Biofab 2021 Registration Bursaries

Biofab 2021 Registration Bursaries

Biofab 2021 (see below) brings together world leaders to present and discuss the latest advances in this emerging field.

The Intelligent Polymer Research Institute (IPRI) is a world leading research institute based at the University of Wollongong (UOW) with expertise in advanced materials and characterisation as well as the advancement of break throughs into areas including energy and health. Under the umbrella of IPRI sits the Translational Research Initiative for Cell Engineering and Printing (TRICEP),  an enterprise equipped with the people and facilities to make sure deployment can happen. This will impact on a number of significant areas including cartilage regeneration in knees, wound healing for burns victims, nerve, muscle and cardiac regeneration and our ability to create bioengineered cornea.

We, at IPRI, have decided to award REGISTRATION BURSARIES to enable the attendance of select undergraduate students at Biofab 2021. You can be enrolled at any Australian or New Zealand  University and in any undergraduate degree. Effective research translation in biofabrication will require the integration of technical and non-technical skills. It is your involvement and contributions that will determine how future generation will benefit from this global phenomena.

All-you have to do is send your CV and current academic transcript plus 300 words describing your interest in the field of Biofabrication. Email to me at:

Please send to me before 10.00pm AEST on Sep 8. Successful candidates will be notified on Sep 15. 

In addition to covering your conference registration fees you will be nominated as a student member of the International Society for Biofabrication for 12 months.

I look forward to receiving your application.

Best Wishes,

Gordon Wallace