6. IF= 16.146.
Li JY, Zhu HJ, Wang XE, Armand M, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M. Synthesis of Sodium Poly 4-styrenesulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide -co-ethylacrylate Solid Polymer Electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:232-239. IF= 4.504.
Li J, Zhu H, Wang X, MacFarlane DR, Armand M, Forsyth M. Increased ion conduction in dual cation [sodium][tetraalkylammonium] poly[4-styrenesulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-co-ethylacrylate] ionomers. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015;3(39):19989-19995. IF= 7.443.
Lima MD, Hussain MW, Spinks GM, Naficy S, Hagenasr D, Bykova JS, Tolly D, Baughman RH. Efficient, Absorption-Powered Artificial Muscles Based on Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Yarns. Small. 2015;11(26):3113-3118. IF= 8.368.
Lin JJ, Heo YU, Nattestad A, Shahabuddin M, Yamauchi Y, Kim JH. N719-and D149-sensitized 3D hierarchical rutile TiO2 solar cells-a comparative study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(11):7208-7213. IF= 4.493.
Lin JJ, Heo YU, Nattestad A, Yamauchi Y, Dou SX, Kim JH. Mesoporous Hierarchical Anatase for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Achieving Over 10% Conversion Efficiency. Electrochimica Acta. Jan 2015;153:393-398. IF= 4.504.
Lin JJ, Peng Y, Pascoe AR, Huang FZ, Cheng YB, Heo YU, Nattestad A, Seung W, Kim SK, Yoon HJ, Kim SW, Yamauchi Y, Dou SX, Kim JH. A Bi-layer TiO2 photoanode for highly durable, flexible dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(8):4679-4686. IF= 7.443.
Lin JJ, Zhao L, Heo YU, Wang LZ, Bijarbooneh FH, Mozer AJ, Nattestad A, Yamauchi Y, Dou SX, Kim JH. Mesoporous anatase single crystals for efficient Co(2+/3+)-based dye-sensitized solar cells. Nano Energy. Jan 2015;11:557-567. IF= 10.325.
Linnemann J, Giorgio J, Wagner K, Mathieson G, Wallace GG, Officer DL. A simple one step process for enhancement of titanium foil dye sensitised solar cell anodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(7):3266-3270. IF= 7.443.
Liu FL, Alici G, Zhang BB, Beirne S, Li WH. Fabrication and characterization of a magnetic micro-actuator based on deformable Fe-doped PDMS artificial cilium using 3D printing (vol 24, 035015, 2015). Smart Materials and Structures. Jun 2015;24(6):1. IF= 2.449.
Liu FL, Alici G, Zhang BB, Beirne S, Li WH. Fabrication and characterization of a magnetic micro-actuator based on deformable Fe-doped PDMS artificial cilium using 3D printing. Smart Materials and Structures. Mar 2015;24(3):9. IF= 2.449.
Liu G, Hall J, Nasiri N, Gengenbach T, Spiccia L, Cheah MH, Tricoli A. Scalable Synthesis of Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysts: Insights into the Activity of Flame-Made Manganese Oxide Nanocrystals. ChemSusChem. 2015;8(24):4162-4171. IF= 7.657.
Liu YP, Guo SX, Ding L, Ohlin CA, Bond AM, Zhang J. Lindqvist Polyoxoniobate Ion-Assisted Electrodeposition of Cobalt and Nickel Water Oxidation Catalysts. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Aug 2015;7(30):16632-16644. IF= 6.723.
Liu YQ, Weng B, Razal JM, Xu Q, Zhao C, Hou YY, Seyedin S, Jalili R, Wallace GG, Chen J. High-Performance Flexible All-Solid-State Supercapacitor from Large Free-Standing Graphene-PEDOT/PSS Films. Scientific Reports. Nov 2015;5:11. IF= 5.578.
Lozano R, Stevens L, Thompson BC, Gilmore KJ, Gorkin R, Stewart EM, Panhuis MIH, Romero-Ortega M, Wallace GG. 3D Printing of layered brain-like structures. Journal of Neurochemistry. Aug 2015;134:87-88. IF= 4.281.
Lozano R, Stevens L, Thompson BC, Gilmore KJ, Gorkin R, Stewart EM, Panhuis MIH, Romero-Ortega M, Wallace GG. 3D printing of layered brain-like structures using peptide modified gellan gum substrates. Biomaterials. Oct 2015;67:264-273. IF= 8.557.
Mac Kenna N, Calvert P, Morrin A, Wallacec GG, Moulton SE. Electro-stimulated release from a reduced graphene oxide composite hydrogel. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(12):2530-2537. IF= 4.726.
MacFarlane DR, Tachikawa N, Forsyth M, Pringle JM, Howlett PC, Elliott GD, Davis JH, Watanabe M, Simon P, Angell CA. Energy applications of ionic liquids. Energy & Environmental Science. 2014;7(1):232-250. IF= 11.65.
Malgras V, Nattestad A, Yamauchi Y, Dou SX, Kim JH. The effect of surface passivation on the structure of sulphur-rich PbS colloidal quantum dots for photovoltaic application. Nanoscale. 2015;7(13):5706-5711. IF= 7.394.
Malgras V, Zhang GR, Nattestad A, Clarke TM, Mozer AJ, Yamauchi Y, Kim JH. Trap-Assisted Transport and Non-Uniform Charge Distribution in Sulfur-Rich PbS Colloidal Quantum Dot-based Solar Cells with Selective Contacts. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Dec 2015;7(48):26455-26460. IF= 6.723.
Malmstrom J, Wason A, Roache F, Yewdall NA, Radjainia M, Wei SH, Higgins MJ, Williams DE, Gerrard JA, Travas-Sejdic J. Protein nanorings organized by poly(styrene-block-ethylene oxide) self-assembled thin films. Nanoscale. 2015;7(47):19940-19948. IF= 7.394.
Mirabedini A, Foroughi J, Romeo T, Wallace GG. Development and Characterization of Novel Hybrid Hydrogel Fibers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. Dec 2015;300(12):1217-1225. IF= 2.661.
Mirabedini A, Foroughi J, Thompson B, Wallace GG. Fabrication of Coaxial Wet-Spun Graphene-Chitosan Biofibers. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2015.IF= 1.75.
Molino PJ, Innis PC, Higgins MJ, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG. Influence of biopolymer loading on the physiochemical and electrochemical properties of inherently conducting polymer biomaterials. Synthetic Metals. Feb 2015;200:40-47. IF= 2.252.
Molino PJ, Wallace GG. Next generation bioelectronics: Advances in fabrication coupled with clever chemistries enable the effective integration of biomaterials and organic conductors. APL Materials. Jan 2015;3(1):12. IF= No impact factor available.
Mumford KA, Pas SJ, Linseisen T, Statham TM, Nicholas NJ, Lee A, Kezia K, Vijayraghavan R, MacFarlane DR, Stevens GW. Evaluation of the protic ionic liquid, N,N-dimethyl-aminoethylammonium formate for CO2 capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Jan 2015;32:129-134. IF= 3.946.
Murakami T, Schmidt B, Brown HR, Hawker CJ. One-Pot “Click” Fabrication of Slide-Ring Gels. Macromolecules. Nov 2015;48(21):7774-7781. IF= 5.800.
Murray E, Sayyar S, Thompson BC, Gorkin R, Officer DL, Wallace GG. A bio-friendly, green route to processable, biocompatible graphene/polymer composites. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(56):45284-45290. IF= 3.84.
Murray E, Thompson BC, Sayyar S, Wallace GG. Enzymatic degradation of graphene/polycaprolactone materials for tissue engineering. Polymer Degradation and Stability. Jan 2015;111:71-77. IF= 3.163.
Naficy S, Spinks GM. Effect of Tensile Load on the Actuation Performance of pH-Sensitive Hydrogels. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. Feb 2015;53(3):218-225. IF= 3.830.
Najafpour MM, Fekete M, Sedigh DJ, Aro EM, Carpentier R, Eaton-Rye JJ, Nishihara H, Shen JR, Allakhverdiev SI, Spiccia L. Damage Management in Water-Oxidizing Catalysts: From Photosystem II to Nanosized Metal Oxides. Acs Catalysis. Mar 2015;5(3):1499-1512. IF= 9.312.
Noor SAM, Yoon H, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR. Gelled ionic liquid sodium ion conductors for sodium batteries. Electrochimica Acta. Jul 2015;169:376-381. IF= 4.504.
O’Connell CD, Higgins MJ, Moulton SE, Wallace GG. Nano-bioelectronics via dip-pen nanolithography. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015;3(25):6431-6444. IF= 4.696.
Oza YV, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, O’Dell LA. Characterisation of ion transport in sulfonate based ionomer systems containing lithium and quaternary ammonium cations. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:80-86. IF= 4.504.
Pahnke K, Brandt J, Gryn’ova G, Lindner P, Schweins R, Schmidt FG, Lederer A, Coote ML, Barner-Kowollik C. Entropy driven chain effects on ligation chemistry. Chemical Science. 2015;6(2):1061-1074. IF= 9.211.
Pope CR, Romanenko K, MacFarlane DR, Forsyth M, O’Dell LA. Sodium ion dynamics in a sulfonate based ionomer system studied by Na-23 solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and impedance spectroscopy. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:62-67. IF= 4.504.
Raj CJ, Kim BC, Cho WJ, Park S, Jeong HT, Yoo K, Yu KH. Rapid hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt oxyhydroxide nanorods for supercapacitor applications. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Jun 2015;747:130-135. IF= 2.729.
Romanenko K, Pringle JM, O’Dell LA, Forsyth M. New insights into the thermal behaviour of organic ionic plastic crystals: magnetic resonance imaging of polycrystalline morphology alterations induced by solid-solid phase transitions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(29):18991-19000. IF= 4.493.
Romano MS, Razal JM, Antiohos D, Wallace G, Chen J. Nano-Carbon Electrodes for Thermal Energy Harvesting. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Jan 2015;15(1):1-14. IF= 1.556.
Ross C, Pandav SS, Li YQ, Nguyen DQ, Beirne S, Wallace GG, Shaarawy T, Crowston JG, Coote M. Determination of Bleb Capsule Porosity With an Experimental Glaucoma Drainage Device and Measurement System. Jama Ophthalmology. May 2015;133(5):549-554. IF= 3.318.
Salari M, Aboutalebi SH, Aghassi A, Wagner P, Mozer AJ, Wallace GG. Disorder engineering of undoped TiO2 nanotube arrays for highly efficient solar-driven oxygen evolution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(8):5642-5649. IF= 4.493.
Sangian D, Naficy S, Spinks GM, Tondu B. The effect of geometry and material properties on the performance of a small hydraulic McKibben muscle system. Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. Oct 2015;234:150-157. IF= 1.903.
Sarwar MSU, Dobashi Y, Glitz EFS, Farajollahi M, Mirabbasi S, Nafici S, Spinks GM, Madden JDW. Transparent and Conformal ‘PiezoIonic’ Touch Sensor. Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (Eapad) 2015. 2015;9430:9. IF= 1.94.
Sayyar S, Murray E, Gambhir S, Spinks G, Wallace GG, Officer DL. Synthesis and Characterization of Covalently Linked Graphene/Chitosan Composites. JOM. 2015. IF= 1.757.
Sayyar S, Murray E, Thompson BC, Chung J, Officer DL, Gambhir S, Spinks GM, Wallace GG. Processable conducting graphene/chitosan hydrogels for tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2015;3(3):481-490. IF= 4.726.
Scales N, Chen J, Hanley TL, Riley DP, Lumpkin GR, Luca V. Hierarchically porous carbon-zirconium carbide spheres as potentially reusable transmutation targets. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. Aug 2015;212:100-109. IF= 3.453.
Schirmer KSU, Esrafilzadeh D, Thompson BC, Quigley AF, Kapsa RMI, Wallace GG. From nanoparticles to fibres: effect of dispersion composition on fibre properties. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Jun 2015;17(6):11. IF= 2.184.
Seyedin MZ, Razal JM, Innis PC, Jalili R, Wallace GG. Achieving Outstanding Mechanical Performance in Reinforced Elastomeric Composite Fibers Using Large Sheets of Graphene Oxide. Advanced Functional Materials. Jan 2015;25(1):94-104. IF= 11.805.
Seyedin S, Razal JM, Innis PC, Jeiranikhameneh A, Beirne S, Wallace GG. Knitted Strain Sensor Textiles of Highly Conductive All-Polymeric Fibers. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Sep 2015;7(38):21150-21158. IF= 6.723.
She XD, Chen LJ, Velleman L, Li CP, Zhu HJ, He CZ, Wang T, Shigdar S, Duan W, Kong LX. Fabrication of high specificity hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles assisted by Eudragit for targeted drug delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. May 2015;445:151-160. IF= 3.368.
Shu KW, Wang CY, Li S, Zhao C, Yang Y, Liu HK, Wallace G. Flexible free-standing graphene paper with interconnected porous structure for energy storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(8):4428-4434. IF= 7.443.
Sim HJ, Choi C, Lee CJ, Kim YT, Spinks GM, Lima MD, Baughman RH, Kim SJ. Flexible, Stretchable and Weavable Piezoelectric Fiber. Advanced Engineering Materials. Sep 2015;17(9):1270-1275. IF= 1.75.
Simons TJ, Salsamendi M, Howlett PC, Forsyth M, Macfarlane DR, Pozo-Gonzalo C. Rechargeable Zn/PEDOT Battery with an Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquid as the Electrolyte. ChemElectroChem. 2015. IF= 7.657.
Simpson C, Clarke TM, MacQueen RW, Cheng YY, Trevitt AJ, Mozer AJ, Wagner P, Schmidt TW, Nattestad A. An intermediate band dye-sensitised solar cell using triplet-triplet annihilation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(38):24826-24830. IF= 4.493.
Singh A, Fekete M, Gengenbach T, Simonov AN, Hocking RK, Chang SLY, Rothmann M, Powar S, Fu D, Hu Z, Wu Q, Cheng YB, Bach U, Spiccia L. Catalytic Activity and Impedance Behavior of Screen-Printed Nickel Oxide as Efficient Water Oxidation Catalysts. ChemSusChem. 2015. IF= 7.657.
Sparrow R. Enhancement and Obsolescence: Avoiding an “Enhanced Rat Race”. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. Sep 2015;25(3):231-260. IF= 1.21.
Sparrow R. Robots in aged care: a dystopian future? AI and Society. 2015. IF= Not available.
Stewart E, Kobayashi NR, Higgins MJ, Quigley AF, Jamali S, Moulton SE, Kapsa RM, Wallace GG, Crook JM. Electrical Stimulation Using Conductive Polymer Polypyrrole Promotes Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells: A Biocompatible Platform for Translational Neural Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods. Apr 2015;21(4):385-393. IF= 4.448.
Suematsu M, Yoshizawa-Fujita M, Zhu HJ, Forsyth M, Takeoka Y, Rikukawa M. Effect of zwitterions on electrochemical properties of oligoether-based electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:209-213. IF= 4.504.
Sui ZY, Wang CY, Shu KW, Yang QS, Ge Y, Wallace GG, Han BH. Manganese dioxide-anchored three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene hybrid aerogels as excellent anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(19):10403-10412. IF= 7.443.
Sui ZY, Wang CY, Yang QS, Shu KW, Liu YW, Han BH, Wallace GG. A highly nitrogen-doped porous graphene – an anode material for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(35):18229-18237. IF= 7.443.
Theivaprakasam S, MacFarlane DR, Mitra S. Electrochemical studies of N-Methyl N-Propyl Pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ionic liquid mixtures with conventional electrolytes in LiFePO4/Li cells. Electrochimica Acta. Oct 2015;180:737-745. IF= 4.504.
Tsekouras G, Boudoire F, Pal B, Vondracek M, Prince KC, Sarma DD, Braun A. Electronic structure origin of conductivity and oxygen reduction activity changes in low-level Cr-substituted (La, Sr)MnO3. Journal of Chemical Physics. Sep 2015;143(11):7. IF= 2.95.
Usov PM, McDonnell-Worth C, Zhou FL, MacFarlane DR, D’Alessandro DM. The Electrochemical Transformation of the Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework ZIF-67 in Aqueous Electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta. Jan 2015;153:433-438. IF= 4.504.
Vallotton P, Kapsa RMI. “To measure is to know”: how advances in image analysis are supporting neural repair strategies. Neural Regeneration Research. Jul 2015;10(7):1040-1042. IF= 0.220.
van der Salm H, Lind SJ, Griffith MJ, Wagner P, Wallace GG, Officer DL, Gordon KC. Probing Donor-Acceptor Interactions in meso-Substituted Zn(II) Porphyrins Using Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Oct 2015;119(39):22379-22391. IF= 4.385.
Wallace G. 3D scaffolds containing living cells. Xenotransplantation. Nov 2015;22:S55-S55. IF= 2.84.
Wang CY, Wallace GG. Flexible Electrodes and Electrolytes for Energy Storage. Electrochimica Acta. Sep 2015;175:87-95. IF= 4.504.
Wang J, Zhu H, Hurren C, Zhao J, Pakdel E, Li Z, Wang X. Degradation of organic dyes by P25-reduced graphene oxide: Influence of inorganic salts and surfactants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2015;3(3):1437-1443. IF= not available.
Wang M, Wang JZ, Hou YY, Shi DQ, Wexler D, Poynton SD, Slade RCT, Zhang WM, Liu HK, Chen J. N-Doped Crumpled Graphene Derived from Vapor Phase Deposition of PPy on Graphene Aerogel as an Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalyst. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Apr 2015;7(13):7066-7072. IF= 6.723.
Warren H, Panhuis MIH. Highly conducting composite hydrogels from gellan gum, PEDOT:PSS and carbon nanofibres. Synthetic Metals. Aug 2015;206:61-65. IF= 2.252.
Weng B, Diao JL, Xu Q, Liu YQ, Li CM, Ding AL, Chen J. Bio-Interface of Conducting Polymer-Based Materials for Neuroregeneration. Advanced Materials Interfaces. May 2015;2(8):23. IF= impact factor not available.
Whitten PG, Nealon D, Saricilar SZ, Wallace GG. Ionic Liquid Solvated Polymer Networks for Stretchable Electronics. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering. 2015;54(3):310-314. IF= 1.481.
Wright BF, Sunahara K, Furube A, Nattestad A, Clarke TM, Bazan GC, Azoulay JD, Mozer AJ. Driving Force Dependence of Electron Transfer Kinetics and Yield in Low-Band-Gap Polymer Donor-Acceptor Organic Photovoltaic Blends. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Jun 2015;119(23):12829-12837. IF= 4.385.
Xiao F, Naficy S, Casillas G, Khan MH, Katkus T, Jiang L, Liu H, Li H, Huang Z. Edge-Hydroxylated Boron Nitride Nanosheets as an Effective Additive to Improve the Thermal Response of Hydrogels. Advanced Materials. 2015;27(44):7196-7203. IF= 17.49.
Xiao J, Khan M, Singh A, Suljoti E, Spiccia L, Aziz EF. Enhancing Catalytic Activity by Narrowing Local Energy Gaps-X-Ray Studies of a Manganese Water Oxidation Catalyst. Chemsuschem. Mar 2015;8(5):872-877. IF= 7.657.
Xin H, Brown HR, Naficy S, Spinks GM. Time-dependent mechanical properties of tough ionic-covalent hybrid hydrogels. Polymer. May 2015;65:253-261. IF= 3.562.
Yamaguchi S, Yoshizawa-Fujita M, Zhu HJ, Forsyth M, Takeoka Y, Rikukawa M. Improvement of charge/discharge properties of oligoether electrolytes by zwitterions with an attached cyano group for use in lithium-ion secondary batteries. Electrochimica Acta. Dec 2015;186:471-477. IF= 4.504.
Yamamoto S, Mori S, Wagner P, Mozer AJ, Kimura M. A Novel Covalently Linked Zn Phthalocyanine-Zn Porphyrin Dyad for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 2015. IF= 2.221.
Yan S, Zhang J, Pan C, Yuan D, Alici G, Du HP, Zhu YG, Li WH. An integrated dielectrophoresis-active hydrophoretic microchip for continuous particle filtration and separation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Aug 2015;25(8):9. IF= 1.731.
Yang M, Liang Y, Gui Q, Chen J, Liu Y. Electroactive biocompatible materials for nerve cell stimulation. Materials Research Express. 2015;2(4). IF= not available
Yildirim T, Ghayesh MH, Li W, Alici G. An experimental investigation into nonlinear dynamics of a magneto-rheological elastomer sandwich beam. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015;25(1). IF= 2.449.
Yoon H, Best AS, Forsyth M, MacFarlane DR, Howlett PC. Physical properties of high Li-ion content N-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide based ionic liquid electrolytes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(6):4656-4663. IF= 4.493.
Yuan T, Zhang WM, Li WT, Song CT, He YS, Razal JM, Ma ZF, Chen J. N-doped pierced graphene microparticles as a highly active electrocatalyst for Li-air batteries. 2d Materials. Jun 2015;2(2):7. IF= No impact factor available.
Yune JH, Karatchevtseva I, Evans PJ, Wagner K, Griffith MJ, Officer D, Triani G. A versatile binder-free TiO2 paste for dye-sensitized solar cells. Rsc Advances. 2015;5(37):29513-29523. IF= 3.84.
Zhang BB, Nagle AR, Wallace GG, Hanks TW, Molino PJ. Functionalised inherently conducting polymers as low biofouling materials. Biofouling. 2015;31(6):493-502. IF= 3.415.
Zhang BG, Quigley AF, Bourke JL, Nowell CJ, Myers DE, Choong PFM, Kapsa RM. Combination of agrin and laminin increase acetylcholine receptor clustering and enhance functional neuromuscular junction formation In vitro. Developmental Neurobiology. 2015. IF= 3.37.
Zhang HR, Molino PJ, Wallace GG, Higgins MJ. Quantifying Molecular-Level Cell Adhesion on Electroactive Conducting Polymers using Electrochemical-Single Cell Force Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. Sep 2015;5:13. IF= 5.578.
Zhang LJ, Xia GL, Ge Y, Wang CY, Guo ZP, Li XG, Yu XB. Ammonia borane confined by nitrogen-containing carbon nanotubes: enhanced dehydrogenation properties originating from synergetic catalysis and nanoconfinement. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(41):20494-20499. IF= 7.443.
Zhao C, Shu KW, Wang CY, Gambhir S, Wallace GG. Reduced graphene oxide and polypyrrole/reduced graphene oxide composite coated stretchable fabric electrodes for supercapacitor application. Electrochimica Acta. Aug 2015;172:12-19. IF= 4.504.
Zhao L, Wagner P, van der Salm H, Clarke TM, Gordon KC, Mori S, Mozer AJ. Dichromophoric Zinc Porphyrins: Filling the Absorption Gap between the Soret and Q Bands. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Mar 2015;119(10):5350-5363. IF= 4.385.
Zhao L, Wagner P, van der Salm H, Gordon KC, Mori S, Mozer AJ. Enhanced Electron Lifetimes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Dichromophoric Porphyrin: The Utility of Intermolecular Forces. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. Oct 2015;7(39):22078-22083. IF= 6.723.
Zhao MD, Björninen M, Cao L, Wang HR, Pelto J, Li XQ, Hyttinen J, Jiang YQ, Kellomäki M, Miettinen S, Sándor GK, Seppänen R, Haimi S, Dong J. Polypyrrole coating on poly-(lactide/glycolide)-β-tricalcium phosphate screws enhances new bone formation in rabbits. Biomedical Materials (Bristol). 2015;10(6). IF= 3.697.
Zhao SF, Horne M, Bond AM, Zhang J. Electrochemical reduction of aromatic ketones in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids in the presence of carbon dioxide: the influence of the ketone substituent and the ionic liquid anion on bulk electrolysis product distribution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015;17(29):19247-19254. IF= 4.493.
Zhao Y, Meng YN, Wu HP, Wang Y, Wei ZX, Li XJ, Jiang P. In situ anchoring uniform MnO2 nanosheets on three-dimensional macroporous graphene thin-films for supercapacitor electrodes. RSC Advances. 2015;5(110):90307-90312. IF= 3.84.
Zhou FL, McDonnell-Worth C, Li HT, Li JY, Spiccia L, Macfarlane DR. Enhanced photo-electrochemical water oxidation on MnOx in buffered organic/inorganic electrolytes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2015;3(32):16642-16652. IF= 7.443.
Zhu B, Lee R, Li J, Ye X, Hong SN, Qiu S, Coote ML, Jiang Z. Chemoselective Switch in the Asymmetric Organocatalysis of 5H-Oxazol-4-ones and N-Itaconimides: Addition-Protonation or [4+2] Cycloaddition. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition. 2015. IF= 11.261
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